CSHB 159(FIN) AM: "An Act permitting certain employees in state correctional facilities or employed in the Department of Corrections to convert their credited service under the public employees' retirement system to credited service as peace officers."
00CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 159(FIN) am 01 "An Act permitting certain employees in state correctional facilities or employed 02 in the Department of Corrections to convert their credited service under the 03 public employees' retirement system to credited service as peace officers." 04 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05 * Section 1. AS 39.35.370 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 06 (g) When an employee who was employed in the public employees' retirement 07 system as an employee of a state correctional facility, as defined in AS 33.30.901, 08 other than as a correctional officer or correctional superintendent or who was employed 09 in the Department of Corrections in a management position in the division with 10 responsibility for institutions or the division with responsibility for community 11 corrections applies for appointment to retirement, the employee may convert the 12 credited service for that position to credited service as a peace officer by claiming the 13 service as peace officer service. An employee who has converted credited service to 14 peace officer service under this subsection shall be treated as a peace officer for
01 purposes of this chapter. When the member claims this credited service as peace 02 officer service, an indebtedness of the member to the system shall be established. The 03 indebtedness is equal to the full actuarial cost of the conversion of the credited service 04 to treatment as peace officer service. Any outstanding indebtedness that exists at the 05 time the member is appointed to retirement will require an actuarial adjustment to the 06 benefits payable based upon the conversion of the credited service. In this subsection, 07 "management position" includes positions as division director, deputy director, and 08 assistant director.