SCS CSHB 358(L&C): "An Act allowing a mobile home owner to obtain a certificate of title from the Department of Public Safety."
00SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 358(L&C) 01 "An Act allowing a mobile home owner to obtain a certificate of title from the 02 Department of Public Safety." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. AS 28.10.201(b) is amended to read: 05 (b) The owner of a vehicle described in AS 28.10.011 as being exempt from 06 registration and the owner of a snowmobile or off-highway vehicle may not apply for, 07 nor may the department issue, a certificate of title for the [SUCH A] vehicle. 08 However, the department 09 (1) may issue a certificate of title to the owner of a vehicle exempt 10 from registration under AS 28.10.011(3), (6), (7), or (11) only upon application by that 11 owner; and 12 (2) may issue a certificate of title to the owner of a mobile home 13 upon application and payment of a fee of $100 by the owner; a certificate of title 14 issued under this paragraph must comply with AS 28.10.231.
01 * Sec. 2. AS 28.10.661 is amended to read: 02 Sec. 28.10.661. DEFINITIONS [DEFINITION OF DEALER]. In [UNLESS 03 OTHERWISE SPECIFICALLY DEFINED OR UNLESS THE CONTEXT 04 OTHERWISE REQUIRES, IN] this chapter and in regulations adopted under this 05 chapter, unless the context requires otherwise, 06 (1) "dealer" means a person engaged in the business of buying, selling, 07 or exchanging vehicles of a type required to be registered under this chapter and who 08 maintains a place of business or by word of mouth, advertising, or in any other manner 09 represents to be in the business of buying, selling, or exchanging vehicles; 10 (2) "vehicle" includes mobile homes for the purposes of provisions 11 relating to certificates of title.