
HB 141: "An Act relating to the powers of the Board of Game and to intensive game management to achieve higher sustained yield for human harvest."

00HOUSE BILL NO. 141 01 "An Act relating to the powers of the Board of Game and to intensive game 02 management to achieve higher sustained yield for human harvest." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. AS 16.05.255(a) is amended to read: 05  (a) The Board of Game shall [MAY] adopt regulations it considers advisable 06 in accordance with AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act) to provide for the 07 management of game, and for intensive management of identified game species 08 to maintain or restore high levels of game populations to achieve higher sustained 09 yield for human harvest where the board has determined that consumptive use 10 of those game species is the preferred use, by [FOR] 11  (1) setting apart game reserve areas, refuges, and sanctuaries in the 12 water or on the land of the state over which it has jurisdiction, subject to the approval 13 of the legislature; 14  (2) establishing open and closed seasons and areas for the taking of

01 game; 02  (3) establishing the means and methods employed in the pursuit, 03 capture, and transport of game, including regulations, consistent with resource 04 conservation and development goals, establishing means and methods that may be 05 employed by persons with physical disabilities; 06  (4) setting quotas, bag limits, harvest levels, and sex, age, and size 07 limitations on the taking of game; 08  (5) classifying game as game birds, song birds, big game animals, fur 09 bearing animals, predators, or other categories; 10  (6) methods, means, and harvest levels necessary to control predation 11 and competition among game in the state; 12  (7) watershed and habitat improvement, and management, conservation, 13 protection, use, disposal, propagation, and stocking of game; 14  (8) prohibiting the live capture, possession, transport, or release of 15 native or exotic game or their eggs; 16  (9) establishing the times and dates during which the issuance of game 17 licenses, permits, and registrations and the transfer of permits and registrations between 18 registration areas and game management units or subunits is allowed; 19  (10) regulating sport hunting and subsistence hunting as needed for the 20 conservation, development, and utilization of game; 21  (11) requiring the department, within the department's ability, to 22 conduct intensive management programs to restore the abundance or productivity 23 of a game population as necessary to achieve human consumptive use goals of the 24 board in an area where the board has determined that 25  (A) depletion of the game population or reduction of the 26 productivity of the game population has occurred and may result in a 27 significant reduction in the allowable human harvest of the game 28 population; 29  (B) enhancement of abundance or productivity of the game 30 population is feasible; and 31  (C) the expected benefits to human consumptive use of the

01 game population justify intensive management. 02 * Sec. 2. AS 16.05.255 is amended by adding new subsections to read: 03  (e) The Board of Game may not significantly reduce the taking of a game 04 population under this section unless the board has previously adopted regulations 05 providing for the use of intensive management to increase the take of the game 06 population for human harvest. After adopting regulations providing for intensive 07 management of a game population subject to this subsection, the board may consider 08 and adopt regulations relating to development or regulation of access to the population 09 and to management of the population by customary adjustments in seasons, bag limits, 10 open and closed areas, methods and means, or by other customary means authorized 11 under (a) of this section. 12  (f) In this section, "intensive management" means management of a game 13 population to enhance, extend, and develop the game population to maintain high 14 levels or provide for higher levels of human harvest in accordance with the sustained 15 yield principle, including control of predation and prescribed or planned use of fire and 16 other habitat improvement techniques.