CSSB 272(HES): "An Act relating to children-in-need-of-aid matters and proceedings; relating to child abuse and neglect; relating to kidnapping and the crime of endangering the welfare of a child; relating to sentencing for certain crimes involving a child; relating to the state medical examiner and reviews of child fatalities; relating to access, confidentiality, and release of certain information concerning the care of children, child abuse and neglect, and child fatalities; authorizing the Department of Health and Social Services to enter into an interstate compact concerning adoption and medical assistance for certain children with special needs; relating to the review of cases involving certain children who are in the custody of the state; authorizing the establishment of multidisciplinary child protection teams and relating to their duties; relating to persons required to report suspected child abuse or neglect; relating to foster care placement and foster care licensing; relating to access to certain criminal justice information and licensure of certain child care facilities; relating to determinations of child custody and visitation in situations involving domestic violence; amending Rule 218, Alaska Rules of Appellate Procedure; amending the Alaska Child in Need of Aid Rules; and providing for an effective date."
00CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 272(HES) 01 "An Act relating to children-in-need-of-aid matters and proceedings; relating to 02 child abuse and neglect; relating to kidnapping and the crime of endangering the 03 welfare of a child; relating to sentencing for certain crimes involving a child; 04 relating to the state medical examiner and reviews of child fatalities; relating to 05 access, confidentiality, and release of certain information concerning the care of 06 children, child abuse and neglect, and child fatalities; authorizing the Department 07 of Health and Social Services to enter into an interstate compact concerning 08 adoption and medical assistance for certain children with special needs; relating 09 to the review of cases involving certain children who are in the custody of the 10 state; authorizing the establishment of multidisciplinary child protection teams and 11 relating to their duties; relating to persons required to report suspected child 12 abuse or neglect; relating to foster care placement and foster care licensing; 13 relating to access to certain criminal justice information and licensure of certain 14 child care facilities; relating to determinations of child custody and visitation in
01 situations involving domestic violence; amending Rule 218, Alaska Rules of 02 Appellate Procedure; amending the Alaska Child in Need of Aid Rules; and 03 providing for an effective date." 04 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05 * Section 1. INTENT AND PURPOSE OF ACT. (a) The intent of this Act is to protect 06 children from abuse and neglect without prohibiting the use of reasonable methods of parental 07 discipline or prescribing a particular method of parenting. 08 (b) The purpose of this Act is to 09 (1) provide the legal mechanisms by which the state can use its resources to 10 implement the findings in this section for the best interest of children in this state; and 11 (2) override the court decisions in the following cases: 12 (A) Matter of J.L.F., 912 P.2d 1255 (Alaska 1996), In Re S.A., 912 13 P.2d 1235 (Alaska 1996), and F.T. v. State, 862 P.2d 857 (Alaska 1993), concerning 14 the standards to adjudicate a child in need of aid when a parent or caregiver is willing, 15 but unable, to provide essential care for a child; 16 (B) A.M. v. State, 891 P.2d 815 (Alaska 1995), and Nada A. v. State, 17 660 P.2d 436 (Alaska App. 1983), concerning the standards to terminate parental rights 18 when a parent is incarcerated; 19 (C) R.J.M. v. State, 946 P.2d 855 (Alaska 1997), concerning the type 20 of neglect necessary to adjudicate a child in need of aid under AS 47.10. 21 * Sec. 2. AS 10.06.961(a) is amended to read: 22 (a) Notwithstanding AS 13.46.085 or the appointment of a guardian of the 23 property of the child [MINOR] under AS 47.10.010 [AS 47.10.010(c)], when a child 24 [MINOR] who is in the custody of this state under AS 47.10 or a minor who is in the 25 custody of this state under AS 47.12 or of another state under a provision similar to 26 AS 47.10 or AS 47.12 becomes entitled to receive dividends or other distributions 27 resulting from the ownership of stock or a membership in a corporation organized 28 under this chapter and under 43 U.S.C. 1601 - 1641 (Alaska Native Claims Settlement 29 Act), the corporation paying the dividends or making the other distributions shall retain 30 the dividends and other distributions in an interest bearing account for the benefit of 31 the child or minor during the state custody.
01 * Sec. 3. AS 11.41.300(a) is amended to read: 02 (a) A person commits the crime of kidnapping if 03 (1) the person restrains another with intent to 04 (A) hold the restrained person for ransom, reward, or other 05 payment; 06 (B) use the restrained person as a shield or hostage; 07 (C) inflict physical injury upon or sexually assault the restrained 08 person or place the restrained person or a third person in apprehension that any 09 person will be subjected to serious physical injury or sexual assault; 10 (D) interfere with the performance of a governmental or 11 political function; 12 (E) facilitate the commission of a felony or flight after 13 commission of a felony; [OR] 14 (F) commit an offense in violation of AS 11.41.434 - 15 11.41.438 upon the restrained person or place the restrained person or a 16 third person in apprehension that a person will be subject to an offense in 17 violation of AS 11.41.434 - 11.41.438; or 18 (2) the person restrains another 19 (A) by secreting and holding the restrained person in a place 20 where the restrained person is not likely to be found; or 21 (B) under circumstances which expose the restrained person to 22 a substantial risk of serious physical injury. 23 * Sec. 4. AS 11.41.300(d) is amended to read: 24 (d) In a prosecution for kidnapping, it is an affirmative defense which reduces 25 the crime to a class A felony that the defendant voluntarily caused the release of the 26 victim alive in a safe place before arrest, or within 24 hours after arrest, without 27 having caused serious physical injury to the victim and without having engaged in 28 conduct described in AS 11.41.410(a) , [OR] 11.41.420 , 11.41.434, or 11.41.436 . 29 * Sec. 5. AS 11.51.100 is repealed and reenacted to read: 30 Sec. 11.51.100. Endangering the welfare of a child in the first degree. (a) 31 A person commits the crime of endangering the welfare of a child in the first degree
01 if, being a parent, guardian, or other person legally charged with the care of a child 02 under 16 years of age, the person 03 (1) intentionally deserts the child in a place under circumstances 04 creating a substantial risk of physical injury to the child; 05 (2) leaves the child with another person who is not a parent, guardian, 06 or lawful custodian of the child knowing that the person 07 (A) is registered or required to register as a sex offender under 08 AS 12.63 or a law or ordinance in another jurisdiction with similar 09 requirements; 10 (B) has been charged by complaint, information, or indictment 11 with a violation of AS 11.41.410 - 11.41.455 or a law or ordinance in another 12 jurisdiction with similar elements; or 13 (C) has been charged by complaint, information, or indictment 14 with an attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy to commit a crime described in (B) 15 of this paragraph; or 16 (3) leaves the child with another person knowing that the person has 17 previously physically mistreated or had sexual contact with any child, and the other 18 person causes physical injury or engages in sexual contact with the child. 19 (b) In this section, "physically mistreated" means 20 (1) having committed an act punishable under AS 11.41.100 - 21 11.41.250; or 22 (2) having applied force to a child that, under the circumstances in 23 which it was applied, or considering the age or physical condition of the child, 24 constitutes a gross deviation from the standard of conduct that a reasonable person 25 would observe in the situation because of the substantial and unjustifiable risk of 26 (A) death; 27 (B) serious or protracted disfigurement; 28 (C) protracted impairment of health; 29 (D) loss or impairment of the function of a body member or 30 organ; 31 (E) substantial skin bruising, burning, or other skin injury;
01 (F) internal bleeding or subdural hematoma; 02 (G) bone fracture; or 03 (H) prolonged or extreme pain, swelling, or injury to soft tissue 04 c) Endangering the welfare of a child in the first degree under (a)(1) or (2) of 05 this section is a class C felony. 06 (d) Endangering the welfare of a child in the first degree under (a)(3) of this 07 section is a 08 (1) class B felony if the child dies; 09 (2) class C felony if the child suffers sexual contact, sexual penetration, 10 or serious physical injury; or 11 (3) class A misdemeanor if the child suffers physical injury. 12 * Sec. 6. AS 11.51 is amended by adding a new section to read: 13 Sec. 11.51.110. Endangering the welfare of a child in the second degree. 14 (a) A person commits the crime of endangering the welfare of a child in the second 15 degree if the person, while caring for a child under 10 years of age, 16 (1) causes or allows the child to enter or remain in a dwelling or vehicle 17 in which a controlled substance is stored in violation of AS 11.71; or 18 (2) is impaired by a controlled substance, whether or not prescribed for 19 the person under AS 17.30, and there is no third person present to care for the child 20 who is at least 12 years of age and not impaired by an intoxicant. 21 (b) In this section, 22 (1) "impaired" means that a person is unconscious or a person is 23 physically or mentally affected so that the person does not have the ability to care for 24 the basic safety or personal needs of a child with the caution characteristic of a sober 25 person of ordinary prudence; 26 (2) "intoxicant" has the meaning given in AS 47.10.990. 27 (c) Endangering the welfare of a child in the second degree is a violation. 28 * Sec. 7. AS 12.55.155(c)(23) is amended to read: 29 (23) the defendant is convicted of an offense specified in AS 11.71 and 30 (A) the offense involved the delivery of a controlled substance 31 under circumstances manifesting an intent to distribute the substance as part of
01 a commercial enterprise; or 02 (B) at the time of the conduct resulting in the conviction, the 03 defendant was caring for or assisting in the care of a child under 10 years 04 of age; 05 * Sec. 8. AS 12.65.005(a) is amended to read: 06 (a) Unless the person has reasonable grounds to believe that notice has already 07 been given, a person who attends a death or has knowledge of a death, in addition to 08 notifying a peace officer, shall immediately notify the state medical examiner when the 09 death appears to have 10 (1) been caused by unknown or criminal means, during the commission 11 of a crime, or by suicide, accident, or poisoning; 12 (2) occurred under suspicious or unusual circumstances or occurred 13 suddenly when the decedent was in apparent good health; 14 (3) been unattended by a practicing physician or occurred less than 24 15 hours after the deceased was admitted to a medical facility; 16 (4) been associated with a diagnostic or therapeutic procedure; 17 (5) resulted from a disease that constitutes a threat to public health; 18 (6) been caused by a disease, injury, or toxic agent resulting from 19 employment; 20 (7) occurred in a jail or corrections facility owned or operated by the 21 state or a political subdivision of the state or in a facility for the placement of persons 22 in the custody or under the supervision of the state; 23 (8) occurred in a foster home; 24 (9) occurred in a mental institution or mental health treatment facility; 25 [OR] 26 (10) occurred while the deceased was in the custody of, or was being 27 taken into the custody of, the state or a political subdivision of the state or a public 28 officer or agent of the state or a political subdivision of the state ; or 29 (11) been of a child under 18 years of age or under the legal custody 30 of the Department of Health and Social Services, subject to the jurisdiction of 31 AS 47.10 or AS 47.12, unless the
