CCS SCR 8: Approving in part the revised open meetings guidelines proposed by the Select Committee on Legislative Ethics.
00CONFERENCE CS FOR SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 8 01 Approving in part the revised open meetings guidelines proposed by the Select 02 Committee on Legislative Ethics. 03 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 WHEREAS, in sec. 10, ch. 69, SLA 1994, the Eighteenth Alaska State Legislature 05 directed the Select Committee on Legislative Ethics to submit proposed initial guidelines 06 applying the open meetings principles to the legislature and the committee submitted revised 07 guidelines that were published in the House and Senate Joint Journal Supplement No. 9, on 08 February 21, 1995; 09 BE IT RESOLVED by the Alaska State Legislature that the revised initial guidelines 10 applying the open meetings principles to the legislature as published in House and Senate Joint 11 Journal Supplement No. 9 are affirmed, except as listed in the paragraphs below, and to the 12 extent that the guidelines do not conflict with or add to the Uniform Rules of the Alaska State 13 Legislature; and be it 14 FURTHER RESOLVED the guidelines shall be implemented to be consistent with
01 the fact that the presiding officer of a house of the legislature is the final arbiter on any point 02 of order, subject only to appeal upheld by a majority of the membership of the body; and be 03 it 04 FURTHER RESOLVED that the legislature does not affirm the word "floor" in the 05 second paragraph of the portion of the guidelines that addresses "Go-Between or Serial 06 Meetings," on page 6 of Senate and House Joint Journal Supplement No. 9; and be it 07 FURTHER RESOLVED that the definition of "political strategy session" on page 7 08 of the proposed guidelines is not affirmed.