SB 14: "An Act relating to insurance covering an insured who is a victim of domestic violence and requiring certain disclosures by an insurer."
00SENATE BILL NO. 14 01 "An Act relating to insurance covering an insured who is a victim of domestic 02 violence and requiring certain disclosures by an insurer." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. AS 21.36 is amended by adding new sections to read: 05 Sec. 21.36.430. Insurance for domestic violence victims; records. (a) An 06 insurer offering insurance in this state may not (1) refuse to issue or renew insurance 07 coverage; (2) cancel an existing policy of insurance; (3) deny a covered claim; or (4) 08 increase the premium on an insurance policy if the refusal, cancellation, denial, or 09 increase results only from the fact that the person was a victim of domestic violence. 10 (b) The provisions of (a) of this section may not prevent an insurer from 11 underwriting or rating for a medical condition, including a medical condition resulting 12 from domestic violence, in the same manner as it would for a person who is not a 13 victim of domestic violence. 14 Sec. 21.36.440. Required disclosure for failure to provide coverage to an
01 applicant. An insurer who refuses to provide insurance coverage to an applicant 02 initially applying for insurance shall 03 (1) inform the applicant that the applicant has a right to know the 04 reason for the refusal; and 05 (2) upon receipt of a written request from the applicant, provide a 06 written explanation of the refusal to the applicant. 07 Sec. 21.36.450. Definition. In AS 21.36.430 - 21.36.440, "insurer" includes 08 (1) an insurer, as defined in AS 21.90.900; 09 (2) a group health plan, as defined in 29 U.S.C. 1167(1) (Employee 10 Retirement Income Security Act of 1974); 11 (3) a health maintenance organization, as defined in AS 21.86.900; 12 (4) a hospital service corporation or medical service corporation, as 13 defined in AS 21.87.330; 14 (5) a writing carrier, as defined in AS 21.55.500; and 15 (6) an entity offering a service benefit plan, as referred to in 42 U.S.C. 16 1396g-1. 17 * Sec. 2. This Act applies to a policy of insurance that is entered into or renewed on or 18 after the effective date of this Act.