HB 236: "An Act relating to newspapers of general circulation."
00HOUSE BILL NO. 236 01 "An Act relating to newspapers of general circulation." 02 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 03 * Section 1. AS 01.10.060 is amended by adding a new paragraph to read: 04 (15) "newspaper of general circulation" means a publication that 05 (A) is published in newspaper format; 06 (B) contains, in at least 25 percent of each issue, editorial 07 comments and news content that is of general interest in the relevant area, not 08 just to a particular part of the relevant area; has more than an insignificant 09 circulation throughout the relevant area; and for at least two years, has been 10 distributed at least once a week and for at least 50 weeks a year within the 11 relevant area, excluding a period when publication is interrupted by a labor 12 dispute or by a natural disaster, or other casualty that the publisher cannot 13 control; in this subparagraph, "relevant area" means the judicial district, 14 municipality, or other geographical area specified in or otherwise used in the
01 governing statute or regulation to determine where the publication, advertising, 02 or other activity is to be accomplished by using a newspaper of general 03 circulation; 04 (C) holds a second class mailing permit from the United States 05 Postal Service; 06 (D) is not published primarily to distribute advertising; 07 (E) is not intended primarily for a particular professional or 08 occupational group; and 09 (F) have a total paid circulation of at least 2,500 bona fide 10 subscribers. 11 * Sec. 2. AS 09.65 is amended by adding a new section to read: 12 Sec. 09.65.160. ACTION TO ESTABLISH NEWSPAPER STATUS. A person 13 who owns a publication may bring an action under AS 22.10.020(g) to establish that 14 the publication is a newspaper of general circulation under AS 01.10.060.