SB 114: "An Act relating to contributions from employee compensation for political purposes; and prohibiting certain kinds of discrimination against employees for political purposes."
00SENATE BILL NO. 114 01 "An Act relating to contributions from employee compensation for political 02 purposes; and prohibiting certain kinds of discrimination against employees for 03 political purposes." 04 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05 * Section 1. AS 15.13 is amended by adding a new section to read: 06 Sec. 15.13.160. Limitations on employers and labor organizations. (a) An 07 employer or labor organization may not 08 (1) increase the salary of an officer or employee, or give an emolument 09 to an officer, employee, or other person or entity, with the intent that all or a part of 10 the increase or emolument be contributed or spent to support or oppose a candidate, 11 state official against whom a recall petition has been filed, political party, or group; 12 or 13 (2) discriminate against an officer or employee in the terms or 14 conditions of employment of the officer or employee for
01 (A) failure to contribute to a candidate, ballot proposition, 02 political party, or group; 03 (B) failure in any way to support or oppose a candidate, ballot 04 proposition, political party, or group; or 05 (C) supporting or opposing in any way a candidate, ballot 06 proposition, political party, or group. 07 (b) An employer or other person or entity responsible for the disbursement of 08 funds in payment of wages or salaries may not withhold or divert a portion of an 09 employee's wages or salaries for contributions to groups or for use as political 10 contributions unless the employee has filed a written authorization for the diversion 11 on a form prescribed by the commission. The form must inform the employee of the 12 prohibition against employer or labor organization discrimination described in (a)(2) 13 of this section. The written request is valid for no more than 12 months from the date 14 of signing by the employee. 15 (c) For a period of at least three years after a disbursement under (b) of this 16 section, a person or entity who withheld a contribution under (b) of this section shall 17 maintain documents and books of accounts, including a copy of each employee's 18 written request, the amounts and dates funds were actually withheld, and the amounts 19 and dates funds were transferred to a group. These documents and books of account 20 are open to public inspection during normal business hours. 21 * Sec. 2. AS 23.40.220 is amended to read: 22 Sec. 23.40.220. Labor or employee organization dues and employee 23 benefits, deduction, and authorization. Upon written authorization of a public 24 employee within a bargaining unit, the public employer shall deduct from the payroll 25 of the public employee the monthly amount of dues, fees, and other employee benefits 26 as certified by the secretary of the exclusive bargaining representative and shall deliver 27 it to the chief fiscal officer of the exclusive bargaining representative. If all or part 28 of a deduction under this section will be used to make a political contribution, the 29 written authorization must comply with AS 15.13.160.