
CSHB 376(STA): "An Act limiting the use of voter registration information; and providing for an effective date."

00CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 376(STA) 01 "An Act limiting the use of voter registration information; and providing for an 02 effective date." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. AS 15.07.060(a) is amended to read: 05  (a) Each applicant who requests registration or reregistration shall supply the 06 following information: 07  (1) name and sex; 08  (2) address and other necessary information establishing residence, 09 including the term of residence in the state and in the district, if requested; 10  (3) whether the applicant has previously been registered to vote in 11 another jurisdiction, and, if so, the jurisdiction and the address of the previous 12 registration; 13  (4) a declaration that the registrant will be 18 years of age or older 14 within 90 days of the date or registration;

01  (5) a declaration that the registrant is a citizen of the United States; 02  (6) date of application; 03  (7) signature or mark; 04  (8) any former name under which the applicant was registered to vote 05 in the state; 06  (9) whether the applicant desires that the information disclosed 07 under (1) - (8) of this subsection is not to be used for commercial purposes; 08  (10) an attestation that the information provided by the applicant in (1) 09 - (9) [(1) - (8)] of this subsection is true; and 10  (11) [(10)] a certification that the applicant understands that a false 11 statement on the application may make the applicant subject to prosecution for a 12 misdemeanor under this title or AS 11. 13 * Sec. 2. AS 15.07.127 is amended to read: 14  Sec. 15.07.127. Preparation of master register. The director shall prepare 15 both a statewide list and a list by precinct of the names and addresses of all persons 16 whose names appear on the master register , [AND] their political party affiliation , and 17 whether they have indicated on the application for registration or reregistration 18 that the information they supplied in that application is not to be used for 19 commercial purposes . Any person may obtain a copy of the list, or a part of the list, 20 or an electronic format containing [BOTH] residence and mailing addresses of voters 21 and whether they have designated that this information is not to be used for 22 commercial purposes , by applying to the director and paying to the state treasury a 23 fee as determined by the director. 24 * Sec. 3. AS 15.07.127 is amended by adding new subsections to read: 25  (b) A person may not knowingly use voter registration information for 26 commercial purposes if the source indicates that the individual does not desire the 27 information to be used for commercial purposes. A violation of this subsection is a 28 class B misdemeanor. 29  (c) In this section, "use voter registration information for commercial 30 purposes" 31  (1) means selling, giving, or receiving information on or derived from

01 a voter registration list on paper or in electronic format, or information derived solely 02 from a request by an applicant to register or reregister to vote, with the intent to use 03 the information for a commercial purpose; 04  (2) does not include compiling, using, giving, receiving, selling, or 05 purchasing information on or derived from a voter registration list on paper or in 06 electronic format, or information derived solely from a request by an applicant to 07 register or reregister to vote, solely for law enforcement, political campaign, public 08 service, election, or legitimate governmental purposes. 09 * Sec. 4. AS 15.60.007 is amended to read: 10  Sec. 15.60.007. Sale of voter registration and election management 11 software. The director may sell voter registration and election management system 12 data processing software. Use of any such software is subject to AS 15.07.127(b). 13 * Sec. 5. This Act takes effect February 1, 1999.