SCS HJR 27(TRA): Requesting the Federal Aviation Administration to grant exemptions from the "commuter rule" in order to maintain a high level of air safety and air transportation service in rural Alaska.
00SENATE CS FOR HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 27(TRA) 01 Requesting the Federal Aviation Administration to grant exemptions from the 02 "commuter rule" in order to maintain a high level of air safety and air 03 transportation service in rural Alaska. 04 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05 WHEREAS the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) proposes to make aircraft with 06 10 or more passenger seats and all turbojet aircraft in scheduled passenger service in the state 07 subject to the "commuter rule"; and 08 WHEREAS the "commuter rule" imposes additional operational, certification, and 09 management requirements on aircraft operators in the state and additional equipment and 10 performance requirements for aircraft in the state; and 11 WHEREAS the "commuter rule" is supposed to improve aviation safety in the state; 12 and 13 WHEREAS the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) in its 1995 report on 14 aviation safety in Alaska neither recommended that aviation safety in the state would be
01 enhanced if all operators of smaller aircraft were subject to regulations designed for large 02 aircraft nor even mentioned the "commuter rule"; and 03 WHEREAS the NTSB has recommended that the FAA and the National Weather 04 Service provide weather observation services at more Alaska airports to enhance aviation 05 safety; and 06 WHEREAS the NTSB has noted that the number of weather observer stations in 07 Alaska has not increased since 1980, contrary to recommendations otherwise; and 08 WHEREAS improved weather observation services and reporting would improve 09 aviation safety in Alaska more than would imposition of the "commuter rule" on small 10 aircraft in the state; and 11 WHEREAS, of the Alaska operators to which this new rule will apply, those operators 12 operating in rural areas have chosen to avoid the "commuter rule" by either removing seats 13 from aircraft in order to be under the rule's threshold or disposing of their larger aircraft 14 entirely; and 15 WHEREAS operators of 10- to 19-seat, twin-engine, turbo-propeller aircraft have a 16 better safety record than operators of smaller aircraft; and 17 WHEREAS the communities of rural Alaska rely heavily upon air transportation 18 services for movement of people and goods; and 19 WHEREAS the "commuter rule" will not benefit communities in rural areas of the 20 state; and 21 WHEREAS the Congress has authorized the FAA to exempt small air carriers in 22 Alaska from provisions of the "commuter rule"; 23 BE IT RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature respectfully requests the Federal 24 Aviation Administration to either allow affected air carriers to continue to operate in specific 25 rural Alaska locations under the operating rules of Federal Aviation Regulation Part 135 or 26 expeditiously grant specific exemptions from the "commuter rule" to individual operators who 27 operate in rural Alaska. 28 COPIES of this resolution shall be sent to the Honorable Rodney E. Slater, Secretary, 29 U. S. Department of Transportation; the Honorable David R. Hinson, Administrator, Federal 30 Aviation Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation; Guy S. Gardner, Associate 31 Administrator for Regulation and Certification, Federal Aviation Administration, U.S.
01 Department of Transportation; and to the Honorable Ted Stevens and the Honorable Frank 02 Murkowski, U.S. Senators, and the Honorable Don Young, U.S. Representative, members of 03 the Alaska delegation in Congress.