HCS CSSB 83(FIN) AM H: "An Act making and amending appropriations; amending an appropriation from the constitutional budget reserve fund under art. IX, sec. 17(c), Constitution of the State of Alaska; and providing for an effective date."
00HOUSE CS FOR CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 83(FIN) am H 01 "An Act making and amending appropriations; amending an appropriation from 02 the constitutional budget reserve fund under art. IX, sec. 17(c), Constitution of 03 the State of Alaska; and providing for an effective date." 04 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05 * Section 1. DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION. (a) The unexpended and 06 unobligated balance, not to exceed $1,341,000, of the appropriation made in sec. 30, ch. 117, 07 SLA 1996, page 12, line 11 (Longevity bonus grants - $74,152,600) is reappropriated to the 08 Department of Administration, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, in the amounts and 09 for the purposes stated: 10 PURPOSE APPROPRIATION AMOUNT 11 (1) Leasing and facilities program $ 993,700 12 (2) Settlement of ABBA, Inc. v. State 243,300 13 (1JU-96-1773 CI), relating to a 14 procurement dispute concerning
01 a state lease 02 (3) Costs associated with adjudicatory 104,000 03 claims relating to the Department 04 of Environmental Conservation 05 laboratory 06 (b) The sum of $210,500 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 07 Administration, office of public advocacy, for operating costs for the fiscal year ending 08 June 30, 1997. 09 (c) The sum of $185,000 is appropriated to the Department of Administration, public 10 defender agency, for operating costs for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, from the 11 following sources: 12 General fund $132,000 13 General fund program receipts 53,000 14 (d) The sum of $65,600 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 15 Administration for the elected public officers retirement system for the fiscal year ending 16 June 30, 1997. 17 * Sec. 2. ALASKA AEROSPACE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. (a) The sum 18 of $5,000,000 is appropriated from the earnings reserve of the Alaska science and technology 19 endowment (AS 37.17.020(a)) to the Alaska Science and Technology Foundation for payment 20 as a grant under AS 37.17.090(k)(1) to the Alaska Aerospace Development Corporation for 21 the Kodiak launch complex. 22 (b) The sum of $23,000,000 is appropriated to the Alaska Aerospace Development 23 Corporation revolving fund (AS 14.40.841) for construction of the Kodiak launch complex 24 from the following sources: 25 Federal receipts $ 18,000,000 26 Alaska Science and Technology Foundation 5,000,000 27 grant made under (a) of this section 28 * Sec. 3. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. (a) 29 The sum of $4,300 is appropriated from general fund designated program receipts to the 30 Department of Commerce and Economic Development for travel costs for staff of the division 31 of measurement standards to attend the National Conference of Weights and Measures for the
01 fiscal year ending June 30, 1997. 02 (b) The sum of $300,000 is appropriated from federal receipts from the United States 03 Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, to the Department of 04 Commerce and Economic Development to capitalize the small business economic 05 development revolving loan fund (AS 44.88.400). 06 * Sec. 4. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND REGIONAL AFFAIRS. (a) The sum 07 of $1,500,000 is appropriated from the power cost equalization and rural electric 08 capitalization fund (AS 42.45.100) to the Department of Community and Regional Affairs for 09 the power cost equalization program for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997. It is the intent 10 of the legislature to appoint a volunteer task force of consumers, electric utility and municipal 11 officials, and legislators to review and make recommendations regarding the power cost 12 equalization program. The task force shall make its report available to the legislature by 13 January 12, 1998. 14 (b) The sum of $50,000 is appropriated from federal receipts to the Department of 15 Community and Regional Affairs, division of community and rural development, for the Head 16 Start program for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997. 17 * Sec. 5. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS. The sum of $1,000,000 is appropriated 18 from federal receipts to the Department of Corrections for contract beds in community 19 residential centers and for out-of-state contract beds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997. 20 * Sec. 6. DISASTER RELIEF FUND. The sum of $415,000 is appropriated from the 21 general fund to the disaster relief fund (AS 26.23.300) to capitalize the fund. 22 * Sec. 7. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. (a) The sum of $3,750,000 is appropriated 23 from federal receipts to the Department of Education, division of teaching and learning 24 support, for Title I and Migrant Education programs for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997. 25 (b) The sum of $600,000 is appropriated from federal receipts to the Department of 26 Education, division of vocational rehabilitation, for costs of client service programs for the 27 fiscal year ending June 30, 1997. 28 (c) The sum of $150,000 is appropriated from federal receipts to the Department of 29 Education, division of vocational rehabilitation, for vocational rehabilitation administration 30 costs for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997. 31 (d) The sum of $1,080,000 is appropriated from federal receipts to the Department
