CSSSHJR 25(RES): Relating to a ban on trawling in the eastern Gulf of Alaska east of 140 degrees west longitude.
00CS FOR SPONSOR SUBSTITUTE FOR HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 25(RES) 01 Relating to a ban on trawling in the eastern Gulf of Alaska east of 140 degrees 02 west longitude. 03 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 WHEREAS the eastern Gulf of Alaska has been a significant hook and line fishing 05 area for almost 100 years and most of the high value fisheries in the area are fully utilized by 06 the hook and line fishing fleet; and 07 WHEREAS the level of trawl fishing effort in the eastern Gulf of Alaska is expected 08 to exert undue fishing pressure on fish stocks in the area and displace traditional hook and line 09 fisheries; and 10 WHEREAS foreign trawl fishing in the Gulf of Alaska resulted in depressed 11 populations of several species of rockfish; and 12 WHEREAS the eastern Gulf of Alaska contains a unique assemblage of valuable 13 rockfish species in amounts small enough that the rockfish stocks could be easily damaged 14 by large vessel activity; and
01 WHEREAS, under federal fishing regulations, if any single species in the rockfish 02 complex reaches its overfishing level, the entire rockfish complex and any other fishery that 03 might take any of the overfished rockfish species are closed; and 04 WHEREAS the trawl fishery in the eastern Gulf of Alaska can significantly disrupt 05 the traditional fisheries on which 3,000 Southeast Alaska hook and line fishermen depend; and 06 WHEREAS the narrowness of the continental shelf and continental slope in the eastern 07 Gulf of Alaska concentrates trawl fishing effort in a small area and as a result prevents 08 recovery of trawl fishing areas and may permanently impoverish the ecosystem of the eastern 09 Gulf of Alaska; and 10 WHEREAS the Southeast Alaska area contains limited smooth bottom areas suitable 11 for trawls, but many rocky areas that support an abundant, diverse, but fragile deep water 12 habitat; and 13 WHEREAS the impact of trawl roller gear and trawl doors could significantly affect 14 corals and associated hard bottom species; and 15 WHEREAS, only by closing the eastern Gulf of Alaska east of 140 degrees west 16 longitude to trawl fishing, will the unique assemblage of local marine resources be protected; 17 BE IT RESOLVED by the Alaska State Legislature that the North Pacific Fishery 18 Management Council through the United States Secretary of Commerce is respectfully 19 requested to immediately implement permanent regulations closing the eastern Gulf of Alaska 20 east of 140 degrees west longitude to pelagic and bottom trawling. 21 COPIES of this resolution shall be sent to the Honorable Ron Brown, Secretary, U.S. 22 Department of Commerce; the Honorable Richard B. Lauber, chair of the North Pacific 23 Fishery Management Council; and to the Honorable Ted Stevens and the Honorable Frank 24 Murkowski, U.S. Senators, and the Honorable Don Young, U.S. Representative, members of 25 the Alaska delegation in Congress.