SB 289: "An Act making appropriations to satisfy the agreed-upon monetary terms of certain collective bargaining agreements for certain public employees; and providing for an effective date."
00SENATE BILL NO. 289 01 "An Act making appropriations to satisfy the agreed-upon monetary terms of 02 certain collective bargaining agreements for certain public employees; and providing 03 for an effective date." 04 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05 * Section 1. The sum of $92,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department 06 of Education to satisfy the monetary terms of the collective bargaining agreement with the 07 Alaska Vocational Technical Center Teachers' Association for the fiscal year ending June 30, 08 1995. 09 * Sec. 2. The sum of $38,800 is appropriated from the Alaska marine highway system fund 10 (AS 19.65.060(a)) to the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Alaska marine 11 highway system, to satisfy the monetary terms of the collective bargaining agreement with the 12 Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association for the period from July 1, 1993 through June 30, 13 1994. 14 * Sec. 3. The sum of $237,830 is appropriated from the Alaska marine highway system
01 fund (AS 19.65.060(a)) to the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Alaska 02 marine highway system, to satisfy the monetary terms of the collective bargaining agreement 03 with the Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1995. 04 * Sec. 4. The unexpended and unobligated balances of the appropriations made by secs. 05 1 and 3 of this Act lapse into the funds from which they were appropriated, June 30, 1995. 06 * Sec. 5. The unexpended and unobligated balance of the appropriation made by sec. 2 of 07 this Act lapses into the Alaska marine highway system fund (AS 19.65.060(a)), June 30, 1994. 08 * Sec. 6. This Act takes effect immediately under AS 01.10.070(c).