SB 377: "An Act relating to state agency fiscal procedures; and providing for an effective date."
00SENATE BILL NO. 377 01 "An Act relating to state agency fiscal procedures; and providing for an effective 02 date." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. AS 37.05.180 is amended to read: 05 Sec. 37.05.180. TIME [TWO-YEAR] LIMITATION ON PAYMENT OF 06 WARRANTS. A warrant upon the state treasury may not be paid unless presented at 07 the office of the commissioner of revenue within one year [TWO YEARS] of the date 08 of its issuance. A warrant not presented within that time is considered paid and money 09 held at the expiration of that time in a special fund or account for the payment of the 10 warrant shall be transferred to the general fund, except where the warrant is for the 11 payment of a permanent fund dividend or where transfer is prohibited by the federal 12 government for state participation in a federal program. 13 * Sec. 2. AS 37.25.010(b) is amended to read: 14 (b) An indebtedness arising from a prior year for which the appropriation has
01 lapsed shall be paid from the current year's appropriations, if 02 (1) this expenditure does not exceed the balance lapsed; and 03 (2) the original obligation date is not more than four [TWO] years 04 from the requested date of disbursement. 05 * Sec. 3. AS 39.20.250(a) is amended to read: 06 (a) Terminal leave for unused personal leave shall be allowed upon separation 07 from service. The payment equals the personal leave balance at the date of 08 separation multiplied by the officer's or employee's rate of pay at the date of 09 separation expressed on an hourly basis [COMPENSATION THAT THE OFFICER 10 OR EMPLOYEE WOULD HAVE RECEIVED IF THE OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE 11 HAD REMAINED IN THE SERVICE UNTIL THE EXPIRATION OF THE PERIOD 12 OF UNUSED PERSONAL LEAVE]. A payment of terminal leave to an employee 13 shall be made as a lump sum payment [OR IN INSTALLMENTS OVER A PERIOD 14 OF TIME, AS THE EMPLOYEE ELECTS]. 15 * Sec. 4. AS 43.23.055 is amended to read: 16 Sec. 43.23.055. DUTIES OF THE DEPARTMENT. The department shall 17 (1) annually pay permanent fund dividends from the dividend fund; 18 (2) subject to AS 43.23.011 and [PARAGRAPH] (8) of this section, 19 adopt regulations under AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act) that establish 20 procedures and time limits for claiming a permanent fund dividend; the department 21 shall determine the number of eligible applicants by October 1 of the year for which 22 the dividend is declared and pay the dividends by December 31 of that year; 23 (3) adopt regulations under AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act) 24 that establish procedures and time limits for an individual upon emancipation or upon 25 reaching majority to apply for permanent fund dividends not received during minority 26 because the parent, guardian, or other authorized representative did not apply on behalf 27 of the individual; 28 (4) assist residents of the state, particularly in rural areas, who because 29 of language, disability, or inaccessibility to public transportation need assistance to 30 establish eligibility and to apply for permanent fund dividends; 31 (5) annually determine, in cooperation with the Department of
01 Corrections, the number and identity of individuals ineligible for a permanent fund 02 dividend under AS 43.23.005(d); 03 (6) adopt regulations that are necessary to implement AS 43.23.005(d); 04 (7) adopt regulations that establish procedures for the parent, guardian, 05 or other authorized representative of a disabled individual to apply for prior year 06 permanent fund dividends not received by the disabled individual because no 07 application was submitted on behalf of the individual; 08 (8) adopt regulations that establish procedures for an individual to apply 09 to have a dividend warrant reissued if it is returned to the department as undeliverable 10 or it is not paid within one year [TWO YEARS] of the date of its issuance; however, 11 the department may not establish a time limit within which an application to have a 12 warrant reissued must be filed; 13 (9) adopt regulations establishing an optional longevity bonus program 14 to provide for the direct payment by the department of an individual's permanent fund 15 dividend to an annuity program selected by the individual. 16 * Sec. 5. AS 39.20.250(b) is repealed. 17 * Sec. 6. This Act takes effect July 1, 1994.