HB 540: "An Act relating to health care data and registration of births."
00HOUSE BILL NO. 540 01 "An Act relating to health care data and registration of births." 02 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 03 * Section 1. AS 09.65 is amended by adding a new section to read: 04 Sec. 09.65.161. IMMUNITY FOR DISCLOSURE OF REQUIRED HEALTH 05 CARE DATA. A person who reports health care data required to be reported under 06 AS 18.05 and regulations adopted under that chapter for conditions or diseases of 07 public health significance may not be held liable for the disclosure or its consequences 08 with respect to information provided to the Department of Health and Social Services. 09 * Sec. 2. AS 18.05 is amended by adding a new section to read: 10 Sec. 18.05.042. ACCESS TO HEALTH CARE RECORDS. (a) The 11 department may, during reasonable business hours, inspect health care records 12 maintained by physicians and other health care professionals, hospitals, out-patient 13 clinics, nursing homes, and other facilities or agencies providing health care services 14 to patients that would identify patients or establish characteristics of an identified
01 patient with a condition or disease required to be reported to protect the public health 02 under this chapter and regulations adopted under this chapter. 03 (b) The department may conduct research using health care data reported under 04 (a) of this section. The department may provide data obtained under (a) of this section 05 to other persons for clinical, epidemiological, or other public health research. 06 (c) A record obtained or inspected under this section that identifies a particular 07 individual 08 (1) is confidential; 09 (2) may not be further disclosed to other persons except by the 10 department under (b) of this section; and 11 (3) is not subject to inspection or copying under AS 09.25.110 - 12 09.25.125. 13 * Sec. 3. AS 18.50.160(a) is repealed and reenacted to read: 14 (a) A certificate of birth for each live birth that occurs in the state shall be 15 filed with the bureau, as provided in this section, within five days after the birth. 16 When a birth occurs on a moving conveyance within the United States and the child 17 is first removed from the conveyance in this state, the birth shall be registered in this 18 state and the place where the child is first removed shall be considered the place of 19 birth. When a birth occurs on a moving conveyance in international waters, 20 international air space, a foreign country, or a foreign country's air space and the child 21 is first removed from the conveyance in this state, the birth shall be registered in this 22 state but the certificate shall show the actual place of birth if the place can be 23 determined. 24 * Sec. 4. AS 18.50.160(b) is repealed and reenacted to read: 25 (b) When a birth occurs in or en route to an institution, the person in charge 26 of the institution or a designated representative of the person in charge of the 27 institution shall obtain the personal data, prepare the certificate, certify that the child 28 was born alive at the place and time and on the date stated either by signature on the 29 certificate or another certification process, including an electronic process, approved 30 by the bureau, and file the certificate as directed in (a) of this section. The physician 31 or other person in attendance shall provide the medical information required by the
01 certificate within 72 hours after the birth.