CSSB 68(HES): "An Act relating to the donation to a food bank of hatchery salmon, to the donation of food by meat processors and seafood processors, and to who qualifies as a food bank."
00CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 68(HES) 01 "An Act relating to the donation to a food bank of hatchery salmon, to the 02 donation of food by meat processors and seafood processors, and to who qualifies 03 as a food bank." 04 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05 * Section 1. AS 17.20.345 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 06 (c) A person who donates to a food bank salmon from a hatchery that operates 07 under a permit issued under AS 16.10.400 - 16.10.470 is immune from liability as 08 provided in this section if the salmon is apparently fit for human consumption at the 09 time of its donation, even if the hatchery does not have a permit issued by the 10 Department of Environmental Conservation under this chapter, AS 03.05, or other 11 statute to process fisheries products for human consumption. 12 * Sec. 2. AS 17.20.347 is amended to read: 13 Sec. 17.20.347. "DONOR'' AND "FOOD BANK'' DEFINED. In 14 AS 17.20.345 and 17.20.346
01 (1) "donor" 02 (A) includes a person, farmer, retailer, slaughterhouse under 03 state supervision, freight company, distributor, wholesaler, meat processor, 04 seafood processor, or similar entity; 05 (B) except as otherwise provided under (A) of this 06 paragraph for meat processors and seafood processors, excludes a person 07 who acts in a commercial capacity as a manufacturer, packer, processor, bottler, 08 or similar entity, if that activity is the person's primary activity; 09 (2) "food bank" means a nonprofit [AN] organization [RECOGNIZED 10 BY THE STATE OR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AS A NONPROFIT 11 ORGANIZATION AND] that operates principally to collect, inspect, and salvage 12 donated food for free distribution either to needy persons or to nonprofit 13 organizations for free distribution to needy persons; in this paragraph, "nonprofit 14 organization" means an organization recognized by the state or federal 15 government as a nonprofit organization.