HB 404: "An Act relating to the authority of the commissioner of natural resources to reconvey, or relinquish an interest in, land to the United States if that land or interest being reconveyed or relinquished is identified in an amended application for a land allotment under federal law and the original claim for an allotment described land that is now within, or managed as a unit of, the state park system."
00HOUSE BILL NO. 404 01 "An Act relating to the authority of the commissioner of natural resources to 02 reconvey, or relinquish an interest in, land to the United States if that land or 03 interest being reconveyed or relinquished is identified in an amended application 04 for a land allotment under federal law and the original claim for an allotment 05 described land that is now within, or managed as a unit of, the state park 06 system." 07 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 08 * Section 1. AS 38.05.020(b) is amended to read: 09 (b) The commissioner may 10 (1) establish reasonable procedures and adopt reasonable regulations 11 necessary to carry out this chapter and, whenever necessary, issue directives or orders 12 to the director to carry out specific functions and duties; regulations adopted by the 13 commissioner shall be adopted under AS 44.62 ( [THE] Administrative Procedure Act) 14 [(AS 44.62)]; orders by the commissioner classifying land, issued after January 3,
01 1959, are not required to be adopted under AS 44.62 ( [THE] Administrative 02 Procedure Act) [(AS 44.62)]; 03 (2) enter into agreements considered necessary to carry out the purposes 04 of this chapter, including agreements with federal and state agencies; 05 (3) review any order or action of the director; 06 (4) exercise the powers and do the acts necessary to carry out the 07 provisions and objectives of this chapter; 08 (5) notwithstanding the provisions of any other section of this chapter, 09 grant an extension of the time within which payments due on any lease or sale of state 10 land, minerals, or materials may be made, including payment of rental and royalties, 11 on a finding that compliance with the requirements is or was prevented by reason of 12 war, riots, or acts of God; 13 (6) classify tracts for agricultural uses and require the prequalification, 14 including the submission of conservation plans, development plans, or other plans, 15 schedules, or programs, of persons who apply to participate in an agricultural 16 development project under AS 44.33.475; 17 (7) waive, postpone, or otherwise modify the development requirements 18 of a contract for the sale of agricultural land if 19 (A) the land is inaccessible by road; and 20 (B) transportation, marketing, and development costs render the 21 required development uneconomic; 22 (8) reconvey or relinquish land or an interest in land to the federal 23 government if 24 (A) the land is described in an amended application for an 25 allotment under 43 U.S.C. 1617 and the land described in the original 26 application for an allotment is within or otherwise managed or subject to 27 management as a unit of the state park system; and 28 (B) the reconveyance or relinquishment is 29 (i) for the purposes provided in 43 U.S.C. 1617; and 30 (ii) in the best interests of the state.