HB 8: "An Act amending laws relating to sales of new mobile homes and to new mobile home warranties to require that new mobile homes incorporate sprinkler systems for fire suppression."
00HOUSE BILL NO. 8 01 "An Act amending laws relating to sales of new mobile homes and to new 02 mobile home warranties to require that new mobile homes incorporate sprinkler 03 systems for fire suppression." 04 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05 * Section 1. AS 45.30.011(a) is amended to read: 06 (a) After August 27, 1980, a new mobile home sold by a mobile home dealer 07 to a buyer is subject to a mobile home warranty. A mobile home warranty shall be 08 set out in a separate written document entitled "Mobile Home Warranty," which shall 09 be delivered to the buyer by the mobile home dealer at the time a contract of sale is 10 signed. The warranty must [SHALL] contain the name, address, and telephone 11 number of the mobile home manufacturer and the mobile home dealer and must 12 [SHALL] include at least the following provisions: 13 (1) the mobile home is free from any substantial defects in materials 14 and workmanship;
01 (2) the manufacturer or dealer, or both, shall take appropriate action at 02 the site of the mobile home to correct substantial defects in materials or workmanship 03 that [WHICH] become evident within one year of the date of delivery of the mobile 04 home to the buyer if the buyer, or a transferee of the buyer, gives written notice of the 05 defect by registered or certified mail addressed to the business address of the 06 manufacturer or dealer on a date that [WHICH] is not more than one year and 10 07 [TEN] days after date of delivery of the mobile home; 08 (3) the manufacturer and the dealer are jointly and severally liable to 09 the buyer, or a transferee of the buyer, for the fulfillment of the terms of warranty, and 10 the buyer may notify the manufacturer or the dealer, or both, in the event action is 11 required to correct substantial defects in materials or workmanship; 12 (4) the warranty is applicable 13 (A) to the mobile home structure; 14 (B) to [,] its plumbing, heating, and electrical systems; 15 (C) to [, AND] all appliances and equipment installed or 16 included in the mobile home unit by the manufacturer or dealer; and 17 (D) in a mobile home that is first sold by a mobile home 18 dealer to a buyer after the effective date of this Act, to the sprinkler 19 system required by AS 45.30.080 to be installed in the mobile home; and 20 (5) notwithstanding separate warranties applicable to appliances 21 contained within a mobile home unit issued by the manufacturers of the appliances, 22 primary responsibility for appropriate corrective action under the warranty rests with 23 the manufacturer and the dealer of the mobile home unit, and written notice of defects 24 must be initially reported to them. 25 * Sec. 2. AS 45.30 is amended by adding a new section to read: 26 Sec. 45.30.080. FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS IN NEW MOBILE HOMES. 27 After the effective date of this Act, a new mobile home sold by a mobile home dealer 28 to a buyer must incorporate or contain, for purposes of fire suppression, an automatic 29 sprinkler system containing water or other wet chemical agents.