01 (A) child's death resulted from a natural disease process and 02 was medically expected; and 03 (B) the child was under supervised medical care during the 04 24 hours before the death . 05 * Sec. 9. AS 12.65.015 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 06 (e) The state medical examiner shall facilitate the formation of local, regional, 07 or district child fatality review teams to assist local, regional, and district medical 08 examiners in determining the cause and manner of deaths of children under 18 years 09 of age. If a team is formed under this subsection, the team shall have the same access 10 to information, confidentiality requirements, and immunity as provided to the state child 11 fatality review team under AS 12.65.140. A meeting of a team formed under this 12 subsection is closed to the public and not subject to the provisions of AS 44.62.310 and 13 44.62.312. A review by a local, regional, or district child fatality review team does not 14 relieve the state child fatality review team under AS 12.65.120 of the responsibility for 15 reviewing a death under AS 12.65.130. A person on a local, regional, or district child 16 fatality review team is not eligible to receive compensation from the state for service 17 on the team, but is eligible for travel expenses and per diem from the Department of 18 Health and Social Services under AS 39.20.180. A person on a team formed under this 19 subsection serves at the pleasure of the state medical examiner. 20 * Sec. 10. AS 12.65 is amended by adding new sections to read: 21 Sec. 12.65.120. State child fatality review team. (a) The state child fatality 22 review team is established in the Department of Health and Social Services to assist the 23 state medical examiner. The team is composed of 24 (1) the following persons, or that person's designee: 25 (A) the state medical examiner; 26 (B) a state prosecutor with experience in homicide prosecutions, 27 appointed by the attorney general; 28 (C) an investigator with the state troopers who has experience 29 in conducting investigations of homicide, child abuse, or child neglect, 30 appointed by the commissioner of public safety; 31 (D) a social worker with the Department of Health and Social
01 Services who has experience in conducting investigations of child abuse and 02 neglect, appointed by the commissioner of health and social services; 03 (2) the following persons, or that person's designee, appointed by the 04 commissioner of health and social services: 05 (A) a physician licensed under AS 08.64 who 06 (i) specializes in neonatology or perinatology; or 07 (ii) is certified by the American Board of Pediatrics; 08 (B) a municipal law enforcement officer with experience in 09 conducting investigations of homicide, child abuse, or child neglect; 10 (C) other persons whose experience and expertise would, as 11 determined by the commissioner of health and social services, contribute to the 12 effectiveness of the team. 13 (b) A team member is not eligible to receive compensation from the state for 14 service on the team. A member appointed under (a)(2) of this section 15 (1) is eligible for travel expenses and per diem from the Department of 16 Health and Social Services under AS 39.20.180; and 17 (2) serves at the pleasure of the commissioner of health and social 18 services. 19 (c) In addition to the persons specified in (a) of this section, the team may 20 invite a person to participate as a member of the team if the person has expertise that 21 would be helpful to the team in a review of a specific death. A person participating 22 under this subsection is eligible only for travel expenses and per diem from the 23 Department of Health and Social Services under AS 39.20.180. 24 (d) The state medical examiner serves as chair of the team. 25 Sec. 12.65.130. State child fatality review team duties. (a) The state child 26 fatality review team shall 27 (1) assist the state medical examiner in determining the cause and 28 manner of the deaths in this state of children under 18 years of age; 29 (2) unless the child's death is currently being investigated by a law 30 enforcement agency, review a report of a death of a child within 48 hours of the report 31 being received by the medical examiner if
01 (A) the death is of a child under 10 years of age; 02 (B) the deceased child, a sibling, or a member of the deceased 03 child's household 04 (i) is in the legal or physical custody of the state under 05 AS 47 or under similar custody of another state or political subdivision 06 of a state; or 07 (ii) has been the subject of a report of harm under 08 AS 47.17 or a child abuse or neglect investigation by the Department of 09 Health and Social Services or by a similar child protective service in this 10 or another state; 11 (C) a protective order under AS 18.66.100 or 18.66.110 has been 12 in effect during the previous year in which the petitioner or respondent was a 13 member of the deceased child's immediate family or household; or 14 (D) the child's death occurred in a mental health institution, 15 mental health treatment facility, foster home, or other residential or child care 16 facility, including a day care facility; 17 (3) review records concerning 18 (A) abuse or neglect of the deceased child or another child in the 19 deceased child's household; 20 (B) the criminal history or juvenile delinquency of a person who 21 may have caused the death of the child and of persons in the deceased child's 22 household; and 23 (C) a history of domestic violence involving a person who may 24 have caused the death of the child or involving persons in the deceased child's 25 household, including records in the central registry of protective orders under 26 AS 18.65.540; 27 (4) if insufficient information exists to adequately determine the cause 28 and manner of death, recommend to the state medical examiner that additional 29 information be obtained under AS 12.65.020; and 30 (5) if a local, regional, or district child fatality review team has not been 31 appointed under AS 12.65.015 or is not available, be available to provide
01 recommendations, suggestions, and advice to state or municipal law enforcement or 02 social service agencies in the investigation of deaths of children. 03 (b) The state child fatality review team may 04 (1) collect data and analyze and interpret information regarding deaths 05 of children in this state; 06 (2) develop state and local data bases on deaths of children in this state; 07 (3) develop a model protocol for the investigation of deaths of children; 08 and 09 (4) periodically issue reports to the public containing statistical data and 10 other information that does not violate federal or state law concerning confidentiality 11 of the children and their families involved in the reviews; these reports may include 12 (A) identification of trends, patterns, and risk factors in deaths 13 of the children; 14 (B) analyses of the incidence and causes of deaths of children 15 in this state; 16 (C) recommendations for improving the coordination of 17 government services and investigations; and 18 (D) recommendations for prevention of future deaths of children. 19 Sec. 12.65.140. Records; information; meetings; confidentiality; immunity. 20 (a) The state child fatality review team and its members shall have access to all 21 information and records to which the state medical examiner has access under this 22 chapter. The state child fatality review team and its members shall maintain the 23 confidentiality of information and records concerning deaths under review, except when 24 disclosures may be necessary to enable the team to carry out is duties under this 25 chapter. However, the team and its members may not disclose a record that is 26 confidential under federal or state law. 27 (b) Except for public reports issued by the team, records, and other information 28 collected by the team or a member of the team related to duties under this chapter are 29 confidential and not subject to public disclosure under AS 09.25.100 - 09.25.220. 30 (c) Meetings of the state child fatality review team are closed to the public and 31 are not subject to the provisions of AS 44.62.310 and 44.62.312.
01 (d) The determinations, conclusions, and recommendations of the state child 02 fatality review team, or its members, are not admissible in a civil or criminal 03 proceeding. Members may not be compelled to disclose their determinations, 04 conclusions, recommendations, discussions, or thought processes through discovery or 05 testimony in any civil or criminal proceeding. Records and information collected by 06 the state child fatality review team are not subject to discovery or subpoena in 07 connection with a civil or criminal proceeding. 08 (e) Notwithstanding (d) of this section, the state medical examiner may testify 09 in a civil or criminal proceeding even though the death was reviewed by the state child 10 fatality review team under AS 12.65.130 and information received from the review 11 formed a basis of the state medical examiner's testimony. 12 (f) A person who is a member or an employee of, or who furnishes services to 13 or advises, the state child fatality review team is not liable for damages or other relief 14 in an action brought by reason of the performance of a duty, a function, or an activity 15 of the review team. 16 * Sec. 11. AS 22.15.100 is amended to read: 17 Sec. 22.15.100. Functions and powers of district judge and magistrate. 18 Each district judge and magistrate has the power 19 (1) to issue writs of habeas corpus for the purpose of inquiring into the 20 cause of restraint of liberty, returnable before a judge of the superior court, and the 21 same proceedings shall be had on the writ as if it had been granted by the superior 22 court judge under the laws of the state in such cases; 23 (2) of a notary public; 24 (3) to solemnize marriages; 25 (4) to issue warrants of arrest, summons, and search warrants according 26 to manner and procedure prescribed by law and the supreme court; 27 (5) to act as an examining judge or magistrate in preliminary 28 examinations in criminal proceedings; to set, receive, and forfeit bail and to order the 29 release of defendants under bail; 30 (6) to act as a referee in matters and actions referred to the judge or 31 magistrate by the superior court, with all powers conferred upon referees by laws;
01 (7) of the superior court in all respects including but not limited to 02 contempts, attendance of witnesses, and bench warrants; 03 (8) to order the temporary detention of a minor, or take other action 04 authorized by law or rules of procedure, in cases arising under AS 47.10 [AS 47.10.010 05 - 47.10.142] or AS 47.12, when the minor is in a condition or surrounding dangerous 06 or injurious to the welfare of the minor or others that requires immediate action; the 07 action may be continued in effect until reviewed by the superior court in accordance 08 with rules of procedure governing these cases; 09 (9) to issue a protective order in cases involving domestic violence as 10 provided in AS 18.66.100 - 18.66.180; 11 (10) to review an administrative revocation of a person's driver's license 12 or nonresident privilege to drive, and an administrative refusal to issue an original 13 license, when designated as a hearing officer by the commissioner of administration and 14 with the consent of the administrative director of the state court system; 15 (11) to establish the fact of death or inquire into the death of a person 16 in the manner prescribed under AS 09.55.020 - 09.55.069. 17 * Sec. 12. AS 25.20.061 is amended to read: 18 Sec. 25.20.061. Presumptions [VISITATION] in proceedings involving 19 domestic violence. (a) If the court finds in a proceeding involving child custody 20 that domestic violence has occurred, rebuttable presumptions arise that it is 21 (1) detrimental to the child and not in the best interest of the child 22 to be placed in sole custody, joint legal custody, or joint physical custody with the 23 perpetrator of the domestic violence; and 24 (2) in the best interest of the child to reside with the parent who is 25 not a perpetrator of domestic violence in a location of that parent's choice, inside 26 or outside the state. 27 (b) In addition to the rebuttable presumptions that a court must consider 28 under (a) of this section, if the court finds that domestic violence has occurred, the 29 court shall consider the following factors in making an award of child custody: 30 (1) the safety and well-being of the child or of the parent who is the 31 victim of domestic violence;
01 (2) the perpetrator's history of causing physical harm, bodily injury, 02 or assault, or of causing reasonable fear of physical harm, bodily injury, or assault 03 to another person. 04 (c) If a parent is absent or relocates because of an act of domestic violence 05 by the other parent, the court may not consider the absence or relocation as a 06 factor against that parent in determining custody. 07 (d) The court may award [IF] visitation [IS AWARDED] to a parent who has 08 committed a crime involving domestic violence, against the other parent or a child of 09 the two parents, only if the court finds the safety of the child and the other parent 10 can be protected. 11 (e) If visitation is awarded under (d) of this section [WITHIN THE FIVE 12 YEARS PRECEDING THE AWARD OF VISITATION], the court may set conditions 13 for the visitation, including the following: 14 (1) the transfer of the child for visitation must occur in a protected 15 setting; 16 (2) visitation shall be supervised by another person or agency and under 17 specified conditions as ordered by the court; 18 (3) the perpetrator shall attend and complete, to the satisfaction of the 19 court, a program for the rehabilitation of perpetrators of domestic violence that meets 20 the standards set by the Department of Corrections under AS 44.28.020(b), or other 21 counseling; the perpetrator shall be required to pay the costs of the program or other 22 counseling; 23 (4) the perpetrator shall abstain from possession or consumption of 24 alcohol or controlled substances during the visitation and for 24 hours before visitation; 25 (5) the perpetrator shall pay costs of supervised visitation as set by the 26 court; 27 (6) the prohibition of overnight visitation; 28 (7) the perpetrator shall post a bond to the court for the return and 29 safety of the child; and 30 (8) any other condition necessary for the safety of the child, the other 31 parent, or other household member.
