HB 275: "An Act establishing performance standards for elementary and secondary students, requiring a comprehensive system of assessment, and requiring a high school graduation examination."
00HOUSE BILL NO. 275 01 "An Act establishing performance standards for elementary and secondary students, 02 requiring a comprehensive system of assessment, and requiring a high school 03 graduation examination." 04 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05 * Section 1. AS 14.07.020(a) is amended by adding new paragraphs to read: 06 (16) establish by regulation state performance standards in reading, 07 writing, and mathematics at levels to be determined by the department; 08 (17) require by regulation that each district 09 (A) develop a comprehensive system of student academic 10 assessment, including use of the statewide assessment system at the educational 11 levels set by the department; 12 (B) provide adequate and timely information to parents and 13 students about student progress toward meeting state performance standards in 14 reading, writing, and mathematics as established by the department; and
01 (C) develop a program of remediation, including an intervention 02 plan, for students not attaining the minimum state performance standards; 03 (18) require by regulation that each district conduct developmental 04 screening in educational areas for all elementary students in a manner to be determined 05 by the department. 06 * Sec. 2. AS 14.07 is amended by adding a new section to read: 07 Sec. 14.07.032. High school graduation exam. (a) After January 1, 2003, 08 in addition to meeting the graduation requirements of a district and in order to obtain 09 a high school diploma, a secondary pupil must pass a state graduation examination in 10 the areas of reading, writing, and mathematics. The department shall determine the 11 form and content of the examination and shall score completed examinations. 12 (b) Notwithstanding having met all other requirements for graduation required 13 by the district, a secondary pupil who fails to pass the examination required under this 14 section shall receive a certificate of attendance from the district indicating the years 15 of attendance and that the pupil has not passed a required state graduation examination 16 or received a diploma. A secondary pupil who fails the examination required under 17 this section may be reexamined. A district may not be offer a reexamination more 18 often than annually. A person no longer attending public school may take the 19 examination required by this section through the state-operated correspondence 20 program or through adult basic education service providers identified by the 21 department. A person who passes the reexamination and who meets the other 22 graduation requirements of the district last attended shall receive a diploma from that 23 district upon notification by the department to the district that the pupil has satisfied 24 the examination requirement.