CSSSHB 157(L&C): "An Act clarifying the powers of electric cooperatives to become members of or own stock in other entities."
00 CS FOR SPONSOR SUBSTITUTE FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 157(L&C) 01 "An Act clarifying the powers of electric cooperatives to become members of or own 02 stock in other entities." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. AS 10.25.020 is amended to read: 05 Sec. 10.25.020. Powers of electric cooperative. An electric cooperative may 06 (1) generate, manufacture, purchase, acquire, accumulate, and transmit 07 electric energy, and distribute, sell, supply, and dispose of electric energy to its 08 members, to governmental agencies and political subdivisions, and to other persons 09 not exceeding 10 percent of the number of its members; however, a cooperative that 10 acquires existing electric facilities may continue service to persons, not in excess of 40 11 percent of the number of its members, who are already receiving service from these 12 facilities without requiring them to become members, and these persons may become 13 members upon the terms as may be prescribed in the bylaws; 14 (2) assist persons to whom electric energy is or will be supplied by the
01 cooperative in wiring their premises and in acquiring and installing electrical and 02 plumbing appliances, equipment, fixtures, and apparatus by financing them, and, in 03 connection with these services, wire or have wired the premises, and buy, acquire, 04 lease, sell, distribute, install, and repair electric and plumbing appliances, equipment, 05 fixtures, and apparatus; 06 (3) assist persons to whom electric energy is or will be supplied by the 07 cooperative in constructing, equipping, maintaining, and operating electric cold 08 storage or processing plants by financing them or otherwise; 09 (4) operate a waste heat distribution system; 10 (5) operate a heating distribution system that was in existence on 11 June 9, 1988; 12 (6) provide sewer, water, or gas utility service if the cooperative has 13 received a certificate of convenience and necessity under AS 42.05.221 - 42.05.281 14 from the former Alaska Public Utilities Commission or the Regulatory Commission of 15 Alaska for each type of service provided; 16 (7) provide direct satellite television programming services; in this 17 paragraph, "direct satellite television programming services" means a video broadcast 18 signal that is received directly from a satellite by an end user; 19 (8) become a member of other limited liability companies or 20 corporations organized for any lawful purpose, or own stock in them.