01 of Education, division of teaching and learning support, for the school to work programs for 02 the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997. 03 (e) The sum of $30,000 is appropriated from general fund program receipts to the 04 Department of Education, division of libraries, archives, and museums, for computer and 05 software upgrades for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997. 06 (f) The sum of $22,000 is appropriated from general fund program receipts to the 07 Department of Education, Mt. Edgecumbe Boarding School, for summer programs for the 08 fiscal year ending June 30, 1997. 09 * Sec. 8. EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT AND DEFERRED MAINTENANCE. (a) The 10 sum of $632,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of Corrections for 11 replacement of the boiler system at the Fairbanks Correctional Center. 12 (b) The sum of $100,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 13 Military and Veterans' Affairs for radio equipment. 14 (c) The sum of $200,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 15 Health and Social Services for emergency communications equipment. 16 * Sec. 9. DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME. (a) The sum of $430,000 is 17 appropriated from federal receipts to the Department of Fish and Game, division of wildlife 18 conservation, for services required by federal grant awards for the fiscal year ending June 30, 19 1997. 20 (b) The sum of $115,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 21 Fish and Game for ongoing litigation costs for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997. 22 * Sec. 10. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES. (a) Section 30, 23 ch. 117, SLA 1996, page 30, line 33, is amended to read: 24 ALLOCATIONS 25 Aid to Families with 121,909,800 26 Dependent Children [122,709,800] 27 (b) Section 30, ch. 117, SLA 1996, page 30, line 35, is amended to read: 28 ALLOCATIONS 29 Adult Public 44,458,200 30 Assistance [43,658,200] 31 (c) The sum of $10,000,000 is appropriated from federal receipts to the Department
01 of Health and Social Services for increased Indian Health Service Medicaid reimbursement 02 rates for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997. 03 (d) The sum of $750,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 04 Health and Social Services, division of family and youth services, for foster care program 05 costs for children in the department's custody who require placement for the fiscal year ending 06 June 30, 1997. 07 (e) The sum of $99,300 is appropriated from federal receipts to the Department of 08 Health and Social Services, division of public health, for operating costs for the fiscal year 09 ending June 30, 1997. 10 (f) Section 30, ch. 117, SLA 1996, page 31, line 18, is amended to read: 11 APPROPRIATION GENERAL OTHER 12 ITEMS FUND FUNDS 13 Public Assistance Administration 39,469,900 19,184,300 20,285,600 14 [39,769,900] [19,484,300] 15 (g) Section 30, ch. 117, SLA 1996, page 31, line 22, is amended to read: 16 ALLOCATIONS 17 Eligibility deter- 20,280,500 18 mination [20,580,500] 19 (h) Section 30, ch. 117, SLA 1996, page 31, line 28, is amended to read: 20 APPROPRIATION GENERAL OTHER 21 ITEMS FUND FUNDS 22 Medical Assistance Administration 16,782,300 6,036,900 10,745,400 23 [17,082,300] [6,336,900] 24 (i) Section 30, ch. 117, SLA 1996, page 31, line 31, is amended to read: 25 ALLOCATIONS 26 Claims processing 12,252,800 27 [12,552,800] 28 (j) Section 30, ch. 117, SLA 1996, page 32, lines 21 - 22, is amended to read: 29 APPROPRIATION GENERAL OTHER 30 ALLOCATIONS ITEMS FUND FUNDS 31 Youth Facility 15,307,600 14,837,100 470,500
01 Services [14,707,600] [14,237,100] 02 McLaughlin Youth 9,309,400 03 Center [8,709,400] 04 (k) The sum of $43,500 is appropriated from Mental Health Trust Authority receipts 05 to the Department of Health and Social Services for relocation and renovation of the Aniak 06 Mental Health Center. 07 (l) The sum of $687,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 08 Health and Social Services, division of family and youth services, for improved security at 09 McLaughlin Youth Center. 10 (m) The sum of $147,100 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 11 Health and Social Services, division of family and youth services, for improved security at the 12 Fairbanks Youth Facility. 13 * Sec. 11. DEPARTMENT OF LAW. (a) Section 26(a), ch. 94, SLA 1995, is amended 14 to read: 15 (a) For the fiscal year ending June 30, 1996, the [THE] sum of $20,000,000 16 is appropriated to the Department of Law and, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 17 1997, the sum of $7,206,700, which is the amount encumbered on June 30, 1996, 18 from that appropriation of $20,000,000, is appropriated to the Department of Law 19 from the following sources, for costs relating to legal proceedings and audit activity 20 involving oil and gas revenue due or paid to the state or state title to oil and gas land 21 [, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1996]: 22 State corporation receipts $ 3,160,000 23 Budget reserve fund (art. IX, 24 sec. 17, Constitution of the 25 State of Alaska) 16,840,000 26 (b) The sum of $1,548,257 is appropriated to the Department of Law to pay judgments 27 and claims against the state for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, from the following 28 funding sources: 29 General fund $ 1,532,314 30 Public employees' retirement fund 12,766 31 Teachers' retirement fund 3,177
