HB 338: "An Act relating to the repeal of provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act, prohibiting the adoption of regulations by an agency of the executive branch of state government, annulling all regulations adopted by an agency of the executive branch, and relating to additional legislation to carry out the purposes of this Act; and providing for an effective date."
00HOUSE BILL NO. 338 01 "An Act relating to the repeal of provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act, 02 prohibiting the adoption of regulations by an agency of the executive branch of 03 state government, annulling all regulations adopted by an agency of the executive 04 branch, and relating to additional legislation to carry out the purposes of this 05 Act; and providing for an effective date." 06 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 07 * Section 1. AS 44.99 is amended by adding a new section to read: 08 Sec. 44.99.040. Adoption of regulations prohibited. Notwithstanding any 09 other provision of law, a department, board, commission, public corporation, or other 10 agency of the executive branch of state government may not adopt a rule or regulation. 11 * Sec. 2. AS 44.62.010, 44.62.020, 44.62.030, 44.62.040, 44.62.050, 44.62.060, 44.62.070, 12 44.62.080, 44.62.100, 44.62.110, 44.62.120, 44.62.125, 44.62.130, 44.62.140, 44.62.160, 13 44.62.175, 44.62.180, 44.62.190, 44.62.195, 44.62.200, 44.62.210, 44.62.215, 44.62.220, 14 44.62.230, 44.62.240, 44.62.250, 44.62.260, 44.62.270, 44.62.280, 44.62.290, 44.62.300,
01 44.62.320, 44.62.330, 44.62.340, 44.62.350, 44.62.360, 44.62.370, 44.62.380, 44.62.390, 02 44.62.400, 44.62.410, 44.62.420, 44.62.430, 44.62.440, 44.62.450, 44.62.460, 44.62.470, 03 44.62.480, 44.62.490, 44.62.500, 44.62.510, 44.62.520, 44.62.530, 44.62.540, 44.62.550, 04 44.62.560, 44.62.570, 44.62.580, 44.62.590, 44.62.600, 44.62.610, 44.62.620, 44.62.630, 05 44.62.635, 44.62.640, and 44.62.650 are repealed. 06 * Sec. 3. All rules and regulations adopted by a department, board, commission, public 07 corporation, or other agency of the executive branch of state government are annulled. 08 * Sec. 4. TRANSITION. Notwithstanding the repeal of AS 44.62.330 - 44.62.650 in sec. 09 2 of this Act, if a hearing has been initiated before the effective date of sec. 2 of this Act by 10 the filing of an accusation under AS 44.62.360 or by the filing of a statement of issues under 11 AS 44.62.370, AS 44.62.330 - 44.62.650 as those provisions read before the effective date of 12 sec. 2 of this Act apply to the matter. 13 * Sec. 5. (a) The revisor of statutes shall prepare a bill conforming the Alaska Statutes 14 to the changes made by this Act. The bill shall be presented to the House and Senate Rules 15 Committees for introduction on the first day of the First Regular Session of the Twenty-First 16 Alaska State Legislature. 17 (b) Each agency of the executive branch of state government with the authority to 18 adopt regulations shall submit proposed draft legislation necessary to accommodate this Act 19 to the House and Senate Rules Committees on the first day of the First Regular Session of the 20 Twenty-First Alaska State Legislature. 21 * Sec. 6. Section 5 of this Act takes effect immediately under AS 01.10.070(c). 22 * Sec. 7. Sections 1 - 4 of this Act take effect July 1, 2002.