01 * Sec. 13. AS 25.20.070 is amended to read: 02 Sec. 25.20.070. Temporary custody of the child. Unless it is shown to be 03 detrimental to the welfare of the child or the court determines that domestic violence 04 has occurred , the child shall have, to the greatest degree practical, equal access to both 05 parents during the time that the court considers an award of custody under 06 AS 25.20.060 - 25.20.130. 07 * Sec. 14. AS 25.20.090 is amended to read: 08 Sec. 25.20.090. Factors for consideration in awarding shared child custody. 09 In determining whether to award shared custody of a child the court shall consider 10 (1) presumptions under AS 25.20.061; 11 (2) the child's preference if the child is of sufficient age and capacity 12 to form a preference; 13 (3) [(2)] the needs of the child; 14 (4) [(3)] the stability of the home environment likely to be offered by 15 each parent; 16 (5) [(4)] the education of the child; 17 (6) [(5)] the advantages of keeping the child in the community where 18 the child presently resides; 19 (7) [(6)] the optimal time for the child to spend with each parent 20 considering 21 (A) the actual time spent with each parent; 22 (B) the proximity of each parent to the other and to the school 23 in which the child is enrolled; 24 (C) the feasibility of travel between the parents; 25 (D) special needs unique to the child that may be better met by 26 one parent than the other; 27 (E) which parent is more likely to encourage frequent and 28 continuing contact with the other parent; 29 (8) [(7)] any findings and recommendations of a neutral mediator; 30 (9) [(8)] any evidence of domestic violence, child abuse, or child neglect 31 in the proposed custodial household or a history of violence between the parents;
01 (10) [(9)] evidence that substance abuse by either parent or other 02 members of the household directly affects the emotional or physical well-being of the 03 child; 04 (11) [(10)] other factors the court considers pertinent. 05 * Sec. 15. AS 25.23.180(c) is amended to read: 06 (c) The relationship of parent and child may be terminated by a court order 07 issued in connection with a proceeding under this chapter or a proceeding under 08 AS 47.10 on the grounds [:] 09 (1) [ON THE GROUNDS] specified in AS 47.10.080(o) or 47.10.088 10 [AS 47.10.080(c)(3)]; 11 (2) [ON THE GROUNDS] that a parent who does not have custody is 12 unreasonably withholding consent to adoption, contrary to the best interest of the minor 13 child; or 14 (3) [ON GROUNDS] that the parent committed an act constituting 15 sexual assault or sexual abuse of a minor under the laws of this state or a comparable 16 offense under the laws of the state where the act occurred that resulted in conception 17 of the child and that termination of the parental rights of the biological parent is in the 18 best interests of the child. 19 * Sec. 16. AS 25.24.150(c) is amended to read: 20 (c) The court shall determine custody in accordance with the best interests of 21 the child under AS 25.20.060 - 25.20.130. In determining the best interests of the child 22 the court shall consider 23 (1) presumptions under AS 25.20.061; 24 (2) the physical, emotional, mental, religious, and social needs of the 25 child; 26 (3) [(2)] the capability and desire of each parent to meet these needs; 27 (4) [(3)] the child's preference if the child is of sufficient age and 28 capacity to form a preference; 29 (5) [(4)] the love and affection existing between the child and each 30 parent; 31 (6) [(5)] the length of time the child has lived in a stable, satisfactory
01 environment and the desirability of maintaining continuity; 02 (7) [(6)] the desire and ability of each parent to allow an open and 03 loving frequent relationship between the child and the other parent; 04 (8) [(7)] any evidence of domestic violence, child abuse, or child neglect 05 in the proposed custodial household or a history of violence between the parents; 06 (9) [(8)] evidence that substance abuse by either parent or other 07 members of the household directly affects the emotional or physical well-being of the 08 child; 09 (10) [(9)] other factors that the court considers pertinent. 10 * Sec. 17. AS 43.23.065(b) is amended to read: 11 (b) An exemption is not available under this section for permanent fund 12 dividends taken to satisfy 13 (1) child support obligations required by court order or decision of the 14 child support enforcement agency under AS 25.27.140 - 25.27.220; 15 (2) court ordered restitution under AS 12.55.045 - 12.55.051, 12.55.100, 16 or AS 47.12.120(b)(4); 17 (3) claims on defaulted scholarship loans under AS 43.23.067; 18 (4) court ordered fines; 19 (5) writs of execution under AS 09.35 of a judgment that is entered 20 (A) against a minor in a civil action to recover damages and 21 court costs; 22 (B) under AS 34.50.020 against the parent, parents, or legal 23 guardian of an unemancipated minor; 24 (6) a debt owed by an eligible individual to an agency of the state, 25 unless the debt is contested and an appeal is pending, or the time limit for filing an 26 appeal has not expired; 27 (7) a debt owed to a person for a program for the rehabilitation of 28 perpetrators of domestic violence required under AS 12.55.101, AS 18.66.100(c)(15), 29 AS 25.20.061(e)(3) [AS 25.20.061(3)], or AS 33.16.150(f)(2). 30 * Sec. 18. AS 47.05 is amended by adding a new section to read: 31 Sec. 47.05.065. Legislative findings related to children. The legislature finds
01 that 02 (1) parents have the following rights and responsibilities relating to the 03 care and control of their child while the child is a minor: 04 (A) the responsibility to provide the child with food, clothing, 05 shelter, education, and medical care; 06 (B) the right and responsibility to protect, nurture, train, and 07 discipline the child, including the right to direct the child's medical care and the 08 right to exercise reasonable corporal discipline; 09 (C) the right to determine where and with whom the child shall 10 live; 11 (D) the rights and responsibility to make decisions of legal or 12 financial significance concerning the child; 13 (E) the right to obtain representation for the child in legal 14 actions; and 15 (F) the responsibility to provide special safeguards and care, 16 including appropriate protection for the child; 17 (2) it is the policy of the state to strengthen families and to protect 18 children from child abuse and neglect; the state recognizes that, in some cases, 19 protection of a child may require removal of the child from the child's home; however, 20 (A) except in those cases involving serious risk to a child's 21 health or safety, the Department of Health and Social Services should provide 22 time-limited family support services to the child and the child's family in order 23 to offer parents the opportunity to remedy parental conduct or conditions in the 24 home that placed the child at risk of harm so that a child may return home 25 safely and permanently; and 26 (B) the state also recognizes that when a child is removed from 27 the home, visitation between the child and the child's parents or guardian and 28 family members reduces the trauma for the child and enhances the likelihood 29 that the child will be able to return home; therefore, whenever a child is 30 removed from the parental home, the Department of Health and Social Services 31 should encourage frequent, regular, and reasonable visitation of the child with
01 the child's parent or guardian and family members; 02 (3) it is the policy of the state to recognize that, when a child is a ward 03 of the state, the child is entitled to reasonable safety, adequate care, and adequate 04 treatment and that the Department of Health and Social Services as legal custodian and 05 the child's guardian ad litem as guardian of the child's best interests and their agents 06 and assignees, each should make reasonable efforts to ensure that the child is provided 07 with reasonable safety, adequate care, and adequate treatment for the duration of time 08 that the child is a ward of the state; 09 (4) it is in the best interests of a child who has been removed from the 10 child's own home for the state to apply the following principles in resolving the 11 situation: 12 (A) the child should be placed in a safe, secure, and stable 13 environment; 14 (B) the child should not be moved unnecessarily; 15 (C) a planning process should be followed to lead to permanent 16 placement of the child; 17 (D) every effort should be made to encourage psychological 18 attachment between the adult caregiver and the child; 19 (E) frequent, regular, and reasonable visitation with the parent 20 or guardian and family members should be encouraged; and 21 (F) parents and guardians must actively participate in family 22 support services so as to facilitate the child's being able to remain in the home; 23 when children are removed from the home, the parents and guardians must 24 actively participate in family support services to make return of their children 25 to the home possible; 26 (5) numerous studies establish that 27 (A) children undergo a critical attachment process before the 28 time they reach six years of age; 29 (B) a child who has not attached with an adult caregiver during 30 this critical stage will suffer significant emotional damage that frequently leads 31 to chronic psychological problems and antisocial behavior when the child
01 reaches adolescence and adulthood; and 02 (C) it is important to provide for an expedited placement 03 procedure to ensure that all children, especially those under the age of six years, 04 who have been removed from their homes are placed in permanent homes 05 expeditiously. 06 * Sec. 19. AS 47.05 is amended by adding a new section to read: 07 Sec. 47.05.090. Authorization of the Interstate Compact on Adoption and 08 Medical Assistance. (a) The Department of Health and Social Services may, on 09 behalf of the state, enter into the Interstate Compact on Adoption and Medical 10 Assistance and supplementary agreements with agencies of other states for the provision 11 of adoption and medical assistance under AS 47.07 and other provisions of this title for 12 eligible children with special needs. 13 (b) In this section, "state" includes a state, territory, possession, or 14 commonwealth of the United States. 15 * Sec. 20. AS 47.10 is amended by adding a new section to read: 16 Sec. 47.10.005. Construction. The provisions of this chapter shall be liberally 17 construed to the end that a child coming within the jurisdiction of the court under this 18 chapter may receive the care, guidance, treatment, and control that will promote the 19 child's welfare. 20 * Sec. 21. AS 47.10.010 is repealed and reenacted to read: 21 Sec. 47.10.010. Jurisdiction. (a) Proceedings relating to a child under 18 22 years of age residing or found in the state are governed by this chapter when the child 23 is alleged to be or may be determined by the court to be a child in need of aid under 24 AS 47.10.011. 25 (b) In a controversy concerning custody of a child under this chapter, the court 26 may appoint a guardian of the person and property of a child, may appoint an attorney 27 to represent the legal interests of the child, and may order support from either or both 28 parents. Custody of a child may be given to the department and payment of support 29 money to the department may be ordered by a court. 30 * Sec. 22. AS 47.10 is amended by adding new sections to read: 31 Sec. 47.10.011. Children in need of aid. Subject to AS 47.10.019 and
01 AS 47.14.100(i), the court may find a child to be a child in need of aid if it finds by 02 a preponderance of the evidence that the child has been subjected to any of the 03 following: 04 (1) a parent or guardian has abandoned the child as described in 05 AS 47.10.013, and the other parent is absent or has committed conduct or created 06 conditions that cause the child to be a child in need of aid under this chapter; 07 (2) a parent, guardian, or custodian is incarcerated, the other parent is 08 absent or has committed conduct or created conditions that cause the child to be a child 09 in need of aid under this chapter, and the incarcerated parent has not made satisfactory 10 arrangements for the child; 11 (3) a custodian with whom the child has been left is unwilling or unable 12 to provide care, supervision, or support for the child, and the whereabouts of the parent 13 or guardian is unknown; 14 (4) the child is in need of medical treatment to cure, alleviate, or 15 prevent substantial physical harm or is in need of treatment for mental injury, as 16 defined in AS 47.17.290, and the child's parent, guardian, or custodian has knowingly 17 failed to provide the treatment; 18 (5) the child is habitually absent from home or refuses to accept 19 available care and the child's conduct threatens the child's physical or emotional health 20 or safety; 21 (6) the child has suffered substantial physical harm, or there is a 22 substantial risk that the child will suffer substantial physical harm, as a result of 23 conduct by or conditions created by the child's parent, guardian, or custodian or by the 24 failure of the parent, guardian, or custodian to supervise the child adequately; 25 (7) the child has suffered sexual abuse, or there is a substantial risk that 26 the child will suffer sexual abuse, as a result of conduct by or conditions created by the 27 child's parent, guardian, or custodian or by the failure of the parent, guardian, or 28 custodian to adequately supervise the child; if a parent, guardian, or custodian has 29 actual notice that a person has been convicted of a sex offense against a minor within 30 the past 15 years, is registered or required to register as a sex offender under AS 12.63, 31 or is under investigation for a sex offense against a minor, and the parent, guardian, or
01 custodian subsequently allows a child to be left with that person, this conduct 02 constitutes prima facie evidence that the child is at substantial risk of being sexually 03 abused; 04 (8) conduct by or conditions created by the parent, guardian, or 05 custodian have resulted in mental injury to the child or placed the child at substantial 06 risk of mental injury; 07 (9) conduct by or conditions created by the parent, guardian, or 08 custodian have subjected the child or another child in the same household to neglect; 09 (10) the parent, guardian, or custodian's ability to parent has been 10 substantially impaired by the addictive or habitual use of an intoxicant, and the 11 addictive or habitual use of the intoxicant has resulted in a substantial risk of harm to 12 the child; if a court has previously found that a child is a child in need of aid under this 13 paragraph, the resumption of use of an intoxicant by a parent, guardian, or custodian 14 within one year after rehabilitation is prima facie evidence that the ability to parent is 15 substantially impaired and the addictive or habitual use of the intoxicant has resulted 16 in a substantial risk of harm to the child as described in this paragraph; 17 (11) the parent, guardian, or custodian has a mental illness, serious 18 emotional disturbance, or mental deficiency of a nature and duration that places the 19 child at substantial risk of physical harm or mental injury; 20 (12) the child has committed an illegal act as a result of pressure, 21 guidance, or approval from the child's parent, guardian, or custodian. 22 Sec. 47.10.013. Abandonment. (a) For purposes of this chapter, the court 23 may find abandonment of a child if a parent or guardian has shown a conscious 24 disregard of parental responsibilities toward the child by failing to provide reasonable 25 support, maintain regular contact, or provide normal supervision. Abandonment of a 26 child also includes instances when the parent or guardian, without justifiable cause, 27 (1) left the child with another person without provision for the child's 28 support and without meaningful communication with the child for a period of three 29 months; 30 (2) has made only minimal efforts to support and communicate with the 31 child;