01 (c) Section 32, ch. 117, SLA 1996, page 67, line 8, is amended to read: 02 General Fund Match 107,500 [97,500] 03 (d) Section 32, ch. 117, SLA 1996, page 67, line 10, is amended to read: 04 General Fund/Program Receipts 586,600 [596,600] 05 * Sec. 12. DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY AND VETERANS' AFFAIRS. (a) The sum 06 of $220,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of Military and Veterans' 07 Affairs for emergency alert system equipment. 08 (b) The sum of $17,200 is appropriated to the disaster relief fund (AS 26.23.300) from 09 amounts deposited in the general fund as designated program receipts from premium payments 10 for flood insurance from victims of the Southcentral flood. 11 (c) The sum of $17,200 is appropriated from the disaster relief fund (AS 26.23.300) 12 to the Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs for payment of premiums for flood 13 insurance under the federal flood insurance pilot program authorized specifically for victims 14 of the Southcentral flood. 15 (d) The sum of $700,000 is appropriated from general fund match to the Department 16 of Military and Veterans' Affairs for expansion of the Fairbanks armory. 17 (e) The sum of $186,439 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 18 Military and Veterans' Affairs, Alaska National Guard, for the Youth Corps program for the 19 fiscal year ending June 30, 1997. 20 * Sec. 13. MISCELLANEOUS CLAIMS. The following amounts are appropriated from 21 the general fund to the following departments to pay miscellaneous claims and stale-dated 22 warrants for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997: 23 DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATION 24 Administration $ 37,331 25 Corrections 9,275 26 Fish and Game 1,271 27 Health and Social Services 30,322 28 Law 626 29 Public Safety 4,254 30 Transportation and Public Facilities 928 31 * Sec. 14. MUNICIPAL GRANTS. (a) The sum of $360,000 is appropriated from the
01 general fund to the Department of Administration for payment as a grant under AS 37.05.315 02 to the City of Unalakleet for repair or replacement of the Power Creek water transmission line. 03 (b) The sum of $120,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 04 Administration for payment as a grant under AS 37.05.315 to the City and Borough of Juneau 05 for emergency repairs to Perseverance Trail. This appropriation is conditioned on the signing 06 of a letter of agreement between the state and the City and Borough of Juneau that the state 07 will transfer ownership of the right-of-way for the Perseverance Trail, which includes Mt. 08 Juneau Trail and Granite Creek Trail, to the City and Borough of Juneau, by October 1, 1997, 09 and that the City and Borough of Juneau and the Department of Natural Resources, division 10 of parks and outdoor recreation, will continue discussions concerning transfer of ownership 11 of the rights-of-way for the Mt. Roberts Trail and the Sheep Creek Trail. 12 * Sec. 15. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES. (a) The sum of $3,788,300 13 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of Natural Resources for fire 14 suppression activities for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997. 15 (b) The sum of $280,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 16 Natural Resources for refunds owed by the veterans' land discount program (AS 38.05.940) 17 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997. The appropriation made by this subsection may not 18 be used for administrative purposes. The department may not expend money from this 19 appropriation to settle a claim unless the state has received a release for the claim settled. 20 (c) The sum of $20,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 21 Natural Resources for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, for costs of administering the 22 refunds owed to veterans by the veterans' land discount program (AS 38.05.940) appropriated 23 under (b) of this section. 24 (d) The sum of $698,000 is appropriated from the Exxon Valdez oil spill settlement 25 trust recognized in AS 37.14.400 to the Department of Natural Resources for the purchase of 26 the Roberts parcel. 27 (e) The sum of $150,000 is appropriated from Mental Health Trust Authority receipts 28 to the Department of Natural Resources, trust land office, for Alaska Psychiatric Institute due 29 diligence activities. 30 (f) The sum of $800,000 is appropriated from federal receipts to the Department of 31 Natural Resources for the abandoned mines land program.
