
Enrolled HCR 21: Relating to establishing the Alaska Energy Policy Task Force.

00Enrolled HCR 21 01 Relating to establishing the Alaska Energy Policy Task Force. 02 _______________ 03 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 WHEREAS an adequate, reliable, reasonably priced, and safe supply of electric 05 energy is a basic necessity; and 06 WHEREAS other infrastructure elements such as water, wastewater, transportation, 07 and telecommunications systems are dependent on an adequate, reliable, reasonably priced, 08 and safe supply of energy; and 09 WHEREAS meaningful economic development and technological advancement 10 cannot occur in Alaska without an adequate, reliable, safe, and reasonably priced energy 11 supply; and 12 WHEREAS over 85 percent of the state's electrical consumption occurs in the 13 Railbelt; and 14 WHEREAS the needs of the non-Railbelt areas of the state include more electrical 15 infrastructure and less expensive power; and 16 WHEREAS it would be beneficial to examine how electricity is generated,

01 transmitted, and distributed in Alaska in order to meet the state's existing and future electrical 02 needs in the safest and most efficient manner; and 03 WHEREAS the financial resources of the state are limited; 04 BE IT RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature establishes the Alaska Energy 05 Policy Task Force to review and analyze the state's current and long-term energy needs; and 06 be it 07 FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force shall consider how best to incorporate 08 state-owned Railbelt energy assets as part of the solution for the Railbelt's current and long- 09 term electrical needs; and be it 10 FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force shall also address those elements of the 11 state's long-term energy needs that can be solved through action on the part of industry, 12 government, or both industry and government working together, such as through pooling and 13 integrated resource planning; and be it 14 FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force shall develop a long-term energy plan 15 for Alaska that will efficiently enhance the state's economic future; and be it 16 FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force shall be composed of nine members as 17 follows: 18 by the directors; 19 legislature; 20 of the legislature, one of whom must be from a list of three names proposed jointly by the 21 minority leaders of the house of representatives and the senate, and the appointment from the 22 list shall be made after consultation with the speaker of the house of representatives; 23 are not members of the legislature; and be it 24 FURTHER RESOLVED that members shall be chosen in such a manner that a 25 utility will not have more than one representative on the task force, but at least one member 26 will be from a Railbelt electrical utility, and at least one member will be from a non-Railbelt

01 electrical utility; and be it 02 FURTHER RESOLVED that the members of the task force shall select a chair from 03 among themselves; and be it 04 FURTHER RESOLVED that task force members who are not state employees are 05 entitled to per diem and travel expenses as for members of boards and commissions under 06 AS 39.20.180; and be it 07 FURTHER RESOLVED that a staff member and other resources shall be provided 08 to the task force, as necessary, by the legislature; and be it 09 FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force shall submit a report of its findings 10 regarding a Railbelt energy plan to the legislature by December 31, 2003, and may make any 11 interim reports on Railbelt energy issues it considers advisable; and be it 12 FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force shall submit reports of its finding 13 regarding energy plans for areas of the state other than the Railbelt to the legislature by 14 March 31, 2004, and may make any interim reports it considers advisable; and be it 15 FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force is terminated at 11:59 p.m. on April 15, 16 2004.