01 (3) failed for a period of at least six months to maintain regular 02 visitation with the child; 03 (4) failed to participate in a suitable plan or program designed to reunite 04 the parent or guardian with the child; 05 (5) left the child without affording means of identifying the child and 06 the child's parent or guardian; 07 (6) was absent from the home for a period of time that created a 08 substantial risk of serious harm to a child left in the home; 09 (7) failed to respond to notice of child protective proceedings; or 10 (8) was unwilling to provide care, support, or supervision for the child. 11 (b) For purposes of (a) of this section, a parent or guardian who is a victim of 12 domestic violence, or who has a child in the parent's or guardian's care who is the 13 victim of domestic violence, is considered to have justifiable cause to take an action 14 or to fail to take an action that would otherwise be considered to be abandonment of 15 a child under (a) of this section if the action or failure to act is necessary to protect the 16 parent or guardian, or a child in the care of the parent or guardian, from further acts 17 of domestic violence. However, a parent or guardian who initially had justifiable cause 18 to act or fail to act as described in this subsection may be considered to have 19 abandoned the child without justifiable cause for purposes of (a) of this section if the 20 parent or guardian does not take reasonable steps to reunify with or provide care for 21 the abandoned child after becoming secure from further acts of domestic violence or 22 after providing that another child in the care of the parent or guardian is secure from 23 further acts of domestic violence. 24 Sec. 47.10.014. Neglect. For purposes of this chapter, the court may find 25 neglect of a child if the parent, guardian, or custodian fails to provide the child with 26 adequate food, clothing, shelter, education, medical attention, or other care and control 27 necessary for the child's physical and mental health and development, though 28 financially able to do so or offered financial or other reasonable means to do so. 29 Sec. 47.10.015. Physical harm. For the purposes of this chapter, the court may 30 find physical harm to a child or substantial risk of physical harm to a child if 31 (1) the child was the victim of an act described in AS 11.41.100 -
01 11.41.250, 11.41.300, 11.41.410 - 11.41.455, or AS 11.51.100 and the physical harm 02 occurred as a result of conduct by or conditions created by a parent, guardian, or 03 custodian; or 04 (2) a negligent act or omission by a parent, guardian, or custodian 05 creates a substantial risk of injury to the child. 06 Sec. 47.10.019. Limitations on determinations. Notwithstanding other 07 provisions of this chapter, the court may not find a minor to be a child in need of aid 08 under this chapter solely on the basis that the child's family is poor, lacks adequate 09 housing, or exhibits a lifestyle that is different from the generally accepted lifestyle 10 standard of the community where the family lives. However, this section may not be 11 construed to prevent a court from finding that a child is in need of aid if the child has 12 been subjected to conduct or conditions described in AS 47.10.011 - 47.10.015. 13 * Sec. 23. AS 47.10.020(a) is amended to read: 14 (a) Whenever circumstances subject a child [MINOR] to the jurisdiction of the 15 court under AS 47.10.005 - 47.10.142 [AS 47.10.010 - 47.10.142], the court shall 16 appoint a competent person or agency to make a preliminary inquiry and report for the 17 information of the court to determine whether the best interests of the child [MINOR] 18 require that further action be taken . If [; IF], under this subsection, the court appoints 19 a person or agency to make a preliminary inquiry and to report to it, then , upon the 20 receipt of the report, the court may 21 (1) close [INFORMALLY ADJUST] the matter without a court hearing ; 22 (2) determine whether the best interests of the child require that 23 further action be taken; [,] or 24 (3) [IT MAY] authorize the person or agency having knowledge of the 25 facts of the case to file with the court a petition setting out the facts[; IF THE COURT 26 INFORMALLY ADJUSTS THE MATTER, THE MINOR MAY NOT BE DETAINED 27 OR TAKEN INTO THE CUSTODY OF THE COURT AS A CONDITION OF THE 28 ADJUSTMENT, AND THE MATTER SHALL BE CLOSED BY THE COURT UPON 29 ADJUSTMENT]. 30 * Sec. 24. AS 47.10.020(b) is amended to read: 31 (b) The petition and all subsequent pleadings shall be styled as follows: "In the
01 matter of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., a child [MINOR] under 18 years of age." 02 The petition may be executed upon the petitioner's information and belief [,] and must 03 be verified. It must include the following information: 04 (1) the name, address , and occupation of the petitioner, together with 05 the petitioner's relationship to the child [MINOR], and the petitioner's interest in the 06 matter; 07 (2) the name, age , and address of the child [MINOR]; 08 (3) a brief statement of the facts that bring the child [MINOR] within 09 this chapter; 10 (4) the names and addresses of the child's [MINOR'S] parents; 11 (5) the tribal affiliation, if known, of the child; 12 (6) the name and address of the child's [MINOR'S] guardian [,] or of 13 the person having control or custody of the child [MINOR]. 14 * Sec. 25. AS 47.10.030(b) is amended to read: 15 (b) In all cases under this chapter , the child [MINOR], each parent , the tribe, 16 foster parent or other out-of-home care provider, [OF THE MINOR AND THE] 17 guardian , and guardian ad litem of the child [MINOR] shall be given notice adequate 18 to give actual notice of the proceedings and the possibility of termination of parental 19 rights and responsibilities, taking into account education and language differences that 20 are known or reasonably ascertainable by the petitioner or the department. The notice 21 of the hearing must contain all names by which the child [MINOR] has been identified. 22 Notice shall be given in the manner appropriate under rules of civil procedure for the 23 service of process in a civil action under Alaska law or in any manner the court by 24 order directs. Proof of the giving of the notice shall be filed with the court before the 25 petition is heard. The court may also subpoena the parent of the child [MINOR], or 26 any other person whose testimony may be necessary at the hearing. A subpoena or 27 other process may be served by a person authorized by law to make the service, and , 28 where personal service cannot be made, the court may direct that service of process be 29 in a manner appropriate under rules of civil procedure for the service of process in a 30 civil action under Alaska law or in any manner the court directs. 31 * Sec. 26. AS 47.10.050(a) is amended to read:
01 (a) Whenever in the course of proceedings instituted under this chapter it 02 appears to the court that the welfare of a child [MINOR] will be promoted by the 03 appointment of an attorney to represent the child [MINOR OR AN ATTORNEY OR 04 OTHER PERSON TO SERVE AS GUARDIAN AD LITEM], the court may make the 05 appointment. If it appears to the court that the welfare of a child in the proceeding 06 will be promoted by the appointment of a guardian ad litem, the court shall make 07 the appointment. Appointment of a guardian ad litem or attorney shall be made under 08 the terms of AS 25.24.310. 09 * Sec. 27. AS 47.10.070(a) is amended to read: 10 (a) The court may conduct the hearing on the petition in an informal manner 11 [IN THE COURTROOM OR IN CHAMBERS]. The court shall give notice of the 12 hearing to the department , and it may send a representative to the hearing. The court 13 shall also transmit a copy of the petition to the department. The department shall 14 send notice of the hearing to the persons for whom notice is required under 15 AS 47.10.030(b). The department and the persons to whom the department must 16 send notice of the hearing are entitled to [REPRESENTATIVE OF THE 17 DEPARTMENT MAY ALSO] be heard at the hearing. However, the court may limit 18 the presence of the foster parent or other out-of-home care provider to the time 19 during which the person's testimony is being given if it is (1) in the best interest 20 of the child; or (2) necessary to protect the privacy interests of the parties and will 21 not be detrimental to the child. The public shall be excluded from the hearing, but 22 the court, in its discretion, may permit individuals to attend a hearing if their attendance 23 is compatible with the best interests of the child [MINOR]. 24 * Sec. 28. AS 47.10.080(a) is amended to read: 25 (a) An adjudication hearing shall be completed within 120 days after a 26 finding of probable cause is entered unless the court finds good cause to continue 27 the hearing. When determining whether to grant a continuance for good cause, 28 the court shall take into consideration the age of the child and the potential 29 adverse effect that the delay may have on the child. The court, at the conclusion of 30 the hearing, [OR THEREAFTER] as the circumstances of the case may require, shall 31 find and enter a judgment that the child [MINOR] is or is not a child in need of aid.
01 * Sec. 29. AS 47.10.080(c) is amended to read: 02 (c) If the court finds that the child [MINOR] is a child in need of aid, the 03 court [IT] shall 04 (1) order the child [MINOR] committed to the department for placement 05 in an appropriate setting for a period of time not to exceed two years or in any event 06 past the date the child [MINOR] becomes 19 years of age, except that the department 07 or the child's guardian ad litem may petition for and the court may grant in a hearing 08 (A) one-year [TWO-YEAR] extensions of commitment that do not extend beyond the 09 child's [MINOR'S] 19th birthday if the extension is in the best interests of the child 10 [MINOR]; and (B) an additional one-year period of state custody [SUPERVISION] 11 past age 19 if the continued state custody [SUPERVISION] is in the best interests of 12 the person and the person consents to it; [THE DEPARTMENT MAY TRANSFER 13 THE MINOR, IN THE MINOR'S BEST INTERESTS, FROM ONE PLACEMENT 14 SETTING TO ANOTHER, AND THE MINOR, THE MINOR'S PARENTS OR 15 GUARDIAN, AND THE MINOR'S ATTORNEY ARE ENTITLED TO 16 REASONABLE NOTICE OF THE TRANSFER;] 17 (2) order the child [MINOR] released to a parent, relative, or 18 guardian of the child [THE MINOR'S PARENTS, GUARDIAN,] or to another 19 [SOME OTHER] suitable person, and, in appropriate cases, order the parent, relative 20 [PARENTS], guardian, or other person to provide medical or other care and treatment; 21 if the court releases the child [MINOR], it shall direct the department to supervise the 22 care and treatment given to the child [MINOR], but the court may dispense with the 23 department's supervision if the court finds that the adult to whom the child [MINOR] 24 is released will adequately care for the child [MINOR] without supervision; the 25 department's supervision may not exceed two years or in any event extend past the date 26 the child [MINOR] reaches age 19, except that the department or the child's guardian 27 ad litem may petition for and the court may grant in a hearing 28 (A) one-year [TWO-YEAR] extensions of supervision that do 29 not extend beyond the child's [MINOR'S] 19th birthday if the extensions are 30 [EXTENSION] is in the best interests of the child [MINOR]; and 31 (B) an additional one-year period of supervision past age 19 if
01 the continued supervision is in the best interests of the person and the person 02 consents to it; or 03 (3) by order, under the grounds specified in (o) of this section or 04 AS 47.10.088, the termination of [UPON A SHOWING IN THE ADJUDICATION 05 BY CLEAR AND CONVINCING EVIDENCE THAT THERE IS A CHILD IN NEED 06 OF AID UNDER AS 47.10.010(a) AS A RESULT OF PARENTAL CONDUCT AND 07 UPON A SHOWING IN THE DISPOSITION BY CLEAR AND CONVINCING 08 EVIDENCE THAT THE PARENTAL CONDUCT IS LIKELY TO CONTINUE TO 09 EXIST IF THERE IS NO TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS, TERMINATE] 10 parental rights and responsibilities of one or both parents [,] and commit the child to 11 the custody of the department [OR TO A LEGALLY APPOINTED GUARDIAN OF 12 THE PERSON OF THE CHILD], and the department [OR GUARDIAN] shall report 13 quarterly [ANNUALLY] to the court on efforts being made to find a permanent 14 placement for the child. 15 * Sec. 30. AS 47.10.080(f) is amended to read: 16 (f) A child [MINOR] found to be a child in need of aid is a ward of the state 17 while committed to the department or the department has the power to supervise the 18 child's [MINOR'S] actions. For an order made under (c)(1) of this section, the 19 [THE] court shall hold a permanency hearing as required by (l) of this section and 20 at least annually thereafter during the continuation of foster care [REVIEW AN 21 ORDER MADE UNDER (c)(1) OR (2) OF THIS SECTION ANNUALLY, AND MAY 22 REVIEW THE ORDER MORE FREQUENTLY] to determine if continued placement 23 [OR SUPERVISION], as it is being provided, is in the best interest of the child 24 [MINOR. IF ANNUAL REVIEW UNDER THIS SUBSECTION WOULD ARISE 25 WITHIN 90 DAYS OF THE HEARING REQUIRED UNDER (l) OF THIS SECTION, 26 THE COURT MAY POSTPONE REVIEW UNDER THIS SUBSECTION UNTIL THE 27 TIME SET FOR THE HEARING]. The department, the child, and [MINOR,] the 28 child's [MINOR'S] parents, guardian, and guardian ad litem [OR CUSTODIAN] are 29 entitled, when good cause is shown, to a permanency hearing [REVIEW] on 30 application. If the application is granted, the court shall afford these persons 31 [PARTIES] and their counsel reasonable advance notice [IN ADVANCE OF THE
01 REVIEW] and hold a permanency hearing where these persons [PARTIES] and their 02 counsel shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard. The persons entitled to notice 03 under AS 47.10.030(b) are entitled to notice of a permanency hearing under this 04 subsection and are also entitled to be heard at the hearing. The child [MINOR] 05 shall be afforded the opportunity to be present and to be heard at the permanency 06 hearing. After the permanency hearing, the court shall make the written findings 07 that are required under (l) of this section. The court shall review an order made 08 under (c)(2) of this section at least annually to determine if continued supervision, 09 as it is being provided, is in the best interest of the child; this review is not 10 considered to be a permanency hearing and is not governed by the provisions of 11 this subsection that relate to permanency hearings [REVIEW]. 12 * Sec. 31. AS 47.10.080(i) is amended to read: 13 (i) A child or [MINOR,] the child's [MINOR'S] parents , [OR] guardian, or 14 guardian ad litem, or attorney , acting on the child's [MINOR'S] behalf, or the 15 department may appeal a judgment or order, or the stay, modification, setting aside, 16 revocation, or enlargement of a judgment or order issued by the court under this 17 chapter. Absent extraordinary circumstances, a decision on the appeal shall be 18 issued no later than 90 days after the latest of the following: 19 (1) the date oral argument, if any, is heard on the appeal; or 20 (2) 45 days after the last date oral argument could have been timely 21 requested if oral argument was not requested. 22 * Sec. 32. AS 47.10.080(l) is repealed and reenacted to read: 23 (l) Within 12 months after the date a child enters foster care as calculated under 24 AS 47.10.088(f), the court shall hold a permanency hearing. The hearing and 25 permanent plan developed in the hearing are governed by the following provisions: 26 (1) the persons entitled to be heard under AS 47.10.070 or under (f) of 27 this section are also entitled to be heard at the hearing held under this subsection; 28 (2) when establishing the permanent plan for the child, the court shall 29 make appropriate written findings, including findings related to whether 30 (A) and when the child should be returned to the parent or 31 guardian;