01 (g) The sum of $800,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 02 Natural Resources for the airborne geophysical/geological mineral inventory project and an 03 aeromagnetic study to identify natural gas deposits in the Holitna Basin. 04 (h) The sum of $630,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 05 Natural Resources to prepare and administer timber sales in Tok, Delta, and Kantishna. 06 (i) The sum of $150,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 07 Natural Resources to prepare and administer timber sales in Wrangell and Ketchikan. 08 (j) The sum of $432,525 is appropriated from the public school trust fund 09 (AS 37.14.110(a)) to the Department Natural Resources for an appraisal of public school lands 10 to determine the fair market value of the public school trust land where the land was 11 redesignated as general grant land in 1978. It is the intent of the legislature that the appraisal 12 be completed by March 1, 1998. 13 (k) The sum of $568,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 14 Natural Resources to prepare and administer the Kalgin Island II, Caribou Hills, South 15 Ninilchik - Dome View, and South Ninilchik Block timber sales in the Kenai Peninsula. 16 (l) The sum of $150,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 17 Natural Resources for a land sale escrow account required for land sale contracts sold to First 18 National Bank of Anchorage. 19 (m) The sum of $43,900 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 20 Natural Resources for road upgrade for the Mat-Su harvest access program. 21 (n) The sum of $100,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 22 Natural Resources for the removal of existing buildings and other associated facilities at the 23 Old Eagle School Site for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997. 24 * Sec. 16. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY. (a) The unexpended and unobligated 25 balance of the appropriation made in sec. 30, ch. 117, SLA 1996, page 43, line 32 and 26 allocated on line 34 (Village Public Safety Officer Program, Contracts - $4,965,500) lapses 27 into the general fund June 30, 1998. 28 (b) The sum of $130,760 is appropriated from federal receipts to the Department of 29 Public Safety, council on domestic violence and sexual assault, for costs related to 30 implementation of the Domestic Violence Prevention and Victim Protection Act of 1996 for 31 the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997.
01 * Sec. 17. RATIFICATIONS OF THE ACCOUNTING SYSTEM. The following 02 departmental expenditures made in fiscal years 1985 to 1995 are ratified to reverse the 03 negative account balances in the Alaska state accounting system in the amounts listed for each 04 AR number. The appropriations from which these expenditures were actually paid are 05 amended by increasing them by the amount listed, as follows: 06 (1) Department of Administration 07 (A) AR 3583-85 Property Management $47,182.23 08 (B) AR 3581-86 Retirement and Benefits 654.29 09 (2) Department of Labor 10 (A) AR 27540-91 Workers' Incentive 17,423.03 11 (B) AR 27849-93 Alaska Work Program 7,756.15 12 (3) Department of Health and Social Services 13 (A) AR 22750-85 Fairbanks DOE Food Service 3,236.50 14 (B) AR 22751-85 Johnson Center Doc 151.84 15 (C) AR 22783-85 Laboratories 84 1,069.00 16 (D) AR 22752-88 Substance Abuse Res 10.00 17 (E) AR 22755-88 Epidemiology - Traffic 200.56 18 (F) AR 22788-88 Fairbanks MH Facil Maint 0.01 19 (G) AR 23031-89 Southern Region EMS Life-Pak 0.07 20 (H) AR 25063-89 PFD Hold Harmless 1,058.72 21 (I) AR 24649-90 Harborview Dev Ctr 31,464.50 22 (J) AR 22753-90 AK Trauma Registry 0.45 23 (K) AR 22796-90 Human Svc Valdez Oil 11,853.13 24 (L) AR 22797-90 Child Nutrition Prog 4,305.11 25 (M) AR 22713-92 FY92 OAC Nutrition 0.02 26 (N) AR 22724-92 Inmate Hlt Care Xray 14,500.00 27 (O) AR 22739-94 MIS Tech Asst ADA 293.11 28 (P) AR 22885-89 EIS Phase 1 0.80 29 (Q) AR 23122-95 MMIS 191,255.71 30 (4) Department of Natural Resources 31 (A) AR 36631-91 Fire Federal Receipts 409,723.98
