SJR 2: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Alaska relating to the rights of victims of crimes.
00SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 2 01 Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Alaska relating to 02 the rights of victims of crimes. 03 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. Article I, Constitution of the State of Alaska, is amended by adding a new 05 section to read: 06 SECTION 24. RIGHTS OF VICTIMS OF CRIMES. (a) Crime victims, as 07 defined by law, shall have the following rights, as provided by law: 08 (1) the right to be treated with fairness and respect for their dignity and 09 privacy throughout the criminal justice process; 10 (2) the right to timely disposition of the case following arrest of the 11 accused; 12 (3) the right to be reasonably protected from the accused throughout 13 the criminal justice process; 14 (4) the right to notification of court proceedings;
01 (5) the right to attend trial and all other court proceedings that the 02 accused has the right to attend; 03 (6) the right to confer with the prosecution; 04 (7) the right to make a statement to the court at sentencing; 05 (8) the right to restitution as provided by law; 06 (9) the right to information about the conviction, sentence, 07 imprisonment, and release of the accused. 08 (b) The legislature may provide by law for the enforcement of this section. 09 (c) The legislature may provide for assessments against convicted defendants 10 to pay for crime victims' rights. 11 * Sec. 2. The amendment proposed by this resolution shall be placed before the voters of 12 the state at the next general election in conformity with art. XIII, sec. 1, Constitution of the 13 State of Alaska, and the election laws of the state.