CSHJR 33(TRA): Relating to Federal Aviation Administration approval of installations of tundra tires on aircraft.
00CS FOR HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 33(TRA) 01 Relating to Federal Aviation Administration approval of installations of tundra tires 02 on aircraft. 03 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 WHEREAS, after January 21, 1997, the Federal Aviation Administration no longer 05 allows aviation safety inspectors to issue field approvals for installation of tundra tires on 06 aircraft; and 07 WHEREAS persons who wish to install tundra tires on their aircraft must now contact 08 an aircraft certification office to obtain approval for the installation of tundra tires; and 09 WHEREAS tests conducted by the Federal Aviation Administration demonstrated that 10 the installation of tundra tires on aircraft had either negligible effects or acceptable effects on 11 aircraft handling and stall characteristics; and 12 WHEREAS the Federal Aviation Administration has determined that the installation 13 of tundra tires on aircraft does not represent a hazard to safety; and 14 WHEREAS the Federal Aviation Administration has determined that the major cause
01 of aircraft accidents involving aircraft with tundra tires is pilot error; and 02 WHEREAS discontinuing the former practice of allowing field approval of tundra tire 03 installations will not improve air safety but will cause significant inconvenience to pilots in 04 Alaska; and 05 WHEREAS the use of tundra tires has allowed Alaskans to pioneer the remote areas 06 of Alaska and to access those areas much more safely than through the use of standard 07 aviation tires; 08 BE IT RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature respectfully requests the Federal 09 Aviation Administration to reinstitute the practice of allowing aviation safety inspectors to 10 issue field approvals for tundra tire installation. 11 COPIES of this resolution shall be sent to the Honorable Rodney E. Slater, Secretary, 12 U.S. Department of Transportation; the Honorable Barry L. Valentine, Acting Administrator, 13 Federal Aviation Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation; and to the Honorable Ted 14 Stevens and the Honorable Frank Murkowski, U.S. Senators, and the Honorable Don Young, 15 U.S. Representative, members of the Alaska delegation in Congress.