SB 149: "An Act relating to timber and to the sale of timber by the state."
00 SENATE BILL NO. 149 01 "An Act relating to timber and to the sale of timber by the state." 02 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 03 * Section 1. AS 41.15.315(a) is amended to read: 04 (a) The Haines State Forest Resource Management Area shall be managed 05 under the principles of multiple use and sustained yield and [,] under AS 41.17 [, 06 AND UNDER A MANAGEMENT PLAN PREPARED BY THE DEPARTMENT. 07 THE PLAN MAY NOT BE ADOPTED OR REVISED WITHOUT PRIOR REVIEW 08 BY THE BOARD OF FORESTRY OR WITHOUT A PUBLIC HEARING HELD IN 09 HAINES AND KLUKWAN]. 10 * Sec. 2. AS 41.17.118(b) is amended to read: 11 (b) The commissioner may impose additional riparian protection standards for 12 timber harvest operations through the adoption of land use plans under AS 38.04.065 13 [AND UNDER FOREST MANAGEMENT PLANS AND REPORTS UNDER 14 AS 38.05.112 AND AS 41.17.230]. 15 * Sec. 3. AS 41.17.200(a) is amended to read:
01 (a) The purpose of AS 41.17.200 - 41.17.220 [AS 41.17.200 - 41.17.230] is to 02 permit the establishment of designated state-owned or acquired land and water areas 03 as state forests. The primary purpose in the establishment of state forests is multiple 04 use management that provides for the production, utilization, and replenishment of 05 timber resources while perpetuating personal, commercial, and other beneficial uses of 06 resources. 07 * Sec. 4. AS 41.17.400(c) is amended to read: 08 (c) The [IN ADDITION TO THE USES DESCRIBED IN AS 38.05.112(c), 09 THE] commissioner may establish transportation corridors within the Tanana Valley 10 State Forest. 11 * Sec. 5. AS 38.05.112, 38.05.113, 38.05.117, 38.05.123(d); AS 41.15.320; 12 AS 41.17.210(a)(3), 41.17.210(a)(4), 41.17.210(a)(5), 41.17.220(3), 41.17.230, and 13 41.17.400(b) are repealed.