HCR 20: Establishing a task force on schools on military bases.
00HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 20 01 Establishing a task force on schools on military bases. 02 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 03 WHEREAS schools located on Fort Richardson, Fort Wainwright, Fort Greeley, 04 Elmendorf Air Force Base, Eielson Air Force Base, Adak Naval Station, and the Kodiak Coast 05 Guard Support Center are operated by the local school district or rural educational attendance 06 area; and 07 WHEREAS the federal government owns most of these schools; and 08 WHEREAS most of these school buildings are significantly below building standards 09 when compared to other schools within these areas; and 10 WHEREAS the local school districts are expressly prohibited from conducting major 11 maintenance or selling general obligation bonds to raise money for these schools; and 12 WHEREAS the state has appropriated funds to provide for the maintenance of these 13 schools at a time when state revenue is in severe decline; and 14 WHEREAS the United States Department of Education, Office of Impact Aid, has
01 made a commitment to provide major assistance for school maintenance; and 02 WHEREAS schools on military bases in the state are the second highest national 03 priority of the United States Department of Education; and 04 WHEREAS repairs by the federal government may not begin for another two to three 05 years due to a federal program of resurveying maintenance needs at these schools, known as 06 the Dole Study; and 07 WHEREAS parents of children attending these schools believe their children could 08 receive better treatment and that federal officials have not been responsive to their concerns; 09 BE IT RESOLVED by the Alaska State Legislature that the Military Schools Task 10 Force is established for the purpose of examining options for repair and maintenance of 11 schools on military bases and to recommend necessary legislation; and be it 12 FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force shall consist of 12 members as follows: 13 (1) two members of the Senate appointed by the President of the Senate; 14 (2) two members of the House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker 15 of the House; 16 (3) the chair of the state Board of Education; 17 (4) two members representing school districts with schools on military bases 18 appointed by the Governor; 19 (5) one member representing the parent advocacy committee; 20 (6) the chief administrative officer of the Anchorage and Fairbanks school 21 districts; 22 (7) one member representing the United States Coast Guard appointed by the 23 United States Coast Guard; 24 (8) one member representing the United States Air Force appointed by the 25 United States Air Force; 26 (9) one member representing the United States Army appointed by the United 27 States Army; and be it 28 FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force shall report its preliminary findings and 29 recommendations to the Governor and the legislature by November 15, 1993, and shall submit 30 a final report to the Governor and the legislature by January 9, 1994; and be it 31 FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force is terminated on January 10, 1994.