SB 39: "An Act relating to memorial scholarship loans."
00SENATE BILL NO. 39 01 "An Act relating to memorial scholarship loans." 02 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 03 * Section 1. AS 14.43.300(b) is amended to read: 04 (b) A loan made under AS 14.43.250 - 14.43.325 may be used only as follows: 05 (1) a Michael Murphy memorial scholarship loan may be used only to 06 pursue a certificate or degree program in an accredited college or university in law 07 enforcement, law, probation and parole, or penology, or closely related fields; 08 (2) a Carroll L. "Butch" Swartz memorial scholarship loan may be used 09 only to pursue a degree program in an accredited college or university in criminal law, 10 criminology, corrections, police science and administration, juvenile justice, or other 11 fields closely related to criminal justice; 12 (3) a Harvey Golub memorial scholarship loan may be used only to 13 pursue a degree program in an accredited college or university in civil, mechanical, 14 electrical, electronic, petroleum, mining, traffic and transportation, sanitary, chemical,
01 or other recognized field of engineering; 02 (4) a Robert L. Thomas memorial scholarship loan may be used only 03 to pursue a degree program in an accredited college or university that will lead to a 04 career in education or public administration, or other closely related field; 05 (5) an A.W. (Winn) Brindle memorial scholarship loan may be used 06 only to pursue a certificate or degree program in an accredited school, college, or 07 university in fisheries, fishery science, fishery management, seafood processing, food 08 technology, or other closely related field; and 09 (6) a Nick Begich memorial scholarship loan may be used only to 10 pursue a degree program in an accredited college or university that will lead to a 11 career in education, public administration, government, or other closely related field. 12 * Sec. 2. AS 14.43.305(e) is amended to read: 13 (e) A recipient of a memorial scholarship loan under AS 14.43.250(b)(1) - (4) 14 or (6) who graduates from a degree program, or for a loan under AS 14.43.250(b)(1) 15 from a certificate program, shall receive forgiveness of one-fifth of loan indebtedness 16 for each one-year period the recipient is employed full time in Alaska in 17 (1) law-enforcement or related fields, if a recipient of a Michael 18 Murphy memorial scholarship loan; 19 (2) criminal law, criminal justice, or other closely related fields, if a 20 recipient of a Carroll L. "Butch" Swartz memorial scholarship loan; 21 (3) a recognized branch of the engineering profession or other closely 22 related fields, if a recipient of a Harvey Golub memorial scholarship loan; 23 (4) education or public administration, or other closely related field, if 24 a recipient of a Robert L. Thomas memorial scholarship loan; or 25 (5) education, public administration, government, or other closely 26 related field, if a recipient of a Nick Begich memorial scholarship loan.