SB 130(EFD FLD H): "An Act amending the retirement incentive programs for municipalities and school districts."
00SENATE BILL NO. 130(efd fld H) 01 "An Act amending the retirement incentive programs for municipalities and school 02 districts." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. Section 3, ch. 65, SLA 1996, is amended to read: 05 Sec. 3. AUTHORIZATION FOR RETIREMENT INCENTIVE. (a) A school 06 district is authorized to adopt a retirement incentive plan for its employees under sec. 07 2 of this Act. At the request of a school district, the administrator shall establish 08 one or more periods during which employees of the school district who are eligible 09 under sec. 2(c) of this Act may apply to participate in the retirement incentive plan. 10 The periods shall begin no earlier than June 30, 1996, and end no later than 11 June 30, 1999. The first period [A PLAN] adopted under this section must permit 12 designated employees to apply to the retirement incentive program under sec. 2 of this 13 Act only from June 30, 1996, through no later than December 31, 1996. After the first 14 period, the periods shall be no less than 30 days and no more than 60 days in
01 duration and may not begin less than 30 days after their establishment. A school 02 district is not required to request an application period and may request more than 03 one application period. 04 (b) Under a plan adopted under this section, the administrator may not accept 05 the application of an employee unless, in the case of employees who participate in the 06 first period, the employee will be appointed to retirement on or before August 1, 1997, 07 or, in the case of employees who participate in later periods, if any, not later than 08 the first day of the month that is six months after the last day of the application 09 period established by the administrator under (a) of this section. The school district 10 may set an earlier date by which employees of the school district must be appointed to 11 retirement in order to participate. 12 * Sec. 2. Section 8, ch. 65, SLA 1996, is amended to read: 13 Sec. 8. Sections 2 - 3 of this Act are repealed July 1, 2000 [1998]. 14 * Sec. 3. Section 25, ch. 4, FSSLA 1996, is amended to read: 15 Sec. 25. AUTHORIZATION FOR RETIREMENT INCENTIVE FOR OTHER 16 EMPLOYEES IN THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM. (a) The 17 governing body of a political subdivision of the state or public organization that has 18 elected to participate in the public employees' retirement system under AS 39.35.550 - 19 39.35.650 may adopt, and file with the commissioner of administration for approval, 20 a proposed retirement incentive plan for its employees. At the request of a political 21 subdivision or public organization, the administrator shall establish one or more 22 periods during which employees of the political subdivision or public organization 23 who are eligible under this Act may apply to participate in the retirement 24 incentive plan. The periods shall begin no earlier than December 31, 1996, and 25 end no later than June 30, 1999. The first period [A PLAN] adopted under this 26 section must provide that the application period for participation in the retirement 27 incentive plan is December 31, 1996, through June 30, 1997. After the first period, 28 the periods shall be no less than 30 days and no more than 60 days in duration 29 and may not begin less than 30 days after their establishment. A political 30 subdivision or public organization is not required to request an application period 31 and may request more than one application period.
01 (b) The commissioner of administration may not accept the application of an 02 employee to participate in an approved retirement incentive plan adopted under this 03 section unless, in the case of employees who participate in the first period, the 04 employee will be appointed to retirement on or before February 1, 1998, or, in the 05 case of employees who participate in later periods, if any, the employee will be 06 appointed to retirement not later than the first day of the month that is six 07 months after the last day of the application period established by the 08 administrator under (a) of this section. The governing body of the political 09 subdivision or public organization, in a plan adopted under this section, may set an 10 earlier date by which an employee must be appointed to retirement in order to 11 participate in the plan. 12 * Sec. 4. Section 46, ch. 4, FSSLA 1996, is amended to read: 13 Sec. 46. Sections 22, 23, 25, and 31 of this Act are repealed July 1, 2000. 14 * Sec. 5. Section 47, ch. 4, FSSLA 1996, is amended to read: 15 Sec. 47. Sections 24 and 26 [24 - 26] of this Act are repealed December 31, 16 1999.