01 (B) the child should be placed for adoption or legal guardianship 02 and whether a petition for termination of parental rights should be filed by the 03 department; and 04 (C) the child should be placed in another planned, permanent 05 living arrangement and what steps are necessary to achieve the new 06 arrangement; 07 (3) if the court is unable to make a finding required under (2) of this 08 subsection, the court shall hold another hearing within a reasonable period time; 09 (4) in addition to the findings required by (2) of this subsection, the 10 court shall also make appropriate written findings related to 11 (A) whether the department has made the reasonable efforts 12 required under AS 47.10.086 to offer appropriate family support services to 13 remedy the parent's or guardian's conduct or conditions in the home that made 14 the child a child in need of aid under this chapter; 15 (B) whether the parent or guardian has made substantial progress 16 to remedy the parent's or guardian's conduct or conditions in the home that 17 made the child a child in need of aid under this chapter; and 18 (C) if the permanent plan is for the child to remain in out-of- 19 home-care, whether the child's out-of-home placement continues to be appropriate and in the 20 best interests of the child; 21 (5) the court shall hold a hearing to review the permanent plan at least 22 annually until successful implementation of the plan; if the plan approved by the court 23 changes after the hearing, the department shall promptly apply to the court for another 24 permanency hearing, and the court shall conduct the hearing within 30 days after 25 application by the department. 26 * Sec. 33. AS 47.10.080(o) is amended to read: 27 (o) For purposes of terminating a parent's parental rights under the standards 28 in (c)(3) of this section, the court may determine that incarceration of the parent is 29 sufficient grounds for determining that a child [MINOR] is a child in need of aid under 30 AS 47.10.011 [AS 47.10.010(a)(1)] as a result of parental conduct and that the parental 31 rights of the incarcerated parent should be terminated [CONDUCT IS LIKELY TO
01 CONTINUE] if the court finds, based on clear and convincing evidence, that [THE] 02 (1) the period of incarceration that the parent is scheduled to serve 03 during the child's minority is significant considering the child's age and the child's need 04 for an adult's care and supervision; [AND] 05 (2) there is not another parent willing and able to care for the child; 06 and 07 (3) the incarcerated parent has failed to make adequate provisions for 08 care of the child during the period of incarceration that will be during the child's 09 minority. 10 * Sec. 34. AS 47.10.080 is amended by adding new subsections to read: 11 (p) If a child is removed from the parental home, the department shall provide 12 reasonable visitation between the child and the child's parents, guardian, and family. 13 The court may require the department to file a visitation plan with the court. The 14 department may deny visitation to the parents, guardian, or family members if there is 15 clear and convincing evidence that visits are not in the child's best interests. A parent 16 or guardian who is denied visitation may request a review hearing. 17 (q) If the court orders a child committed to the department under (c) of this 18 section and the department places the child in licensed foster care, the department shall 19 (1) provide the foster parent with a copy of 20 (A) appropriate information held by the department regarding the 21 child to the extent required by AS 47.12.310(b)(8); 22 (B) all initial, updated, and revised case service plans for the 23 child, court orders relating to the child, and the child's medical, mental, and 24 education reports prepared by or for the department, including reports compiled 25 before the child was placed with the foster parent; and 26 (C) supplements to the plans, orders, and reports described in (B) 27 of this paragraph; 28 (2) require the foster parent to 29 (A) maintain and update records regarding medical, mental, 30 educational, and behavioral services provided to the child; 31 (B) provide all records described in (A) of this paragraph to the
01 department when the child leaves the foster home placement; and 02 (C) maintain the confidentiality of records regarding a child 03 placed in the foster home except when disclosure of the records is allowed 04 under regulations of the department or when disclosure is reasonably necessary 05 to ensure continuation of care for the child through appropriate medical, mental, 06 educational, and behavioral services. 07 (r) If the court orders a child committed to the department under (c) of this 08 section for placement in licensed foster care or for placement with a relative of the 09 child, the court shall order the child's parent or guardian to provide the department with 10 (1) the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all of the child's 11 medical providers; and 12 (2) a signed release for each medical provider identified in (1) of this 13 subsection authorizing the provider to disclose the child's medical records to the 14 department. 15 (s) The department may transfer a child, in the child's best interests, from one 16 placement setting to another, and the child, the child's parents or guardian, the child's 17 foster parents or out-of-home caregiver, the child's guardian ad litem, the child's 18 attorney, and the child's tribe are entitled to advance notice of a nonemergency transfer. 19 A party opposed to the proposed transfer may request a hearing and must prove by 20 clear and convincing evidence that the transfer would be contrary to the best interests 21 of the child for the court to deny the transfer. A foster parent or out-of-home caregiver 22 who requests a change in placement of the child should provide the department with 23 reasonable advance notice of the requested change. 24 * Sec. 35. AS 47.10.082 is amended to read: 25 Sec. 47.10.082. Best interests of child and other considerations. In making 26 its dispositional order under AS 47.10.080(c), the court shall [CONSIDER] 27 (1) consider the best interests of the child; [AND] 28 (2) consider the ability of the state to take custody and to care for the 29 child to protect the child's best interests under AS 47.10.005 - 47.10.142; and 30 (3) keep the health and safety of the child as the court's paramount 31 concern [AS 47.10.010 - 47.10.142].
01 * Sec. 36. AS 47.10.084(a) is amended to read: 02 (a) When a child is committed under AS 47.10.080(c)(1) to the department, 03 released under AS 47.10.080(c)(2) to the child's parents, guardian, or other suitable 04 person, or committed to the department or to a legally appointed guardian of the person 05 of the child under AS 47.10.080(c)(3), a relationship of legal custody exists. This 06 relationship imposes on the department and its authorized agents or the parents, 07 guardian, or other suitable person the responsibility of physical care and control of the 08 child, the determination of where and with whom the child shall live, the right and duty 09 to protect, nurture, train, and discipline the child, [AND] the duty of providing the 10 child with food, shelter, education, and medical care , and the right and responsibility 11 to obtain legal representation for, and make decisions of legal or financial 12 significance concerning, the child . These obligations are subject to any residual 13 parental rights and responsibilities and rights and responsibilities of a guardian if one 14 has been appointed. When a child is committed to the department and the department 15 places the child with the child's parent, the parent has the responsibility to provide and 16 pay for food, shelter, education, and medical care for the child. When parental rights 17 have been terminated, or there are no living parents and no guardian has been 18 appointed, the responsibilities of legal custody include those in (b) and (c) of this 19 section. The department or person having legal custody of the child may delegate any 20 of the responsibilities under this section, except authority to consent to marriage, 21 adoption, and military enlistment may not be delegated. For purposes of this chapter 22 a person in charge of a placement setting is an agent of the department. 23 * Sec. 37. AS 47.10 is amended by adding new sections to read: 24 Sec. 47.10.086. Reasonable efforts. (a) Except as provided in (b) and (c) of 25 this section, the department shall make timely, reasonable efforts to provide family 26 support services to the child and to the parents or guardian of the child that are 27 designed to prevent out-of-home placement of the child or to enable the safe return of 28 the child to the family home, when appropriate, if the child is in an out-of-home 29 placement. The department's duty to make reasonable efforts under this subsection 30 includes the duty to 31 (1) identify available departmental and community services that are
01 designed to sustain and enhance the capacity of a parent or guardian to care for the 02 child at a level of adequacy that will allow the child either to remain in the home or 03 to be returned to the home; the department shall place a high priority on determining 04 whether appropriate community services are available; 05 (2) actively offer and attempt to provide or to refer the parent or 06 guardian to the services identified under (1) of this subsection; the department shall 07 place a high priority on referring the parents to services that are community services 08 if community services are available and desired by the parent or guardian; 09 (3) document the department's actions that are taken under (1) and (2) 10 of this subsection. 11 (b) If the court makes a finding at a hearing conducted under AS 47.10.080(l) 12 that a parent or guardian has not sufficiently remedied the parent's or guardian's 13 conduct or the conditions in the home despite reasonable efforts made by the 14 department in accordance with this section, the court may conclude that continuation 15 of reasonable efforts of the type described in (a) of this section are not in the best 16 interests of the child. The department shall then make reasonable efforts to place the 17 child in a timely manner in accordance with the permanent plan and to complete 18 whatever steps are necessary to finalize the permanent placement of the child. 19 (c) The court may determine that reasonable efforts of the type described in (a) 20 of this section are not required if the court has found by a preponderance of the 21 evidence that 22 (1) the parent or guardian has subjected the child to circumstances that 23 pose a substantial risk to the child's health or safety; these circumstances include 24 abandonment, sexual abuse, torture, chronic mental injury, or chronic physical harm; 25 (2) the parent or guardian has 26 (A) committed homicide under AS 11.41.100 - 11.41.130 of a 27 parent of the child or of a child; 28 (B) aided or abetted, attempted, conspired, or solicited under 29 AS 11.16 or AS 11.31 to commit a homicide described in (A) of this paragraph; 30 (C) committed an assault that is a felony under AS 11.41.200 - 31 11.41.220 and results in serious physical injury to a child; or
01 (D) committed the conduct described in (A) - (C) of this 02 paragraph that violated a law or ordinance of another jurisdiction having 03 elements similar to an offense described in (A) - (C) of this paragraph; 04 (3) the parental rights of a parent to a sibling of the child have been 05 terminated by the court; 06 (4) the department has conducted a reasonably diligent search over a 07 time period of at least three months for an unidentified or absent parent and has failed 08 to identify and locate the parent; 09 (5) the parent or guardian is the sole caregiver of the child and the 10 parent or guardian has a mental illness or mental deficiency that, according to a written 11 certification of a psychologist or physician, makes it more probable than not that, even 12 with the provision of family support services for 12 months, the caregiver will be 13 incapable of caring for the child without creating a risk of substantial physical harm to 14 the child; 15 (6) the parent or guardian has previously been convicted of a crime 16 involving a child in this state or in another jurisdiction and, after the conviction, the 17 child was returned to the custody of the parent or guardian and later removed because 18 of an additional substantiated report of physical or sexual abuse by the parent or 19 guardian; 20 (7) a child has suffered substantial physical harm as the result of abusive 21 or neglectful conduct by the parent or guardian or by a person known by the parent or 22 guardian and the parent or guardian knew or reasonably should have known that the 23 person was abusing the child; 24 (8) the parental rights of the parent have been terminated with respect 25 to another child because of child abuse or neglect, the parent has not remedied the 26 conditions or conduct that led to the termination of parental rights, and the parent has 27 demonstrated an inability to protect the child from substantial harm or the risk of 28 substantial harm; 29 (9) the child has been removed from the child's home on at least two 30 previous occasions, family support services were offered or provided to the parent or 31 guardian at those times, and the parent or guardian has demonstrated an inability to
