HR 9: Protecting the lifestyle of pachyderms and other exotic animals.
00HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 9 01 Protecting the lifestyle of pachyderms and other exotic animals. 02 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: 03 WHEREAS elephants and certain other exotic animals are a form of the labor force, 04 provide entertainment, and are used for promotional events; and 05 WHEREAS there is no known documentation that the African elephant transmits 06 dangerous diseases to mankind; and 07 WHEREAS the children and other citizens of Alaska should not be deprived of an 08 opportunity to an education as part of the animal world; and 09 WHEREAS the state should promote good business relations and enhance educational 10 opportunities for visitors and residents to experience; and 11 WHEREAS a particular African elephant (Moxie) has been officially certified and 12 approved by the United States Department of Agriculture; and 13 WHEREAS Alaska is the only state in the union that includes elephants on the exotic 14 animal prohibition list;
01 BE IT RESOLVED that the House of Representatives respectfully requests the 02 Governor to ask the commissioner of fish and game to grant a second extension under an 03 educational permit; and be it 04 FURTHER RESOLVED that Moxie, a once orphaned elephant and star of television 05 and screen, should be permanently exempted from the exotic animal prohibition list; and be 06 it 07 FURTHER RESOLVED that any African elephant and certain other exotic animals 08 that enter the state for purposes of exhibition, entertainment, or education should be excluded 09 from the prohibited list.