CSSB 34(FIN): "An Act giving notice of and approving the entry into, and the issuance of certificates of participation in, a lease-purchase agreement for a Soldotna maintenance facility of the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities with total construction, acquisition, and other costs, excluding lease payments, of the project not exceeding $4,900,000."
00CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 34(FIN) 01 "An Act giving notice of and approving the entry into, and the issuance of 02 certificates of participation in, a lease-purchase agreement for a Soldotna 03 maintenance facility of the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities 04 with total construction, acquisition, and other costs, excluding lease payments, 05 of the project not exceeding $4,900,000." 06 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 07 * Section 1. NOTICE AND APPROVAL OF THE ENTRY INTO AND FINANCING OF 08 A LEASE-PURCHASE AGREEMENT. The state bond committee is authorized to issue 09 certificates of participation for, and the Department of Administration is authorized to enter 10 into, a lease-purchase agreement for a maintenance facility in Soldotna to be constructed under 11 the lease-purchase agreement and to be operated by the Department of Transportation and 12 Public Facilities. The anticipated total construction, acquisition, and other costs of the project 13 are not to exceed $4,900,000. The total anticipated annual amount of the rental obligation is 14 $696,000. The total anticipated lease payments for the full term of the lease-purchase
01 agreement amount to $6,960,000. The state shall own the facility and land at the end of the 02 lease term. This section constitutes the notice and approval required by AS 36.30.085.