CSHB 50(STA): "An Act relating to the use of broadcasting to promote or conduct certain classics or sweepstakes; and providing for an effective date."
00CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 50(STA) 01 "An Act relating to the use of broadcasting to promote or conduct certain 02 classics or sweepstakes; and providing for an effective date." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. AS 05.15.640 is amended to read: 05 Sec. 05.15.640. Restrictions on use of broadcasting. (a) A permittee may 06 use broadcasting to promote or conduct a charitable gaming activity permitted 07 under this chapter other than bingo, pull-tab games, raffles and lotteries, and 08 contests of skill. Prior to commencing the broadcasting, a permittee using 09 broadcasting under this subsection shall notify the department in writing of the 10 type of broadcasting to be used, what is planned for the broadcasting, and when 11 the broadcasting is to be conducted. A [UNTIL THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF AN 12 ACT AUTHORIZING THE USE OF BROADCASTING TO PROMOTE OR 13 CONDUCT CHARITABLE GAMING ACTIVITY UNDER THIS CHAPTER A] 14 person may not use broadcasting to promote or conduct bingo, pull-tab games, raffles
01 and lotteries, or contests of skill [CHARITABLE GAMING ACTIVITY UNDER 02 THIS CHAPTER]. In this subsection, "broadcasting" includes television and radio 03 transmission by 2,500 megahertz, microwave video and audio programming, slow-scan 04 television programming, and programming via satellite, cable, teletype, or facsimile 05 transmission and distribution methods. 06 (b) Notwithstanding (a) of this section, [A PERSON MAY USE 07 BROADCASTING TO PROMOTE FISH DERBIES, AND] the department may 08 authorize a noncommercial broadcasting station or network of stations to broadcast the 09 conducting of an activity under this chapter, for which broadcasting is not otherwise 10 permitted under (a) of this section, on the station or network under a permit held by 11 the station or network. The department may not authorize a station to broadcast the 12 conducting of an activity for more than 12 hours in a calendar year. In this subsection, 13 "noncommercial broadcasting station" means a radio or television station that is 14 licensed by the Federal Communications Commission to a governmental entity or to 15 an entity that is exempt from federal taxation under 26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3) (Internal 16 Revenue Code). 17 * Sec. 2. This Act takes effect immediately under AS 01.10.070(c).