
SB 277: "An Act relating to the confidentiality of certain records relating to fish and wildlife; and providing for an effective date."

00SENATE BILL NO. 277 01 "An Act relating to the confidentiality of certain records relating to fish and 02 wildlife; and providing for an effective date." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. AS 16.05.815(d) is amended to read: 05  (d) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the department shall keep 06 confidential (1) personal information contained in fish and wildlife harvest and usage 07 data; and (2) [WHEN THE KNOWLEDGE MAY BE DETRIMENTAL TO THE FISH 08 OR WILDLIFE POPULATION,] the records of the department that concern (A) 09 telemetry radio frequencies of monitored species; (B)[,] denning sites; (C)[,] nest 10 locations of raptors that require special attention; (D) the specific location of animal 11 capture sites used for wildlife research or management; [,] and (E) the specific 12 location of fish and wildlife species. The department may release records and 13 information that are kept confidential under this subsection if the release is necessary 14 to comply with a court order, [OR] if the requestor is a state or federal agency, or if

01 the requestor is under contract with the state to conduct research on a fish or 02 wildlife population. After 25 years, the records and information that are kept 03 confidential under this subsection become public records subject to inspection and 04 copying under AS 09.25.110 - 09.25.140 unless the department determines that the 05 release of the records or information may be detrimental to the fish or wildlife 06 population. In this subsection, "personal information" has the meaning given in 07 AS 44.99.350. 08 * Sec. 2. This Act takes effect immediately under AS 01.10.070(c).