HCR 18: Declaring 1997 to be observed as the 80th Anniversary of the University of Alaska Fairbanks and recognizing the vital role played by the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
00HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 18 01 Declaring 1997 to be observed as the 80th Anniversary of the University of 02 Alaska Fairbanks and recognizing the vital role played by the University of 03 Alaska Fairbanks. 04 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05 WHEREAS the Alaska Agricultural College and School of Mines was created as a 06 land grant college in 1917, after extensive debate in the Alaska Territorial Legislature about 07 whether to accept the federal government land grant for a college, and today is known as the 08 University of Alaska Fairbanks; and 09 WHEREAS the University of Alaska Fairbanks is celebrating 80 years of serving the 10 state by teaching, research, and public service; and 11 WHEREAS the University of Alaska Fairbanks, first as a land grant institution and 12 now a sea grant and space grant institution, is mandated to deliver to the public the practical 13 knowledge produced by the research it performs; and 14 WHEREAS the University of Alaska Fairbanks is one of only 12 institutions in the
01 country that have the "triple crown" of land, sea, and space grant designations; and 02 WHEREAS the University of Alaska Fairbanks has grown along with the state it 03 serves and has made the state a better place for all of its citizens; and 04 WHEREAS advancements made by scientists working at the University of Alaska 05 Fairbanks in the areas of northern engineering, global climate change, marine sciences, and 06 arctic biology have changed the way the world views the Arctic; 07 BE IT RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature declares that 1997 is to be 08 observed as the 80th Anniversary of the University of Alaska Fairbanks and recognizes the 09 vital role the University of Alaska Fairbanks plays in meeting national and state needs and in 10 making the lives of all Alaskans prosperous and fulfilling. 11 COPIES of this resolution shall be sent to Jerome Komisar, President of the University 12 of Alaska, and to Joan Wadlow, Chancellor of the University of Alaska Fairbanks.