HB 42: "An Act relating to the location of the convening of the legislature in regular session; and providing for an effective date."
00HOUSE BILL NO. 42 01 "An Act relating to the location of the convening of the legislature in regular 02 session; and providing for an effective date." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. AS 24.05.090 is amended to read: 05 Sec. 24.05.090. Regular sessions. The legislature shall convene in the 06 Municipality of Anchorage [AT THE CAPITAL] each year on the second Monday 07 in January at 10:00 a.m.; however, following a gubernatorial election year, the 08 legislature shall convene on the third Tuesday in January at 10:00 a.m. The legislative 09 council shall arrange for an appropriate location in Anchorage for each regular 10 session. Except as provided in this section, each legislature shall have a duration of 11 two years and shall consist of a "First Regular Session," which shall meet in the odd- 12 numbered years, and a "Second Regular Session," which shall meet in the even- 13 numbered years, and any special session or sessions that the governor or legislature may find 14 necessary to call.
01 * Sec. 2. AS 24.10.030 is amended to read: 02 Sec. 24.10.030. Chief clerk and senate secretary. Each house shall select 03 from outside its membership a person of known stenographic and administrative ability 04 to serve as chief administrative clerk; a chief clerk in the house of representatives and 05 a secretary in the senate. When nominated and elected in conformity with the uniform 06 rules, they continue to serve for the duration of the legislature at the pleasure of the 07 house to which assigned. Pending the organization of a new legislature, they may 08 continue to serve at the request and direction of the legislative council until their 09 respective houses formally reappoint or replace them. The chief clerk and senate 10 secretary are responsible for the performance of duties provided for by law, the 11 uniform rules, and orders of the house. They may be requested to report to the 12 legislative council for duty for a period not to exceed two weeks immediately 13 preceding the convening of the session and shall remain at the location of the session 14 [CAPITAL] until the completion of their work relating to that session as [IS] 15 determined by the director of the council. 16 * Sec. 3. AS 24.10.130(a) is amended to read: 17 (a) A member of the legislature is entitled to reimbursement for the expenses 18 of moving between the member's place of residence and the Municipality of 19 Anchorage [CAPITAL CITY] for the purpose of attending a regular session of the 20 legislature. 21 * Sec. 4. AS 24.45.041(b) is amended to read: 22 (b) The registration form prescribed by the commission must include 23 (1) the lobbyist's full name and complete permanent residence and 24 business address and telephone number, as well as any temporary residential and 25 business address and telephone number in the Municipality of Anchorage [STATE 26 CAPITAL] during a regular legislative session; 27 (2) the full name and complete address of each person by whom the 28 lobbyist is retained or employed; 29 (3) whether the person from whom the lobbyist receives compensation 30 employs the person solely as a lobbyist or whether the person is a regular employee 31 performing other services for the employer that [WHICH] include but are not limited
01 to the influencing of legislative or administrative action; 02 (4) the nature or form of the lobbyist's compensation for engaging in 03 lobbying, including salary, fees, or reimbursement for expenses received in 04 consideration for, or directly in support of or in connection with, the influencing of 05 legislative or administrative action; 06 (5) a general description of the subjects or matters on which the 07 registrant expects to lobby or to engage in the influencing of legislative or 08 administrative action; 09 (6) the full name and complete address of the person, if other than the 10 registrant, who has custody of the accounts, books, papers, bills, receipts, and other 11 documents required to be maintained under this chapter. 12 * Sec. 5. AS 24.45.041(e) is amended to read: 13 (e) Within 45 days after the convening of each regular session of the 14 legislature, the commission shall publish a directory of registered lobbyists, containing 15 the information prescribed in (b) of this section for each lobbyist and the photograph, 16 if any, furnished by a lobbyist under (c) of this section. From time to time thereafter 17 the commission shall publish those supplements to the directory that in the 18 commission's judgment may be necessary. The directory shall be made available to 19 public officials and to the public at the following locations: a public place adjacent to 20 the legislative chambers in the Municipality of Anchorage [STATE CAPITOL 21 BUILDING], the office of the lieutenant governor, the legislative reference library of 22 the Legislative Affairs Agency, and the commission's central office. 23 * Sec. 6. AS 24.50.010 is amended to read: 24 Sec. 24.50.010. Annual student guests. The legislature may each year while 25 in session serve as host to one member of each high school in the state for a stay of 26 one week [IN THE CAPITAL] to observe and learn the legislative process. 27 * Sec. 7. AS 24.50.040 is amended to read: 28 Sec. 24.50.040. Essay contest. Before leaving [THE STATE CAPITAL], each 29 legislative guest hosted under AS 24.50.010 shall prepare and submit to the director 30 of the Legislative Affairs Agency a paper of not less than 1,000 words entitled "The 31 Legislature Should . . . . . . . . . . .". Each paper shall be examined and judged as to
01 content by the governor, the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of 02 representatives, the minority leader of the senate, and the minority leader of the house. 03 The author of the paper determined best by majority vote shall receive a one-year 04 scholarship to the University of Alaska. 05 * Sec. 8. This Act applies beginning with the convening of the Second Session of the 06 Twenty-First Alaska State Legislature. 07 * Sec. 9. This Act takes effect July 1, 1999.