
CSSSHB 179(JUD): "An Act requiring the report of contributions to and expenditures on behalf of candidates or groups exceeding $500; requiring an individual, person, or group making contributions or expenditures exceeding $500 or an expenditure for advertising or campaign material to report the contribution or expenditure within 30 days; specifying that telephone communications intended to influence the election of a candidate or outcome of a ballot proposition or question need only be identified by the name of the candidate, group, or individual paying for the communication; and providing that nothing in AS 15.13.090 shall be construed to prohibit surveys or polls not intended to influence the election of a candidate or outcome of a ballot proposition."

00CS FOR SPONSOR SUBSTITUTE FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 179(JUD) 01 "An Act requiring the report of contributions to and expenditures on behalf of 02 candidates or groups exceeding $500; requiring an individual, person, or group 03 making contributions or expenditures exceeding $500 or an expenditure for 04 advertising or campaign material to report the contribution or expenditure within 05 30 days; specifying that telephone communications intended to influence the 06 election of a candidate or outcome of a ballot proposition or question need only 07 be identified by the name of the candidate, group, or individual paying for the 08 communication; and providing that nothing in AS 15.13.090 shall be construed 09 to prohibit surveys or polls not intended to influence the election of a candidate 10 or outcome of a ballot proposition." 11 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 12 * Section 1. AS 15.13.040(d) is amended to read: 13  (d) Every individual, person, or group making a contribution or expenditure 14 shall make a full report, upon a form prescribed by the commission, of

01  (1) contributions made to a candidate or group and expenditures made 02 on behalf of a candidate or group 03  (A) as soon as the total contributions and expenditures to that 04 candidate or group exceeds [REACHES] $500 in a year; and 05  (B) for all subsequent contributions and expenditures to that 06 candidate or group in a year whenever the total contributions and expenditures 07 to that candidate or group that have not been reported under this paragraph 08 exceeds [REACHES] $500; 09  (2) unless exempted from reporting by (h) of this section, any 10 expenditure whatsoever for advertising in newspapers or other periodicals, on radio, 11 or on television; or, for the publication, distribution, or circulation of brochures, flyers, 12 or other campaign material for any candidate or ballot proposition or question. 13 * Sec. 2. AS 15.13.040(e) is amended to read: 14  (e) The report required under (d) of this section shall contain the name, 15 address, principal occupation and employer of the individual filing the report, and an 16 itemized list of expenditures. The report shall be filed with the commission by the 17 contributor no later than 30 [10] days after the contribution or expenditure is made. 18 A copy of the report shall be furnished to the candidate, campaign treasurer or deputy 19 campaign treasurer at the time the contribution is made. 20 * Sec. 3. AS 15.13.080(a) is amended to read: 21  (a) An individual who contributes more than $500, or goods or services with 22 a value exceeding [OF] $500, to a candidate shall file a contributor's statement as 23 required by this section. 24 * Sec. 4. AS 15.13.090(a) is amended to read: 25  (a) All advertisements, billboards, handbills, paid-for television and radio 26 announcements , and other communications intended to influence the election of a 27 candidate or outcome of a ballot proposition or question shall be clearly identified by 28 the words "paid for by" followed by the name and address of the candidate, group or 29 individual paying for the advertising. In addition, candidates and groups must identify 30 the name of their campaign chair. Telephone communications need only be 31 identified by the name of the candidate, group, or individual paying for the

01 communication. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit a survey 02 or poll if the survey or poll is not intended to influence the election of a candidate 03 or outcome of a ballot proposition [CHAIRMAN].