HB 2: "An Act relating to a tax on real property in the unorganized borough."
00 HOUSE BILL NO. 2 01 "An Act relating to a tax on real property in the unorganized borough." 02 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 03 * Section 1. AS 29.03 is amended by adding a new section to read: 04 Sec. 29.03.040. Tax on real property. (a) An annual tax of 10 mills is levied 05 each year on the full and true value of taxable real property in the unorganized 06 borough that is outside of home rule and first class cities and that is not subject to 07 taxation under AS 43.56. Money from taxes levied under this section may be 08 appropriated for funding regional educational attendance areas. The provisions of 09 AS 29.45.010 - 29.45.070 and 29.45.103 - 29.45.500 apply to taxes levied under this 10 section to the extent that they may be made applicable and do not conflict with this 11 section. 12 (b) The state assessor shall assess the real property, collect the taxes levied 13 under this section and deposit them into the general fund, and perform the mandatory 14 duties of a municipality, a governing body, a board of equalization, or a municipal 15 official under AS 29.45.010 - 29.45.070 and 29.45.103 - 29.45.500, except that the
01 assessor may not act through the adoption of an ordinance or grant exemptions from 02 taxation that are not mandatory under AS 29.45.010 - 29.45.070 and 29.45.103 - 03 29.45.500. 04 (c) Real property that is occupied as the primary residence and permanent 05 place of abode by the owner is exempt from taxation on the first $150,000 of the 06 assessed value of the property. Only one exemption may be granted for the same 07 property, and, if two or more individuals are eligible for an exemption for the same 08 property, the individuals shall decide between or among themselves who is to receive 09 the benefit of the exemption. Property may not be exempted under this subsection if 10 the state assessor determines, after notice and hearing to the parties, that the property 11 was conveyed to the applicant primarily for the purpose of obtaining the exemption. 12 An exemption may not be granted except upon written application for the exemption 13 on a form approved by the state assessor. The applicant must file the application no 14 later than March 31 of the assessment year for which the exemption is sought. The 15 state assessor shall require proof, in the form the assessor considers necessary, of the 16 right to and amount of the exemption. The assessor may require the proof at any time. 17 * Sec. 2. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to 18 read: 19 APPLICABILITY OF TAX IN THE UNORGANIZED BOROUGH. The tax on real 20 property levied under AS 29.03.040, enacted in sec. 1 of this Act, applies beginning with 21 calendar year 2002 and during years thereafter.