01 (B) AR 37311-93 Fire Federal Receipts 48,249.95 02 (C) AR 36893-90 Law Valdez Oil Spill 300.00 03 (5) Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs 04 (A) AR 34538-85 Alaska Military Academy 90.15 05 (B) AR 34538-89 State Active Duty 144.10 06 (C) AR 34565-88 Federal Community Assistance 7,500.00 07 (D) AR 34537-85 Air Training Support 15,218.98 08 (E) AR 34537-86 Air Training Support 1,419.79 09 (F) AR 34537-87 Air Training Support 15,794.56 10 (G) AR 34532-85 Arm Facility Maintenance 1,754.18 11 (6) Department of Law 12 (A) AR 13604-94 General Legal Services 500,604.50 13 (B) AR 13814-94 Clean Air Act 65.10 14 (C) AR 13852-94 General Services and Supply 1,036.20 15 (D) AR 13993-94 AHFC - MGIC Claims 0.01 16 (E) AR 13868-95 Admin - GAPPA 280.00 17 * Sec. 18. DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE. The sum of $25,000 is appropriated from the 18 general fund to the Department of Revenue, treasury division, for equity investment 19 management fees for the constitutional budget reserve fund (art. IX, sec. 17, Constitution of 20 the State of Alaska) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997. 21 * Sec. 19. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES. (a) 22 The sum of $130,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 23 Transportation and Public Facilities, Alaska marine highway system fund (AS 19.65.060(a)), 24 for increased fuel costs for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997. 25 (b) The sum of $444,500 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 26 Transportation and Public Facilities to implement the consent decree in Trustees for Alaska 27 v. Hickel (the Copper River Highway case) (Case No. A92-245 CIV (JKS) (Consolidated)). 28 * Sec. 20. ALASKA COURT SYSTEM. (a) The sum of $32,200 is appropriated from the 29 general fund to the Alaska Court System to address the effect of ch. 107, SLA 1996 (welfare 30 reform legislation) on the trial courts for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997. 31 (b) The sum of $30,400 is appropriated from the general fund to the Commission on
01 Judicial Conduct for increased operating costs and mandatory statutory salary increases for the 02 fiscal year ending June 30, 1997. 03 * Sec. 21. LEGISLATURE. (a) The sum of $500,000 is appropriated from the general 04 fund to the Legislative Budget and Audit Committee for a study that compares the salaries and 05 benefits of state employees to the salaries and benefits paid to employees in the appropriate 06 public and private markets in this state and in the Pacific Northwest and for a study that 07 compares the cost of operating schools based on size and geographical location. 08 (b) It is the intent of the legislature that the study funded by the appropriation made 09 in (a) of this section, including the request for proposals, bid award, and final work product, 10 be overseen by a steering committee consisting of equal number of members appointed by the 11 legislature and by the governor. 12 * Sec. 22. DESIGNATED GRANT. The sum of $50,000 is appropriated from the general 13 fund to the Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs for payment as a grant under 14 AS 37.05.316 to the Alaska Chapter of the Air Force Association for Air Show Alaska 1997. 15 * Sec. 23. (a) The sum of $550,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the 16 Department of Community and Regional Affairs for payment as a grant under AS 37.05.316 17 to Arctic Power for education efforts to open the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife 18 Refuge for oil and gas exploration and production. 19 (b) The sum of $100,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Office of the 20 Governor to promote and facilitate oil and gas development on the North Slope, including the 21 Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and National Petroleum Reserve. 22 * Sec. 24. The appropriations made by secs. 3(b) and 6 of this Act are to capitalize funds 23 and do not lapse under AS 37.25.010. 24 * Sec. 25. The appropriations made by secs. 2, 8, 10(k) - (m), 12(a), 12(d), 15(d), 15(f) - 25 (i), 15(k), 19(b), and 23 of this Act are for capital projects and lapse under AS 37.25.020. 26 * Sec. 26. The appropriations made by secs. 12(b), 12(c), 15(e), 15(j), 15(l), 15(m), 21, and 27 22 of this Act lapse into the general fund June 30, 1998. 28 * Sec. 27. The appropriation from the budget reserve fund amended by sec. 11(a) of this 29 Act is made under art. IX, sec. 17(c), Constitution of the State of Alaska. 30 * Sec. 28. Sections 2 and 11(a) of this Act are retroactive to July 1, 1996. 31 * Sec. 29. This Act takes effect immediately under AS 01.10.070(c).