HCS CSSB 135(TRA): "An Act relating to metropolitan planning organizations."
00HOUSE CS FOR CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 135(TRA) 01 "An Act relating to metropolitan planning organizations." 02 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 03 * Section 1. AS 19.20 is amended by adding new sections to read: 04 Article 2. Metropolitan Highway Planning Organizations. 05 Sec. 19.20.200. Metropolitan highway planning organizations. (a) A 06 metropolitan highway planning organization designated, redesignated, or organized 07 under 23 U.S.C. 134 for a metropolitan area with a population greater than 200,000 08 persons shall consist of seven members. Three voting members of the organization 09 shall be designated by the municipalities that are located partially or wholly within the 10 metropolitan area, one voting member shall be the commissioner of environmental 11 conservation or the commissioner's designee, and one voting member shall be 12 appointed by the governor. Two nonvoting members shall be designated as follows: 13 (1) one member of the senate whose district is located partially or 14 wholly within the metropolitan area and who is selected by a majority of the members
01 of the senate whose districts are located partially or wholly within the metropolitan 02 area; a person who is selected to serve as a member of a metropolitan highway 03 planning organization under this paragraph may not receive compensation for service 04 on the metropolitan highway planning organization; and 05 (2) one member of the house of representatives whose district is located 06 partially or wholly within the metropolitan area and who is selected by a majority of 07 the members of the house of representatives whose districts are located partially or 08 wholly within the metropolitan area; a person who is selected to serve as a member 09 of a metropolitan highway planning organization under this paragraph may not receive 10 compensation for service on the metropolitan highway planning organization. 11 (b) Each metropolitan highway planning organization shall submit its current 12 transportation improvement plan prepared under 23 C.F.R. 450.324 or current update 13 of the transportation improvement plan to the legislature by January 15 of each year.