SJR 29: Proposing amendments to the Constitution of the State of Alaska requiring that the provisions of a bill that levy new state taxes require the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the membership of each house of the legislature.
00SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 29 01 Proposing amendments to the Constitution of the State of Alaska requiring that 02 the provisions of a bill that levy new state taxes require the affirmative vote of 03 at least two-thirds of the membership of each house of the legislature. 04 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05 * Section 1. Article II, sec. 14, Constitution of the State of Alaska, is amended to read: 06 Section 14. Passage of Bills. The legislature shall establish the procedure for 07 enactment of bills into law. No bill may become law unless it has passed three 08 readings in each house on three separate days, except that any bill may be advanced 09 from second to third reading on the same day by concurrence of three-fourths of the 10 house considering it. Subject to other provisions of this constitution, no [NO] bill 11 may become law without an affirmative vote of a majority of the membership of each 12 house. The yeas and nays on final passage shall be entered in the journal. 13 * Sec. 2. Article IX, sec. 1, Constitution of the State of Alaska, is amended to read: 14 Section 1. Taxing Power. The power of taxation shall never be surrendered.
01 This power shall not be suspended or contracted away, except as provided in this 02 article. The provisions of a bill that levy a State tax may not become law without 03 an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the membership of each house of the 04 legislature. 05 * Sec. 3. The amendments proposed by this resolution shall be placed before the voters of 06 the state at the next general election in conformity with art. XIII, sec. 1, Constitution of the 07 State of Alaska, and the election laws of the state.