HB 474: "An Act relating to correctional officers."
00HOUSE BILL NO. 474 01 "An Act relating to correctional officers." 02 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 03 * Section 1. AS 18.65.285 is amended to read: 04 Sec. 18.65.285. Municipal correctional employees. A municipality that 05 employs persons in a municipal correctional facility that does not, under contract 06 with the state, house prisoners committed to the custody of the commissioner of 07 corrections may, by ordinance, require that those persons meet the requirements of 08 AS 18.65.130 - 18.65.290 that are applicable to correctional officers. 09 * Sec. 2. AS 18.65.290(2) is amended to read: 10 (2) "correctional officer" means a person 11 (A) appointed by the commissioner of corrections whose 12 primary duty under AS 33.30 is to provide custody, care, security, control, and 13 discipline of persons charged or convicted of offenses against the state or held 14 under authority of state law;
01 (B) employed on a full-time basis by a municipality and 02 whose primary duty is to provide custody, care, security, control, and 03 discipline of persons charged or convicted of offenses or held under 04 authority of law in a municipal correctional facility, and the municipality 05 (i) holds persons who are committed to the custody 06 of the commissioner of corrections in the correctional facility under 07 a contract with the department of corrections; or 08 (ii) has adopted an ordinance under AS 18.65.285 09 making AS 18.65.130 - 18.65.290 applicable;