
SB 268: "An Act relating to mandatory 99-year terms of imprisonment for persons convicted of certain murders."

00SENATE BILL NO. 268 01 "An Act relating to mandatory 99-year terms of imprisonment for persons 02 convicted of certain murders." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. AS 12.55.125(a) is amended to read: 05  (a) A defendant convicted of murder in the first degree shall be sentenced to 06 a definite term of imprisonment of at least 20 years but not more than 99 years. A 07 defendant convicted of murder in the first degree shall be sentenced to a mandatory 08 term of imprisonment of 99 years when 09  (1) the defendant is convicted of the murder of a uniformed or 10 otherwise clearly identified peace officer, fire fighter, or correctional employee who 11 was engaged in the performance of official duties at the time of the murder; 12  (2) the defendant has been previously convicted of 13  (A) murder in the first degree under AS 11.41.100 or former 14 AS 11.15.010 or 11.15.020;

01  (B) murder in the second degree under AS 11.41.110 or former 02 AS 11.15.030; or 03  (C) homicide under the laws of another jurisdiction when the 04 offense of which the defendant was convicted contains elements similar to first 05 degree murder under AS 11.41.100 or second degree murder under 06 AS 11.41.110; [OR] 07  (3) the court finds by clear and convincing evidence that the defendant 08 subjected the murder victim to substantial physical torture ; or 09  (4) the defendant is convicted of the murder of and personally 10 caused the death of a person, other than a participant, during a robbery . 11 * Sec. 2. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section 12 to read: 13 APPLICABILITY. This Act applies to offenses committed on or after the effective 14 date of this Act.