HB 504: "An Act relating to sale of alcoholic beverages to military personnel who are guests in certain clubs."
00HOUSE BILL NO. 504 01 "An Act relating to sale of alcoholic beverages to military personnel who are 02 guests in certain clubs." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. AS 04.11.110(d) is amended to read: 05 (d) Alcoholic beverages sold under a club license may be purchased only by 06 (1) members of the club and their families, (2) widows or widowers of deceased 07 members who have been accorded club privileges, and (3) military personnel [IN 08 UNIFORM] on active duty who are extended the privilege by patriotic organizations 09 upon special occasions. Alcoholic beverages may be purchased only in the portion of 10 the club rooms that are part of the licensed premises.