CSSB 155(RES): "An Act relating to predator control programs; and providing for an effective date."
00 CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 155(RES) 01 "An Act relating to predator control programs; and providing for an effective date." 02 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 03 * Section 1. AS 16.05.783(a) is amended to read: 04 (a) A person may not shoot or assist in shooting a free-ranging wolf or [,] 05 wolverine [, FOX, OR LYNX] the same day that a person has been airborne. 06 However, the Board of Game may authorize a predator control program as part of a 07 game management plan that involves airborne or same day airborne shooting 08 [INVOLVING SHOOTING FROM THE AIR] if 09 [(1)] the board has determined based on information provided by 10 the department 11 (1) in regard to an identified big game prey population under 12 AS 16.05.255(g) that [COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND GAME ACTING UNDER 13 A REQUEST FROM THE BOARD OF GAME MAKES WRITTEN FINDINGS 14 BASED ON PREY POPULATION] objectives set by the board for the population 15 have not been achieved and [UNDER AS 16.05.255(g)] that
01 [(A)] predation is an important cause for the failure to achieve the 02 objectives set by the board [FACTOR CONTRIBUTING TO A LOW OR 03 DECLINING PREY POPULATION THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH A GAME 04 MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AUTHORIZED BY THE BOARD OF GAME], and 05 that a reduction of predation can reasonably be expected to aid in the achievement of 06 the objectives [RESULT IN AIDING AN INCREASE IN THE PREY 07 POPULATION OR IN ARRESTING THE DECLINE OF THE PREY 08 POPULATION]; or 09 (2) that [(B)] a disease or parasite of a predator population 10 (A) [(i)] is threatening the normal biological condition of the 11 predator population; or 12 (B) [(ii)] if left untreated, would spread to other populations [; 13 AND 14 (2) THE COMMISSIONER DETERMINES THAT AIRBORNE OR 15 SAME DAY AIRBORNE SHOOTING IS NECESSARY TO ACCOMPLISH A 16 GAME MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AUTHORIZED BY THE BOARD OF 17 GAME]. 18 * Sec. 2. AS 16.05.783 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 19 (e) When the Board of Game authorizes a predator control program that 20 includes airborne or same day airborne shooting, the board shall have the prerogative 21 to establish predator reduction objectives and limits, methods and means to be 22 employed, who is authorized to participate in the program, and the conditions for 23 participation of individuals in the program. 24 * Sec. 3. This Act takes effect immediately under AS 01.10.070(c).