HCR 3: Proposing amendments to the Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature relating to committee meetings; and providing for an effective date.
00 HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 3 01 Proposing amendments to the Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature relating to 02 committee meetings; and providing for an effective date. 03 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. Rule 20(b), Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature, is amended to read: 05 (b) A standing committee may meet between sessions as well as during 06 sessions. The committee chairs [CHAIRMEN] are authorized to form [SUCH] 07 subcommittees as they determine to be necessary. 08 * Sec. 2. Rule 21(c), Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature, is amended to read: 09 (c) A resolution establishing a special or joint committee shall specify the date 10 or conditions of termination of the committee. [A STANDING COMMITTEE MAY 11 MEET BETWEEN SESSIONS.] A special or joint committee may meet during 12 legislative sessions [THE SESSION] or between sessions, or both, as authorized by 13 the resolution that [WHICH] establishes the committee. [A STANDING, SPECIAL, 14 OR JOINT COMMITTEE WHICH ACTS BETWEEN LEGISLATIVE SESSIONS 15 MAY CONSIDER ANY LEGISLATIVE MATTER WHICH IS CONSISTENT 16 WITH THE JURISDICTION OF THE COMMITTEE. A STANDING, SPECIAL,
01 OR JOINT COMMITTEE WHICH ACTS BETWEEN LEGISLATIVE SESSIONS 02 CONSTITUTES A SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL FOR 03 ADMINISTRATIVE PURPOSES.] A special or joint committee may expend money 04 only in accordance with an appropriation made for the work of the committee. 05 * Sec. 3. Rule 23, Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature, is amended by adding a 06 new subsection to read: 07 (g) Members of a standing, special, or joint committee may attend a meeting 08 held during the session or between legislative sessions by teleconference and vote by 09 teleconference on any matter considered by the committee. A standing, special, or 10 joint committee that meets between sessions may consider and act on any matter that 11 is consistent with the jurisdiction of the committee. The committee constitutes a 12 subcommittee of the Legislative Council for administrative purposes when it meets 13 between sessions. 14 * Sec. 4. Rule 24(a), Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature, is amended to read: 15 (a) A committee acts on all bills referred to it and reports its actions and 16 recommendations to the house as soon as practicable. Committee reports must be in 17 writing and the report must be signed by a majority of the members of the committee. 18 The report will note the recommendation of each member signing the report. A 19 member who votes on a report by teleconference may direct the chair to note the 20 member's recommendation and sign the member's name on the report. The 21 chair shall state on the report that the chair has signed the report on behalf of the 22 member who voted by teleconference and at the direction of that member. 23 * Sec. 5. The amendments proposed by this resolution take effect immediately.