
SCR 16: Relating to release of nonproprietary geographic information system files in possession of the state.

00SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 16 01 Relating to release of nonproprietary geographic information system files in 02 possession of the state. 03 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 WHEREAS the Alaska State Legislature established the Arctic Environmental 05 Information and Data Center in 1972 as the premier point of dissemination for environmental 06 information and data relating to the state; and 07 WHEREAS this program is an integral part of the Environment and Natural Resources 08 Institute at the University of Alaska Anchorage; and 09 WHEREAS the University of Alaska and its components are recognized as an agency 10 of the state; and 11 WHEREAS geographic information system technology is becoming the preeminent 12 tool used by state agencies in making land, environmental, and natural resource decisions. 13 BE IT RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature respectfully requests the 14 governor to direct all agencies of the state to make nonproprietary geographic information

01 system files available to the Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center for public 02 dissemination and use.