
HB 238: "An Act excluding certain direct sellers of consumer products from coverage under the state unemployment compensation laws."

00HOUSE BILL NO. 238 01 "An Act excluding certain direct sellers of consumer products from coverage 02 under the state unemployment compensation laws." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. AS 23.20.526(a) is amended by adding a new paragraph to read: 05  (21) service of an individual who 06  (A) directly sells or solicits the sale of consumer products when 07 physically present in a prospective consumer's home; a sale or solicitation by 08 telephone, mail, other telecommunications method, or other nonpersonal 09 method does not satisfy the requirement of this subparagraph; 10  (B) is compensated solely by 11  (i) commissions on sales; or 12  (ii) a profit represented by the difference between the 13 wholesale cost of the product to the seller and the final sale price to the 14 consumer; and

01  (C) performs under a written contract with the person for whom 02 the service is performed that provides, notwithstanding AS 23.20.395(a), that 03 the individual is not an employee for purposes of this chapter or for federal or 04 state tax purposes.