CSSB 348(TRA): "An Act relating to insurance for and work on certain motor vehicle repairs; and providing for an effective date."
00 CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 348(TRA) 01 "An Act relating to insurance for and work on certain motor vehicle repairs; and 02 providing for an effective date." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. AS 21.36 is amended by adding a new section to read: 05 Sec. 21.36.295. Coverage for certain motor vehicle aftermarket crash parts. 06 (a) An insurer that offers a personal automobile insurance policy that provides coverage 07 for repair of the automobile shall provide the insured a warranty for an aftermarket crash 08 part installed during repair work on the automobile. The warranty must guarantee that 09 the part meets or exceeds the quality of the original part. Before issuing or renewing a 10 personal automobile insurance policy, the insurer shall provide the applicant or insured 11 written notice of the warranty available under this subsection. 12 (b) An insurer may not require, directly or indirectly, that a motor vehicle repair 13 shop supply or install an aftermarket crash part unless the use of the part is allowed under 14 AS 45.45.185(a) and the part is at least equivalent in fit, finish, function, and corrosion
01 resistance to the original equipment part being replaced. 02 (c) In this section, "aftermarket crash part" has the meaning given in 03 AS 45.45.185. 04 * Sec. 2. AS 45.45 is amended by adding a new section to read: 05 Sec. 45.45.185. Motor vehicle repairs. (a) Except with the consent of the 06 motor vehicle owner, a motor vehicle repair facility may not use an aftermarket crash 07 part for repair work on a motor vehicle if the motor vehicle is being repaired during the 08 year of the vehicle's manufacture or during the three years following the year of the 09 vehicle's manufacture. 10 (b) An invoice prepared by a motor vehicle repair facility for repair work must 11 indicate if an aftermarket crash part is used in making a repair allowed under this section. 12 (c) If a crash part used in the repair work is not supplied by the original 13 equipment manufacturer, the motor vehicle repair facility shall include in the repair cost 14 estimate the following statement: 15 This estimate has been prepared based on the use of a motor 16 vehicle replacement part not made by the original equipment 17 manufacturer. A warranty applicable to these replacement parts is 18 provided by the insurer rather than the manufacturer of your 19 vehicle. The use of a motor vehicle replacement part not made by 20 the original equipment manufacturer may invalidate the remaining 21 warranty of the original equipment manufacturer on that motor 22 vehicle part. The insurer will provide a copy of the warranty for 23 parts not made by the original equipment manufacturer. 24 (d) Nothing in this section affects the right of a third-party claimant under a 25 policy of liability insurance to have the vehicle repaired using new original equipment 26 parts. 27 (e) In this section, "aftermarket crash part" means a motor vehicle replacement 28 part that is not supplied by or at the direction of the original equipment manufacturer and 29 that is generally installed as a result of a crash or collision. 30 * Sec. 3. This Act takes effect immediately under AS 01.10.070(c).