01 protect the child from substantial harm or the risk of substantial harm; or 02 (10) the parent or guardian is incarcerated and is unavailable to care for 03 the child during a significant period of the child's minority, considering the child's age 04 and need for care by an adult. 05 (d) If the court orders the department to make reasonable efforts to provide 06 family support services, the court shall also order the parent or guardian of the child 07 to make reasonable efforts to participate in the family support services that are offered 08 by the department or referred to the parent or guardian by the department. If a parent 09 or guardian fails to participate or to attempt to participate in the services for 12 months, 10 the department may seek a court order extinguishing the department's responsibility to 11 offer or refer family support services to the parent or guardian. The department must 12 request the court for the new order within 90 day after the date that the parent or 13 guardian failed to participate in family support services and must accompany the 14 request with a petition for the termination of parental rights if the nonparticipating 15 person was a parent and with a new plan for permanent placement of the child. The 16 court shall grant the department's request under this subsection for an order 17 extinguishing the department's responsibility to offer family support services to a parent 18 or guardian if the court finds that it is no longer reasonable to require the department 19 to offer family support services to the parent or guardian; failure of the parent or 20 guardian to participate in family support services offered by the department for 12 21 months constitutes prima facie evidence that it is no longer reasonable to require the 22 department to offer family support services to the parent or guardian. 23 (e) If the court determines under (b) or (c) of this section that reasonable efforts 24 under (a) of this section are not required to be provided, 25 (1) the court shall hold a permanency hearing for the child within 30 26 days after the determination; and 27 (2) the department shall make reasonable efforts to place the child in 28 a timely manner in accordance with the permanency plan, and complete whatever steps 29 are necessary to finalize the permanent placement of the child. 30 (f) The department may develop and implement an alternative permanency plan 31 for the child while the department is also making reasonable efforts to return the child
01 to the child's family under (a) of this section. 02 (g) In making determinations and reasonable efforts under this section, the 03 primary consideration is the child's best interests. 04 Sec. 47.10.088. Termination of parental rights and responsibilities. (a) 05 Except as provided in AS 47.10.080(o), the rights and responsibilities of the parent 06 regarding the child may be terminated for purposes of freeing a child for adoption or 07 other permanent placement if the court finds 08 (1) by clear and convincing evidence that 09 (A) the child has been subjected to conduct or conditions 10 described in AS 47.10.011; and 11 (B) the parent 12 (i) has not remedied the conduct or conditions in the 13 home that place the child at substantial risk of harm; or 14 (ii) has failed, within a reasonable time, to remedy the 15 conduct or conditions in the home that place the child in substantial risk 16 so that returning the child to the parent would place the child at 17 substantial risk of significant physical harm or sexual abuse; and 18 (2) by preponderance of the evidence that the department has complied 19 with the provisions of AS 47.10.086 concerning reasonable efforts. 20 (b) In making a determination under (a)(1)(B) of this section, the court may 21 consider any fact relating to the best interests of the child, including 22 (1) the likelihood of returning the child to the parent within a reasonable 23 time based on the child's age or needs; 24 (2) the amount of effort by the parent to remedy the conduct or the 25 conditions in the home; 26 (3) the harm caused to the child; 27 (4) the likelihood that the harmful conduct will continue; and 28 (5) the history of conduct by or conditions created by the parent. 29 (c) In a proceeding under this chapter involving termination of the parental 30 right of a parent, the court shall consider the best interests of the child. 31 (d) Except as provided in (e) of this section, the department shall petition for
01 termination of a parent's rights to a child, without making further reasonable efforts, 02 when a child is under the jurisdiction of the court under AS 47.10.010 and 47.10.011, 03 and 04 (1) the child has been in foster care for at least 15 of the most recent 05 22 months; 06 (2) the court has determined that the child is abandoned under 07 AS 47.10.013 and the child is younger than six years of age; 08 (3) the court has made a finding under AS 47.10.086(b) or a 09 determination under AS 47.10.086(c) that the best interests of the child do not require 10 further reasonable efforts by the department; 11 (4) a parent has made three or more attempts within a 15-month period 12 to remedy the parent's conduct or conditions in the home without lasting change; or 13 (5) a parent has made no effort to remedy the parent's conduct or the 14 conditions in the home by the time of the permanency hearing under AS 47.10.080(l). 15 (e) If one or more of the conditions listed in (d) of this section are present, the 16 department shall petition for termination of the parental rights to a child unless the 17 department 18 (1) has documented a compelling reason for determining that filing the 19 petition would not be in the best interests of the child; a compelling reason under this 20 paragraph may include care by a relative for the child; or 21 (2) is required to make reasonable efforts under AS 47.10.086 and the 22 department has not provided to the parent, consistent with the time period in the 23 department's case plan, the family support services that the department has determined 24 are necessary for the safe return of the child to the home. 25 (f) A child is considered to have entered foster care under this chapter on the 26 earlier of 27 (1) the date of the first judicial finding of child abuse or neglect; or 28 (2) 60 days after the date of removal of the child from the child's home 29 under this chapter. 30 (g) This section does not preclude the department from filing a petition to 31 terminate the parental rights and responsibilities to a child for other reasons, or at an
01 earlier time than those specified in (d) of this section, if the department determines that 02 filing a petition is in the best interests of the child. 03 (h) The court may order the termination of parental rights and responsibilities 04 of one or both parents under AS 47.10.080(c)(3) and commit the child to the custody 05 of the department. The rights of one parent may be terminated without affecting the 06 rights of the other parent. 07 (i) The department shall concurrently identify, recruit, process, and approve a 08 qualified person or family for an adoption whenever a petition to terminate a parent's 09 rights to a child is filed. If the court issues an order to terminate under (j) of this 10 section, the department shall report within 30 days on the efforts being made to recruit 11 a permanent placement for the child if a permanent placement was not approved at the 12 time of the trial under (j) of this section. The report must document recruitment efforts 13 made for the child. 14 (j) No later than six months after the date on which the petition to terminate 15 parental rights is filed, the court before which the petition is pending shall hold a trial 16 on the petition unless the court finds that good cause is shown for a continuance. 17 When determining whether to grant a continuance for good cause, the court shall take 18 into consideration the age of the child and the potential adverse effect that the delay 19 may have on the child. The court shall make written findings when granting a 20 continuance. 21 (k) The court shall issue an order on the petition to terminate within 90 days 22 after the last day of the trial on the petition to terminate parental rights. 23 * Sec. 38. AS 47.10.092(a) is amended to read: 24 (a) Notwithstanding AS 47.10.090 and 47.10.093, a parent or legal guardian of 25 a child [MINOR] subject to a proceeding under AS 47.10.005 - 47.10.142 26 [AS 47.10.010 - 47.10.142] may disclose confidential or privileged information about 27 the child or the child's family [MINOR], including information that has been lawfully 28 obtained from agency or court files, to the governor, the lieutenant governor, a 29 legislator, the ombudsman appointed under AS 24.55, the attorney general, and the 30 commissioners of health and social services, administration, or public safety, or an 31 employee of these persons, for review or use in their official capacities. The
01 department shall [MAY] disclose additional confidential or privileged information and 02 make copies of documents available for inspection [DOCUMENTS] about the child 03 or the child's family [MINOR] to these state officials or employees for review or use 04 in their official capacities upon request of the official or employee and submission 05 of satisfactory evidence that a parent or legal guardian of the child has requested 06 the state official's assistance in the case as part of the official's duties . A person 07 to whom disclosure is made under this section may not disclose confidential or 08 privileged information about the child or the child's family [MINOR] to a person not 09 authorized to receive it. 10 * Sec. 39. AS 47.10.093(b) is amended to read: 11 (b) A state or municipal agency or employee shall [MAY] disclose 12 appropriate information regarding a case to 13 (1) a guardian ad litem appointed by the court or to a citizen review 14 board or local review panel for permanency planning authorized by AS 47.14.200 or 15 47.14.220; 16 (2) a person or an agency requested by the department or the child's 17 legal custodian to provide consultation or services for a child [MINOR] who is subject 18 to the jurisdiction of the court under AS 47.10.010 as necessary to enable the 19 provision of the consultation or services ; 20 (3) foster parents or relatives with whom the child is placed by the 21 department as may be necessary to enable the foster parents or relatives to 22 provide appropriate care for the child who is the subject of the case, to protect the 23 safety of the child who is the subject of the case, and to protect the safety and 24 property of family members and visitors of the foster parents or relatives; 25 (4) school officials as may be necessary to enable the school to provide 26 appropriate counseling and support services to the child [MINOR] who is the subject 27 of the case, to protect the safety of the child [MINOR] who is the subject of the case, 28 and to protect the safety of school students and staff; 29 (5) [(4)] a governmental agency as may be necessary to obtain that 30 agency's assistance for the department in its investigation or to obtain physical custody 31 of a child;
01 (6) [AND (5)] a [STATE OR MUNICIPAL] law enforcement agency 02 of this state or another jurisdiction as may be necessary for the protection of any 03 child [A SPECIFIC INVESTIGATION BEING CONDUCTED BY THAT AGENCY] 04 or for actions [DISCLOSURES] by that agency to protect the public safety ; 05 (7) members of a multidisciplinary child protection team created 06 under AS 47.14.300 as may be necessary for the performance of their duties; 07 (8) the state medical examiner under AS 12.65 as may be necessary 08 for the performance of the duties of the state medical examiner; 09 (9) a person who has made a report of harm as required by 10 AS 47.17.020 to inform the person that the investigation was completed and of 11 action taken to protect the child who was the subject of the report; and 12 (10) the child support enforcement agency established in 13 AS 25.27.010 as may be necessary to establish and collect child support for a child 14 who is a child in need of aid under this chapter . 15 * Sec. 40. AS 47.10.141(f) is amended to read: 16 (f) If a child [MINOR], without permission, leaves the semi-secure portion of 17 an office, program, shelter, or facility to which the child [MINOR] was taken by a 18 peace officer under (b)(1)(C) [(b)(1)(c)] of this section, the office, program, shelter, or 19 facility shall immediately notify the department and the nearest law enforcement agency 20 of the identity of the child [MINOR] and the child's [MINOR'S] absence. If the same 21 child [MINOR] is again taken into protective custody under (b) of this section and the 22 peace officer knows that the child [MINOR] has previously been reported under this 23 subsection as missing from a semi-secure placement, the peace officer, in addition to 24 taking the appropriate action under (b) of this section, shall report the circumstances 25 and the identity of the child [MINOR] to the department. Within 48 hours after 26 receiving this report, the department shall determine whether to file a petition alleging 27 that the child [MINOR] is a child in need of aid under AS 47.10.011 28 [AS 47.10.010(a)(1)]. If the department decides not to file a petition alleging that the 29 child [MINOR] is a child in need of aid, the department shall, within seven state 30 working days after receiving the report from the peace officer under this subsection, 31 send to the child's [MINOR'S] parents or guardian, as applicable, written notice of its
01 determination not to proceed with the petition, including the reasons on which the 02 determination was based. If the department is unable to obtain a reasonably reliable 03 address for a parent or guardian, the department shall keep a copy of the notice on file 04 and, notwithstanding AS 47.10.093, release the notice to the child's [MINOR'S] parent 05 or guardian on request of the parent or guardian. If the department files a petition 06 alleging that the child [MINOR] is a child in need of aid, the court shall proceed under 07 AS 47.10.142(d). 08 * Sec. 41. AS 47.10.141(g) is amended to read: 09 (g) If the department files a petition alleging the child [MINOR] is a child in 10 need of aid under AS 47.10.011 [AS 47.10.010(a)(1)] because the child [MINOR] is 11 habitually absent from home or refuses available care, the child's [MINOR'S] parent 12 or guardian shall attend each hearing held during the child-in-need-of-aid proceedings 13 unless the court excuses the parent or guardian from attendance for good cause. If the 14 child [MINOR] is found to be a child in need of aid, the court may order that the 15 child's [MINOR'S] parent or guardian 16 (1) personally participate in treatment reasonably available in the parent 17 or guardian's community as specified in a plan set out in the court order; and 18 (2) comply with other conditions set out in the court order. 19 * Sec. 42. AS 47.10.142(a) is amended to read: 20 (a) The Department of Health and Social Services may take emergency custody 21 of a child [MINOR] upon discovering any of the following circumstances: 22 (1) the child [MINOR] has been abandoned as abandonment is 23 described in AS 47.10.013 ; 24 (2) the child [MINOR] has been [GROSSLY] neglected by the child's 25 [MINOR'S] parents or guardian, as "neglect" is described [DEFINED] in AS 47.10.014 26 [AS 47.17.290], and the department determines that immediate removal from the child's 27 [MINOR'S] surroundings is necessary to protect the child's [MINOR'S] life or provide 28 immediate necessary medical attention; 29 (3) the child [MINOR] has been subjected to physical harm [CHILD 30 ABUSE OR NEGLECT] by a person responsible for the child's [MINOR'S] welfare, 31 [AS "CHILD ABUSE OR NEGLECT" IS DEFINED IN AS 47.17.290,] and the
