SB 118: "An Act relating to investments of the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation."
00SENATE BILL NO. 118 01 "An Act relating to investments of the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation." 02 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 03 * Section 1. AS 37.13.120(i) is amended to read: 04 (i) The fund may at no time own more than five percent of the voting stock 05 of a corporation. Domestic stocks, except for bank and insurance company stocks, 06 must be listed at the date of purchase on an exchange registered with the Securities 07 and Exchange Commission. At the time of each investment, the aggregate investment 08 of the fund in each stated category of investment may not exceed the following stated 09 percentage of the total investments of the fund: 10 (1) mortgages under (g)(13) of this section - 15 percent; 11 (2) real estate investments under (g)(16) of this section - 15 percent; 12 (3) certificates of deposit, term deposits [DEPOSIT], or bankers' 13 acceptances under (g)(15) of this section - 20 percent; 14 (4) domestic and nondomestic corporate stocks under (g)(14) and (18)
01 of this section - 60 [50] percent [. 02 (5) REPEALED].