SB 233: "An Act relating to state aid for education."
00SENATE BILL NO. 233 01 "An Act relating to state aid for education." 02 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 03 * Section 1. AS 14.17.031(a) is amended to read: 04 (a) [THE DEPARTMENT SHALL ADOPT REGULATIONS DEFINING 05 FUNDING COMMUNITIES WITHIN EACH DISTRICT THAT REFLECT 06 GEOGRAPHIC AND ATTENDANCE AREA FACTORS.] For the purpose of 07 determining instructional units, students are counted in the district and the funding 08 community from which they receive educational services. The total number of 09 instructional units in a school district is the sum of the following units for each 10 funding community within the district, as determined by the department: 11 (1) the number of units for elementary and secondary students 12 determined under AS 14.17.041(a) or (b); 13 (2) the number of units for vocational education determined under 14 AS 14.17.043;
01 (3) the number of units for special education determined under 02 AS 14.17.045; and 03 (4) the number of units for bilingual education determined under 04 AS 14.17.047. 05 * Sec. 2. AS 14.17.031 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 06 (c) In this section, "funding community" means 07 (1) all of the public schools within a city school district; 08 (2) all of the public schools within a borough school district; 09 (3) all of the public schools within a regional educational attendance 10 area; 11 (4) a high school and dependent schools outside of a city but located 12 within a borough school district or a regional educational attendance area; 13 (5) a public school with eight or more students in average daily 14 membership that cannot be reached by road from the funding community located 15 nearest to the public school; and 16 (6) a public school that is treated as a funding community by the 17 department on January 1, 1993, and that has at least eight or more students in average 18 daily membership.