01 department determines that immediate removal from the child's [MINOR'S] 02 surroundings is necessary to protect the child's [MINOR'S] life or that immediate 03 medical attention is necessary; or 04 (4) the child or a sibling [MINOR] has been sexually abused under 05 circumstances listed in AS 47.10.011(7) [AS 47.10.010(a)(4)]. 06 * Sec. 43. AS 47.10.142(c) is amended to read: 07 (c) When a child is taken into custody under (a) or (b) of this section or when 08 the department is notified of a child's presence in either a program for runaway 09 children [MINORS] under AS 47.10.300 - 47.10.390 or a shelter for runaway children 10 [MINORS] under AS 47.10.392 - 47.10.399, the department shall immediately, and in 11 no event more than 24 [12] hours later unless prevented by lack of communication 12 facilities, notify the parents or the person or persons having custody of the child. If the 13 department determines that continued custody is necessary to protect the child, the 14 department shall notify the court of the emergency custody by filing, within 24 [12] 15 hours after custody was assumed, a petition alleging that the child is a child in need of 16 aid. If the department releases the child within 24 [12] hours after taking the child into 17 custody and does not file a child in need of aid petition , the department shall, within 18 24 [12] hours after releasing the child, file with the court a report explaining why the 19 child was taken into custody , why the child was released, and to whom the child was 20 released . 21 * Sec. 44. AS 47.10.142(h) is amended to read: 22 (h) Within 12 [18] months after a child [MINOR] is committed to the 23 department under this section, the court shall review the placement plan and actual 24 placement of the child [MINOR] under AS 47.10.080(l). 25 * Sec. 45. AS 47.10 is amended by adding a new section to read: 26 Sec. 47.10.960. Duty and standard of care not created. Nothing in this title 27 creates a duty or standard of care for services to children and their families being 28 served under AS 47.10. 29 * Sec. 46. AS 47.10.990(1) is amended to read: 30 (1) "care" [OR "CARING" UNDER AS 47.10.010(a)(1) AND 31 47.10.120(a)] means to provide for the physical, [EMOTIONAL,] mental, and social
01 needs of the child; 02 * Sec. 47. AS 47.10.990(2) is amended to read: 03 (2) "child in need of aid" means a child [MINOR] found to be within the 04 jurisdiction of the court under AS 47.10.010 and 47.10.011 [AS 47.10.010(a)]; 05 * Sec. 48. AS 47.10.990 is amended by adding new paragraphs to read: 06 (8) "child" means a person under 18 years of age and a person 19 years 07 of age if that person was under 18 years of age at the time that a proceeding under this 08 chapter was commenced; 09 (9) "custodian" means a natural person 18 years of age or older to 10 whom a parent or guardian has transferred temporary physical care, custody, and 11 control of the child for a period of time; 12 (10) "domestic violence" has the meaning given in AS 18.66.990; 13 (11) "family support services" means the services and activities provided 14 to children and their families, including those provided by the community, a church, 15 or other service organization, both to prevent removal of a child from the parental home 16 and to facilitate the child's safe return to the family; "family support services" may 17 include counseling, substance abuse treatment, mental health services, assistance to 18 address domestic violence, visitation with family members, parenting classes, in-home 19 services, temporary child care services, and transportation; 20 (12) "foster care" means care provided by a person or household under 21 a foster home license required under AS 47.35.015; 22 (13) "guardian" means a natural person who is legally appointed 23 guardian of the child by the court; 24 (14) "hazardous volatile material or substances" has the meaning given 25 in AS 47.37.270; 26 (15) "intoxicant" means a substance that temporarily diminishes a 27 person's control over mental or physical powers, including alcohol, controlled 28 substances under AS 11.71, and a hazardous volatile material or substance misused by 29 inhaling its vapors; 30 (16) "mental injury" has the meaning given in AS 47.17.290; 31 (17) "parent" means the biological or adoptive parent of the child;
01 (18) "permanency hearing" means a hearing 02 (A) designed to reach a decision in a case concerning the 03 permanent placement of a child under AS 47.10; and 04 (B) at which the direction of the case involving the child is 05 determined; 06 (19) "reasonable efforts" means, with respect to family support services 07 required under AS 47.10.086, consistent attempts made during a reasonable time period 08 and time-limited services; 09 (20) "reasonable time" means a period of time that serves the best 10 interests of the child, taking in account the affected child's age, emotional and 11 developmental needs, and ability to form and maintain lasting attachments; 12 (21) "serious physical injury" has the meaning given in 13 AS 11.81.900(b); 14 (22) "sexual abuse" means the conduct described in AS 11.41.410 - 15 11.41.460; conduct constituting "sexual exploitation" as defined in AS 47.17.290, and 16 conduct prohibited by AS 11.66.100 - 11.66.150; 17 (23) "support" has the meaning given in AS 11.51.120(b). 18 * Sec. 49. AS 47.12.310(b) is amended to read: 19 (b) A state or municipal agency or employee shall [MAY] disclose 20 appropriate information regarding a case to 21 (1) a guardian ad litem appointed by the court or to a citizen review 22 board or local review panel for permanency planning authorized by AS 47.14.200 - 23 47.14.220; 24 (2) a person or an agency requested by the department or the minor's 25 legal custodian to provide consultation or services for a minor who is subject to the 26 jurisdiction of the court under this chapter as necessary to enable the provision of the 27 consultation or services ; 28 (3) school officials as may be necessary to protect the safety of the 29 minor who is the subject of the case and the safety of school students and staff or to 30 enable the school to provide appropriate counseling and supportive services to meet the 31 needs of a minor about whom information is disclosed;
01 (4) a governmental agency as may be necessary to obtain that agency's 02 assistance for the department in its investigation or to obtain physical custody of a 03 minor; 04 (5) a [STATE OR MUNICIPAL] law enforcement agency of this state 05 or another jurisdiction as may be necessary for the protection, rehabilitation, or 06 supervision of any minor [A SPECIFIC INVESTIGATION BEING CONDUCTED 07 BY THAT AGENCY] or for actions [DISCLOSURES] by that agency to protect the 08 public safety; [AND] 09 (6) a victim as may be necessary to inform the victim about the 10 disposition or resolution of a case involving a minor ; 11 (7) the state medical examiner under AS 12.65 as may be necessary 12 to perform the duties of the state medical examiner; and 13 (8) foster parents or relatives with whom the child is placed by the 14 department as may be necessary to enable the foster parents or relatives to 15 provide appropriate care for the child who is the subject of the case, to protect the 16 safety of the child who is the subject of the case, and to protect the safety and 17 property of family members and visitors of the foster parents or relatives . 18 * Sec. 50. AS 47.14.100(a) is amended to read: 19 (a) Subject to (e), (f), and (i) [(e) AND (f)] of this section, the department shall 20 arrange for the care of every child committed to its custody by placing the child in a 21 foster home or in the care of an agency or institution providing care for children inside 22 or outside the state. The department may place a child in a suitable family home, with 23 or without compensation, and may place a child released to it, in writing verified by 24 the parent, or guardian or other person having legal custody, for adoptive purposes, in 25 a home for adoption in accordance with existing law. 26 * Sec. 51. AS 47.14.100(d) is amended to read: 27 (d) In addition to money paid for the maintenance of foster children under (b) 28 of this section, the department 29 (1) shall pay the costs of caring for physically or mentally handicapped 30 foster children, including the additional costs of medical care, habilitative and 31 rehabilitative treatment, services and equipment, special clothing, and the indirect costs
01 of medical care, including child care and transportation expenses; 02 (2) may pay for respite care; in this paragraph, "respite care" means 03 child care for the purpose of providing 04 [(A)] temporary relief from the stresses of caring for a foster 05 child [WHO HAS A PHYSICAL OR MENTAL DISABILITY OR A 06 PHYSICAL OR MENTAL IMPAIRMENT; IN THIS SUBPARAGRAPH, 07 (i) "PHYSICAL OR MENTAL DISABILITY" HAS THE 08 MEANING GIVEN IN AS 18.80.300(12)(A), (B), AND (D); AND 09 (ii) "PHYSICAL OR MENTAL IMPAIRMENT" HAS 10 THE MEANING GIVEN IN AS 18.80.300; AND 11 (B) PROTECTION FOR THE CHILD WHEN THE FOSTER 12 PARENT IS 13 (i) AWAY FROM THE HOME BECAUSE OF AN 14 EMERGENCY AND OTHER CARE IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR THE 15 CHILD; OR 16 (ii) ON VACATION AND THE CHILD, BECAUSE OF 17 AGE OR INFIRMITY, CANNOT BE PLACED IN ANY OTHER TYPE 18 OF TEMPORARY CARE FACILITY]; and 19 (3) may pay a subsidized guardianship payment under AS 25.23.210 20 when a foster child's foster parents or other persons approved by the department 21 become court-appointed legal guardians of the child. 22 * Sec. 52. AS 47.14.100(e) is amended to read: 23 (e) A child may not be placed in a foster home or in the care of an agency or 24 institution providing care for children if a [BLOOD] relative by blood or marriage 25 [EXISTS WHO] requests placement [CUSTODY] of the child in the relative's home . 26 However, the department may retain custody of the child and provide for its placement 27 in the same manner as for other children if the department 28 (1) [IT] makes a determination, supported by clear and convincing 29 evidence, that placement [THE CUSTODY] of the child with [BY] the [BLOOD] 30 relative will result in physical or mental injury; in [EMOTIONAL DAMAGE. IN] 31 making that determination, poverty, including inadequate or crowded housing, on the
01 part of the blood relative, is not considered prima facie evidence that physical or 02 emotional damage to the child will occur ; this [. THIS] determination may be appealed 03 to the superior court to hear the matter de novo ; 04 (2) determines that there is a member of the relative's household 05 who is 16 years of age or older who has a criminal record or was the perpetrator 06 in a substantiated report of abuse under AS 47.17; for the purpose of obtaining 07 criminal justice information under this paragraph, the department is a criminal 08 justice agency conducting a criminal justice activity under AS 12.62; or 09 (3) disqualifies the relative's home based on the results of a criminal 10 background check from criminal justice information available under AS 12.62; the 11 department shall conduct a criminal background check of available criminal 12 justice information received under AS 12.62; the department may conduct a 13 fingerprint background check of a relative who requests placement of the child; 14 the department may not place a child with a relative who does not meet the 15 standards required for placement in foster care as described in AS 47.35.022(a) 16 and (b); for the purpose of obtaining criminal justice information under this 17 paragraph, the department is a criminal justice agency conducting a criminal 18 justice activity under AS 12.62 . 19 * Sec. 53. AS 47.14.100 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 20 (i) A child may not be placed with an out-of-home care provider, as defined 21 in AS 47.14.299, if the department determines that the child can remain safely at home 22 with one parent or guardian. 23 * Sec. 54. AS 47.14.240(d) is amended to read: 24 (d) In reviewing a case, the local review panel shall consider the case plan and 25 any progress report of the department or the child's guardian ad litem, court records, 26 and other relevant information about the child and the child's family. The local review 27 panel shall provide to the following persons an opportunity to be interviewed by the 28 local review panel in person or by telephone or to provide written material to the local 29 review panel: 30 (1) the child whose case is being reviewed if the child is 10 years of age 31 or older;
01 (2) the parents, custodians, or other relatives of the child; 02 (3) the child's out-of-home care provider; 03 (4) the child's guardian; 04 (5) the child's guardian ad litem; 05 (6) the case worker or social worker assigned to the case; 06 (7) the child's health care providers; 07 (8) if the case is governed by 25 U.S.C. 1901 - 1963 (Indian Child 08 Welfare Act), 09 (A) the child's Indian custodian; and 10 (B) the designated representative of the child's Indian tribe if the 11 tribe has intervened in the court case; and 12 (9) [(8)] other persons with a close personal knowledge of the case. 13 * Sec. 55. AS 47.14.240(h) is amended to read: 14 (h) The report required under (g) of this section must make advisory 15 recommendations based on the best interests of the child in accordance with 16 AS 47.10.082 and must include notification of the right to request court review under 17 AS 47.10.080(f). If the court has scheduled the case for review, the local review panel 18 shall submit its report at least 20 days before the hearing , and the department shall 19 present to the court the recommendations that are made in the report . 20 * Sec. 56. AS 47.14 is amended by adding a new section to read: 21 Article 3A. Multidisciplinary Child Protection Teams. 22 Sec. 47.14.300. Multidisciplinary child protection teams. (a) The 23 department shall create multidisciplinary child protection teams to assist in the 24 evaluation and investigation of reports made under AS 47.17 and to provide 25 consultation and coordination for agencies involved in child protection cases under 26 AS 47.10. 27 (b) If a team is created under (a) of this section, the team may invite other 28 persons to serve on the team who have knowledge of and experience in child abuse and 29 neglect matters. These persons may include 30 (1) mental and physical health practitioners licensed under AS 08; 31 (2) child development specialists;
01 (3) educators; 02 (4) peace officers as defined in AS 11.81.900; 03 (5) victim counselors as defined in AS 18.66.250; 04 (6) experts in the assessment and treatment of substance abuse; 05 (7) representatives of the district attorney's office and the attorney 06 general's office; 07 (8) persons familiar with 25 U.S.C. 1901 - 1963 (Indian Child Welfare 08 Act); 09 (9) guardians ad litem; and 10 (10) staff members of a child advocacy center if a center is located in 11 the relevant area. 12 (c) A team created under (a) and (b) of this section shall review records on a 13 case referred to the team by the department. The department shall make available to 14 the team its records on the case and other records compiled for planning on the case 15 by other agencies at the request of the department. The team may make 16 recommendations to the department on appropriate planning for the case. 17 (d) Except for a public report issued by a team that does not contain 18 confidential information, records or other information collected by the team or a 19 member of the team related to duties under this section are confidential and not subject 20 to public disclosure under AS 09.25.100 and 09.25.110. 21 (e) Meetings of a team are closed to the public and are not subject to the 22 provisions of AS 44.62.310 and 44.62.312. 23 (f) The determinations, conclusions, and recommendations of a team or its 24 members are not admissible in a civil or criminal proceeding. A member may not be 25 compelled to disclose a determination, conclusion, recommendation, discussion, or 26 thought process through discovery or testimony in a civil or criminal proceeding. 27 Records and information collected by the team are not subject to discovery or subpoena 28 in connection with a civil or criminal proceeding. 29 (g) Notwithstanding (f) of this section, an employee of the department may 30 testify in a civil or criminal proceeding concerning cases reviewed by a team even 31 though the department's records were reviewed by a team and formed the basis of that
