SCS HB 390(RLS): "An Act delaying the repeal of the salmon marketing tax; expanding the allowable use of that tax for the salmon marketing programs of the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute; relating to the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute's salmon marketing committee; and providing for an effective date."
00 SENATE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 390(RLS) 01 "An Act delaying the repeal of the salmon marketing tax; expanding the allowable use 02 of that tax for the salmon marketing programs of the Alaska Seafood Marketing 03 Institute; relating to the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute's salmon marketing 04 committee; and providing for an effective date." 05 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 06 * Section 1. AS 16.51.100 is amended to read: 07 Sec. 16.51.100. Duties of board. The board shall 08 (1) conduct programs of education, research, advertising, or sales 09 promotion designed to accomplish the purposes of this chapter; 10 (2) promote all species of seafood and their by-products that are 11 harvested in the state and processed for sale; 12 (3) develop market-oriented quality specifications for Alaska seafood 13 [SEAFOODS] to be used in developing a high quality image for Alaska seafood in 14 domestic and world markets, and adopt and distribute recommendations regarding the
01 handling of seafood from the moment of capture to final distribution; 02 (4) prepare market research and product development plans for the 03 promotion of all species of seafood and their by-products that are harvested in the state 04 and processed for sale; 05 (5) submit an annual report to the governor describing the activities of 06 the institute and notify the legislature that the report is available; 07 (6) develop marketing programs based on the "inspection" and 08 "premium quality" seals designed under AS 17.20.066 and use the seals in advertising 09 and promotion efforts of the institute; 10 (7) collect, organize, distribute, and make available to the public 11 information on prices paid and market conditions for raw salmon and salmon products 12 and provide this information on a regular and timely basis to all salmon fishermen 13 who hold permits under AS 16.43 and to all nonprofit salmon enhancement 14 organizations that hold a permit under AS 16.10.400; 15 (8) cooperate with commercial salmon fishermen, fishermen's 16 organizations, seafood processors, the Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation, the 17 Fisheries Industrial Technology Center, state and federal agencies, and other relevant 18 persons and entities to investigate market reception to new salmon product forms and 19 develop commodity standards and future markets for salmon products; 20 (9) establish a salmon marketing committee to assist and advise the 21 board in administering the [DOMESTIC] salmon marketing program that is funded 22 through the tax collected under AS 43.76.110 - 43.76.130; the committee shall consist 23 of seven persons selected by the board, as follows: 24 (A) four persons shall be engaged in commercial salmon 25 fishing and hold salmon permits under AS 16.43, of whom 26 (i) one person shall be a member of the board of 27 directors of the institute; and 28 (ii) three persons shall be Alaska residents from 29 different salmon administrative areas established by the Alaska 30 Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission; and 31 (B) three persons shall be engaged in processing of salmon, of
01 whom 02 (i) one person shall be a member of the board of 03 directors of the institute; 04 (ii) one person shall be a salmon processor who is not 05 on the board of directors of the institute and who has an annual payroll 06 in the state of more than $2,500,000; and 07 (iii) one person shall be a salmon processor who is not 08 on the board of directors of the institute and who has an annual payroll 09 in the state of $50,000 - $2,500,000. 10 * Sec. 2. AS 43.76.120(d) is amended to read: 11 (d) The salmon marketing tax collected under this section shall be deposited in 12 the general fund. The legislature may appropriate revenue generated by the salmon 13 marketing tax to the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute for the purpose of supporting 14 the institute's salmon marketing program under AS 16.51 [AS 16.51.100(7) - (9) AND 15 THE INSTITUTE'S DOMESTIC SALMON MARKETING PROGRAM]. Except as 16 otherwise provided in an appropriation by the legislature, the amount of the allocation 17 made to the institute's salmon marketing program under AS 16.51.100(7) and (8) 18 should not exceed 10 percent of the total amount of salmon marketing tax revenue 19 appropriated for the institute. 20 * Sec. 3. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska enacted in sec. 9, ch. 55, SLA 1993, as 21 amended by sec. 1, ch. 111, SLA 1998, is amended to read: 22 Sec. 9. AS 43.76.110, 43.76.120, and 43.76.130 are repealed June 30, 2008 23 [2003]. 24 * Sec. 4. This Act takes effect immediately under AS 01.10.070(c).