CSHB 453(L&C): "An Act exempting from regulation under the Alaska Public Utilities Regulatory Act wholesale agreements for the sale of power by joint action agencies to public utilities that are parties to the agency agreement, including certain electric cooperatives, and contracts related to those agreements, and joint action agencies composed of public utilities of political subdivisions or utilities organized under the Electric and Telephone Cooperative Act or both."
00 CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 453(L&C) 01 "An Act exempting from regulation under the Alaska Public Utilities Regulatory Act 02 wholesale agreements for the sale of power by joint action agencies to public utilities 03 that are parties to the agency agreement, including certain electric cooperatives, and 04 contracts related to those agreements, and joint action agencies composed of public 05 utilities of political subdivisions or utilities organized under the Electric and Telephone 06 Cooperative Act or both." 07 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 08 * Section 1. AS 42.05.431(c) is amended to read: 09 (c) Notwithstanding (b) of this section, 10 (1) a wholesale agreement for the sale of power from a project licensed 11 by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on or before January 1, 1987, and 12 related contracts for the wheeling, storage, regeneration, or wholesale repurchase of 13 power purchased under the agreement, entered into between the Alaska Energy
01 Authority and one or more other public utilities or among the utilities after October 31, 02 1987, and before January 1, 1988, and amendments to the wholesale agreement or 03 related contract, and the wholesale agreement or related contract assigned by the 04 Alaska Energy Authority to a joint action agency formed under AS 42.45.310 that 05 purchases the project from the Alaska Energy Authority, are not subject to review or 06 approval by the commission until all long-term debt incurred for the project is retired, 07 or, for a wholesale agreement or related contract assigned to a joint action agency 08 formed under AS 42.45.310, until all long-term debt incurred to pay the purchase price 09 to the Alaska Energy Authority is retired; [AND] 10 (2) a wholesale agreement for the sale of power from a project 11 owned by a joint action agency to one or more public utilities or electric 12 cooperatives, each of whom is a party to the agency agreement, and any contracts 13 related to the wholesale agreement, including those for the wheeling, storage, 14 regeneration, or wholesale repurchase of power purchased under the wholesale 15 agreement, are not subject to review or approval by the commission; for 16 purposes of this paragraph, "joint action agency" means a joint action agency 17 established under AS 42.45.300 that is exempt from regulation under 18 AS 42.05.711(o); and 19 (3) a wholesale agreement or related contract described in (1) or (2) of 20 this subsection may contain a covenant for the public utility to establish, charge, and 21 collect rates sufficient to meet its obligations under the contract; the rate covenant is 22 valid and enforceable. 23 * Sec. 2. AS 42.05.711(o) is amended to read: 24 (o) A joint action agency established under AS 42.45.310 is exempt from 25 regulation under this chapter, including the requirement to obtain a certificate of 26 public convenience and necessity under AS 42.05.221, for the operation of, sale of 27 power from, and other activities related to the power project the joint action agency 28 purchases from the Alaska Energy Authority until the wholesale agreement and any 29 related contract assigned by the authority becomes subject to review or approval by 30 the commission under AS 42.05.431. The exemption provided by this subsection 31 extends to repairs and improvements to the power project the joint action agency
01 purchases from the authority but does not extend to any other power project or other 02 activity of the joint action agency. A joint action agency established under 03 AS 42.45.300 that is formed by public utilities owned by a political subdivision of 04 the state, by cooperatives organized under AS 10.25, or by a combination of the 05 two is exempt from regulation under this chapter as specified in AS 42.05.431, 06 including the requirement to obtain a certificate of public convenience and 07 necessity under AS 42.05.221.