01 employee's testimony and the team's report. 02 (h) A person who serves on a multidisciplinary child protection team is not 03 liable for damage or other relief in an action brought by the reason of the performance 04 of a duty, a function, or an activity of the team. 05 (i) In this section, "team" means a multidisciplinary child protection team 06 created under (a) and (b) of this section. 07 * Sec. 57. AS 47.14.990(2) is amended to read: 08 (2) "child in need of aid" means a child [MINOR] found to be within 09 the jurisdiction of the court under AS 47.10.010 and 47.10.011 [AS 47.10.010(a)]; 10 * Sec. 58. AS 47.17.020(a) is amended to read: 11 (a) The following persons who, in the performance of their occupational duties, 12 or with respect to (9) of this subsection, in the performance of their appointed 13 duties, have reasonable cause to suspect that a child has suffered harm as a result of 14 child abuse or neglect shall immediately report the harm to the nearest office of the 15 department: 16 (1) practitioners of the healing arts; 17 (2) school teachers and school administrative staff members of public 18 and private schools; 19 (3) social workers; 20 (4) peace officers [,] and officers of the Department of Corrections; 21 (5) administrative officers of institutions; 22 (6) child care providers; 23 (7) paid employees of domestic violence and sexual assault programs, 24 and crisis intervention and prevention programs as defined in AS 18.66.990; 25 (8) paid employees of an organization that provides counseling or 26 treatment to individuals seeking to control their use of drugs or alcohol ; 27 (9) members of a child fatality review team established under 28 AS 12.65.015(e) or 12.65.120 or the multidisciplinary child protection team created 29 under AS 47.14.300 . 30 * Sec. 59. AS 47.17.020 is amended by adding new subsections to read: 31 (h) This section does not require a person required to report child abuse or
01 neglect under (a)(7) of this section to report mental injury to a child as a result of 02 exposure to domestic violence so long as the person has reasonable cause to believe 03 that the child is in safe and appropriate care and not presently in danger of mental 04 injury as a result of exposure to domestic violence. 05 (i) This section does not require a person required to report child abuse or 06 neglect under (a)(8) of this section to report the resumption of use of an intoxicant as 07 described in AS 47.10.011(10) so long as the person does not have reasonable cause 08 to suspect that a child has suffered harm as a result of the resumption. 09 * Sec. 60. AS 47.17.030(d) is amended to read: 10 (d) Before the department or a local government health or social services 11 agency may seek the termination of parental rights under AS 47.10 12 [AS 47.10.080(c)(3)], it shall offer protective social services and pursue all other 13 reasonable means of protecting the child. 14 * Sec. 61. AS 47.17 is amended by adding a new section to read: 15 Sec. 47.17.033. Investigations. (a) In investigating child abuse and neglect 16 reports under this chapter, the department may make necessary inquiries about the 17 criminal records of the parents or of the alleged abusive or neglectful person, including 18 inquiries about the existence of a criminal history record involving a serious offense as 19 defined in AS 12.62.900. 20 (b) For purposes of obtaining access to information needed to conduct the 21 inquiries required by (a) of this section, the department is a criminal justice agency 22 conducting a criminal justice activity. 23 * Sec. 62. AS 47.17.035(b) is amended to read: 24 (b) If the department determines in an investigation of abuse or neglect of a 25 child that 26 (1) the child is in danger because of domestic violence or that the child 27 needs protection as a result of the presence of domestic violence in the family, the 28 department shall take appropriate steps for the protection of the child; in this 29 paragraph, "appropriate steps" includes 30 (A) reasonable efforts to protect the child and prevent the 31 removal of the child from the parent or guardian who is not a domestic
01 violence offender; 02 (B) reasonable efforts to remove the alleged domestic violence 03 offender from the child's residence if it is determined that the child or 04 another family or household member is in danger of domestic violence; and 05 (C) services to help protect the child from being placed or 06 having unsupervised visitation with the domestic violence offender until the 07 department determines that the offender has met conditions considered 08 necessary by the department to protect the safety of the domestic violence 09 victim and household members; 10 (2) a person is the victim of domestic violence, the department shall 11 provide the victim with a written notice of the rights of and services available to 12 victims of domestic violence that is substantially similar to the notice provided to 13 victims of domestic violence under AS 18.65.520. 14 * Sec. 63. AS 47.17.290(8) is amended to read: 15 (8) "maltreatment" means an act or omission that results in 16 circumstances in which there is reasonable cause to suspect that a child may be a child 17 in need of aid, as described in AS 47.10.011 [AS 47.10.010(a)], except that, for 18 purposes of this chapter, the act or omission need not have been committed by the 19 child's parent, custodian, or guardian; 20 * Sec. 64. AS 47.35.017(b) is amended to read: 21 (b) An application submitted under this section must contain at least the 22 following information: 23 (1) the name and address of the applicant [,] and , if the applicant is an 24 agency, corporation, partnership, association, or any other form of organization, the 25 name, address, and title of each individual [ALL INDIVIDUALS] who has [HAVE] 26 an ownership or management interest in the facility; if the applicant is an individual, 27 the application must include the name, age, and driver's license number, if any, 28 of each member of the individual's household; 29 (2) the name, physical location, and mailing address of the facility or 30 agency for which the license is sought; 31 (3) the name and address of the administrator of the facility or agency,
01 if any; 02 (4) evidence that the administrator or foster parent is an adult with 03 sufficient experience, training, or education to fulfill the duties of an administrator or 04 foster parent; 05 (5) a release for the administrator or foster parent and for each other 06 person who is 16 years of age or older , as specified by the department by regulation, 07 who will have contact with individuals served by the facility or agency, authorizing the 08 department to review all federal, state, and municipal criminal justice information, 09 whether of this state, of a municipality of this state, or of another jurisdiction 10 [LAW ENFORCEMENT], medical records , licensing records , and protective services 11 records, identified in regulations adopted under this chapter, that are relevant to the 12 person who is the subject of the release and to the type of license for which the 13 application has been submitted; 14 (6) two sets of fingerprints and the social security number of each 15 person required to provide a release under (5) of this subsection in order for the 16 department to submit the fingerprints to the Department of Public Safety for the 17 purpose of conducting state and national criminal background checks from 18 criminal justice information received under AS 12.62 and regulations adopted 19 under AS 12.62; the department may not approve an application under this section 20 until the results of the criminal background check have been submitted to the 21 department; 22 (7) for a facility, the number of individuals that will be served in the 23 facility; 24 (8) [(7)] the type of facility or agency for which the license is sought; 25 (9) [(8)] copies of all inspection reports and approvals required by state 26 fire prevention and environmental health and safety authorities for operation of the 27 facility or agency, including any variances granted by these authorities; 28 (10) [(9)] a plan of operation, as required by the department by 29 regulation; 30 (11) [(10)] a staffing plan that describes the number of people who will 31 work at the facility or agency, staff qualifications, a description of each person's
01 responsibilities, and, for a facility other than a maternity home, a supervision schedule 02 for the children in care that meets the requirements established by the department by 03 regulation; 04 (12) evidence that the applicant is capable of meeting the minimum 05 standards of care established by the department under AS 47.14.120; 06 (13) [(11)] evidence that the applicant has completed orientation or 07 training required by the department, by regulation, for holders of the type of license for 08 which the application was submitted; and 09 (14) [(12)] other information required by the department, by regulation, 10 in order to monitor compliance with this chapter and regulations adopted under this 11 chapter. 12 * Sec. 65. AS 47.35 is amended by adding a new section to read: 13 Sec. 47.35.022. Foster care placement. (a) Except as provided in (b) of this 14 section, the department may not place or continue placement of a child for care for 15 payment under AS 47.10 in a foster home that is licensed under this chapter if the 16 department finds that a person for whom fingerprints are required to be submitted for 17 licensure of the foster home is currently under arrest for, charged with, or has been 18 convicted of, or found not guilty by reason of insanity of, a serious offense. 19 (b) Notwithstanding (a) of this section, the department may place or continue 20 a placement for foster care if the applicant or licensee demonstrates to the satisfaction 21 of the department that the applicant, licensee, or other person committed the conduct 22 described in (a) of this section at least five years before the placement, and the conduct 23 (1) did not involve a victim who was under 18 years of age at the time 24 the conduct occurred; 25 (2) was not a crime of domestic violence as defined in AS 18.66.990; 26 and 27 (3) was not a violent crime under AS 11.41.100 - 11.41.455 or a law 28 or an ordinance of another jurisdiction having similar elements. 29 (c) The department shall develop procedures for rechecking criminal justice 30 information records for the information described in (a) of this section for persons who 31 are 16 years of age or older who are living in a licensed foster home with access to
01 children placed by the department. 02 * Sec. 66. AS 47.35.023(b) is repealed and reenacted to read: 03 (b) Notwithstanding (a) of this section, if an emergency exists and a child must 04 be immediately placed, the department or the department's designee may issue a 05 provisional foster home license on an emergency basis for a period of 90 days or less 06 if the department or the department's designee determines that the applicant meets 07 minimal requirements for emergency conditions and the applicant agrees in writing to 08 provide the fingerprint information described in AS 47.35.017(b) within 30 days of the 09 placement of a child in the foster home. The department may extend a provisional 10 foster home license issued under this subsection for one or two additional periods of 11 up to 90 days each in order to obtain the information from the national criminal 12 background check required under AS 47.35.017(b)(6). The department may not issue 13 a license under this subsection before checking state and national criminal justice 14 information available to the department under AS 12.62 and regulations adopted under 15 AS 12.62 about the administrator or foster parent and each person who is 16 years of 16 age or older in the foster home who will have contact with the child. If the department 17 cannot obtain direct access to the state and federal criminal justice information, the 18 department shall request the agency having primary law enforcement responsibility for 19 the geographic area in which the prospective foster home is located to obtain the 20 information and provide it to the department before the license is issued under this 21 section. If the criminal justice information readily available to the department shows 22 an offense which a person would be required to notify the department under 23 AS 47.35.047(b), the department may not issue the license under this subsection. If the 24 additional criminal justice information available from the fingerprint search or another 25 source after the license is issued reveals that the person has a record for one or more 26 of these offenses, the department shall immediately revoke the license and move the 27 child to an appropriate placement. For purposes of obtaining criminal justice 28 information under this subsection, the department is a criminal justice agency 29 conducting a criminal justice activity under AS 12.62. 30 * Sec. 67. AS 47.35.047(b) is amended to read: 31 (b) A licensee shall notify the department within 24 hours after having
01 knowledge of a conviction or indictment, presentment, or charging by information or 02 complaint of an administrator, foster parent, member of the licensee's household, regular 03 volunteer, or staff person for a violation of the following laws or the laws of another 04 jurisdiction with similar elements: 05 (1) offenses against the family and vulnerable adults under 06 AS 11.51; 07 (2) perjury under AS 11.56.200; 08 (3) offenses included in the definition of "serious offense" under 09 AS 12.62.900 [FELONY, FOR A MISDEMEANOR CRIME OF ASSAULT, 10 RECKLESS ENDANGERMENT, CONTRIBUTING TO THE DELINQUENCY OF A 11 MINOR, OR MISCONDUCT INVOLVING A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE, FOR 12 THE CRIME OF PERJURY, AS DEFINED IN AS 11 OR THE LAWS OF ANOTHER 13 JURISDICTION, OR FOR A SEX CRIME AS DEFINED IN AS 12.62.035]. 14 * Sec. 68. AS 47.35.900 is amended by adding new paragraphs to read: 15 (20) "criminal justice information" has the meaning given in 16 AS 12.62.900; 17 (21) "domestic violence" has the meaning given in AS 18.66.990; 18 (22) "serious offense" has the meaning given in AS 12.62.900. 19 * Sec. 69. AS 47.10.080(k), and 47.10.990(7) are repealed. 20 * Sec. 70. COURT RULE CHANGE; EXPEDITED APPEALS. (a) AS 47.10.080(i), as 21 amended in sec. 31 of this Act, has the effect of amending Rule 218, Alaska Rules of 22 Appellate Procedure, by requiring that expedited appeals from a judgment or an order under 23 AS 47.10 be decided within a fixed timeframe. 24 (b) Section 31 of this Act takes effect only if this section receives the two-thirds 25 majority vote of each house required by art. IV, sec. 15, Constitution of the State of Alaska. 26 * Sec. 71. COURT RULE CHANGES; CINA RULES. (a) Many provisions enacted or 27 amended by secs. 20 - 48 of this Act have the effect of amending the Alaska Child in Need 28 of Aid Rules, including rules regarding notice, parties, hearings, filing of petitions or reports, 29 court review of orders, termination of parental rights, and duties of the Department of Health 30 and Social Services. 31 (b) Sections 20 - 48 of this Act take effect only if this section receives the two-thirds
01 majority vote of each house required by art. IV, sec. 15, Constitution of the State of Alaska. 02 * Sec. 72. APPLICABILITY. This Act applies to all new cases or proceedings filed with 03 the court on or after the effective date of this Act and to motions filed with the court on or 04 after the effective date of this Act in cases or proceedings pending before a court on the day 05 before the effective date of this Act. 06 * Sec. 73. This Act takes effect immediately under AS 01.10.070(c).